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Graduate Tracking: a Toolkit for MEPI Schools MEPI Annual Symposium August 7, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Tracking: a Toolkit for MEPI Schools MEPI Annual Symposium August 7, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Tracking: a Toolkit for MEPI Schools MEPI Annual Symposium August 7, 2013

2 Why Track Graduates? Medical School Career Outcomes Grants Inform policies Graduate Feedback Curriculum Graduate Contact Alumni giving MOH & Medical Councils Workforce Planning Physician Quality Regulation Continuing Education Public Health/ Emergency Response

3 MatriculationGraduation Post- Graduation Recruitment / Retention Rural/Urban background Intent Career plans Location Employment Quality of Education Feedback Grants Policies Curriculum Alumni Giving MOH/ Medical Councils Medical School Workforce Planning Physician Quality Emergency Response Graduate Tracking Opportunities

4 Session Objectives Understand efforts at the country and regional levels to establish systems for health professions tracking Examine current MEPI school graduate tracking activities, needs, and key stakeholders for success (small groups) Propose and prioritize graduate tracking activities and tools for allocation of resources and for implementation across MEPI schools

5 MEPI institutions expressing interest in Graduate Tracking 1.University of Botswana 2.AAU, Ethiopia 3.KNUST, Ghana 4.UEM, Mozambique 5.Ibadan & MEPIN, Nigeria 6.Stellenbosch University, South Africa 7.KCMC, Tanzania 8.MESAU, Uganda 9.University of Zambia 10.UZCHS, Zimbabwe

6 MEPI Graduate Tracking Activities Facilitate existing MEPI Graduate Tracking TWG becoming an active community of practice – starts today! Develop requirements for graduate tracking support through interviews and a workshop – this Fall Develop tools and resources based on requirements. These might include (but are not limited to): – Paper survey tools and guidance – Web and social media support for alumni networks – Graduate tracking database for use by schools (iHRIS) Support implementation of tools and resources.

7 WHAT IS ? Open source health workforce information software

8 iHRIS Manage is for health service delivery iHRIS Qualify is for health professional councils iHRIS Plan is for workforce planning and modeling iHRIS Retain helps plan and cost retention interventions iHRIS Train tracks pre- service and in-service training at national level

9 HRIS Strengthening Toolkit Country ownership & stakeholder leadership Assessment tools and procedures Data quality Capacity-building – technical – data demand and use Sustainability and continuous improvement strategies

10 15 countries + 8 in process

11 iHRIS & MEPI overlap

12 iHRIS global community 97 active participants in open source community Seven donors – USAID – CDC – Canada – DFID – EU – WHO – World Bank Seven implementers – IntraHealth – Abt – Baylor – EPOS – FSD – IMA – MSH All supporting nearly 600,000 health worker records

13 MINISTRY OF HEALTH THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA HRHIS Qualify (At The Medical, Pharmacy, Allied Health and Nurses And Midwives Council) Dr. Katumba Ssentongo Registrar Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council


15 Uganda Nursing Trainee Retention 1970-2009 (N=21,888)



18 UMDPC Reason for Leaving Uganda (2011)

19 Small Group Session (30 minutes) Please designate a note taker and reporter Questions: 1.What graduate tracking activities are your school currently engaged in? For example: surveys, social media, spreadsheets or databases of alumni information? 2.What do you do with the information from your graduate tracking activities? 3.What would help you with graduate tracking? What tools, systems, assistance do you need?

20 Prioritizing Resources and Identifying Areas for Collaboration Across MEPI 1.Prioritizing tools/systems/assistance to receive resources – 5 GREEN stickers – “Spend” your green stickers in any quantity on any of the tools, systems, or assistance areas (you can spend more than one sticker in one area) 2.Identifying Areas for Collaboration Across MEPI – 3 RED stickers – Assign 1 red sticker to each area you believe all MEPI schools should participate in (you do not need to use all stickers)

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