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Research project BAAV Michiel Bartels Hans Cleemput Edith Rutten Bob Van Reeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Research project BAAV Michiel Bartels Hans Cleemput Edith Rutten Bob Van Reeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research project BAAV Michiel Bartels Hans Cleemput Edith Rutten Bob Van Reeth

2 Content Research Problem Research Design Research Results Recommendations Segmentation

3 Research Problem “What consumer- and product offer characteristics determine a consumer’s intention to travel witch a coach? “

4 Research Questions Do people have a maximum distance they are willing to travel when using a coach? Do people find it important to travel at night? Does one of the difficult circumstances affect the likeliness to travel by coach? Is there a relation between the knowledge of the product offer and the usage of a coach? Does the price perception influence the usage of a coach ? Does the restriction level of guidance during a weekend/week or longer trip influence the usage of a coach? To which kinds of animation (for children or adults) on board of the coach attach adults (respondents) more importance?

5 Research Design

6 Descriptive research Internet survey 16 Questions 150 Respondents o Flanders o 17-55 Years old

7 Respondents




11 Research Results

12 Maximum Distance People do have a specific preference according to a maximum distance they are willing to travel.

13 Travel at night People are not indifferent on whether the coach drives at night. Question: Imagine that the coach drives to the intended destination at night. This factor has a positive influence on your decision to travel with a coach. Cross one option. Neither agree, Disagree nor disagree Agree Mean = 3,82 / 5

14 Difficult circumstances There are some circumstances more likely to positively affect the likeliness to travel by coach.

15 Animation on board of the coach The adults attach more importance to animation for their children instead of for themselves.

16 Recommendations

17 Do not offer trips > 1400 km Plan the trip mostly at night Target audience is most likely to travel by coach when the destination is a big city or an area with snow Focus in communication on advantages of a coach while travelling under these circumstances. Build out product offer of ski trips and city trips Animation for children, rather than animation for adults Price perception does not influence the intention to travel by coach. Do not focus on price in communication

18 Segmentation

19 “Do the population consists out of meaningful groups/segments for the examined context?” Segmentation based on the purchase intentions of different coach trips (=base variables)

20 Segmentation Low interested / High interested: short-term / High interested: long- term

21 Segmentation Interesting: Describe the different segments based on descriptor variables (f.e. age, gender, income,…) But: No significant descriptor variables.

22 Segmentation: Recommendations Three clusters: low interested, high interested: long term, high interested: short term Research could not define these clusters by demographic or psychographic variables But: Differentiate communication to three segments o F.e.: website: divide offer into long and short term trips, positioning of coach companies,…

23 Thank you for your attention.

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