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Presentation on theme: "MODULE SIX WORKING WITH CHARTS AND IMAGES Functional ICT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Working with text and images By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:  work with tables  select and edit images  add page borders and background colour  produce printouts You will learn how to :  create a table  format the table to aid understanding  select appropriate formatting tools to edit images  add features to images  combine text and images to produce print-outs that meet requirements

3 Recap- working with Word Why is it important to ensure that the text is an appropriate size ? Which three fonts are the best to use for ALL users? Bullets points are useful for ……..? Numbering is useful for ……..? When would you use a landscape layout? Arial, Comic Sans and Tahoma fonts are best for everyone including dyslexic users

4 Starter Task Task – you are required to create a word document that will detail religious holidays. Using the internet obtain information and images for three different religious holidays. Religions that must be included are :  Jewish  Sikh  One of your choice Information could be dates, reason for celebration and special customs. Make sure you record what website you obtained the information from as you will need it for a later task? 15 mins

5 Inserting tables A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables can be customized and are useful for various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data. In this lesson, you will learn how to convert text to a table, apply table styles, format tables, and create blank tables

6 To Insert a Blank Table: 1. Place your insertion point in the document where you want the table to appear. 2. Select the Insert tab. 3. Click the Table command. 4. Hover your mouse over the diagram squares to select the number of columns and rows in the table. 5. Click your mouse, and the table appears in the document. 6. You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table to add text.

7 Convert Existing Text to a Table To Convert Existing Text to a Table: 1.Select the text you wish to convert. 2. Select the Insert tab. 3. Click the Table command. 4. Select Convert Text to Table from the menu. A dialog box will appear. 5. Choose one of the options in the Separate text at: section. This is how Word knows what text to put in each column. 6. Select option and press OK.

8 Adding rows and columns To Add a Row Above an Existing Row: 1. Place the insertion point in a row below the location where you wish to add a row. 2. Right-click the mouse. A menu appears. 3. Select Insert Rows Above. To Add a Column: 1. Place the insertion point in a column adjacent to the location you wish the new column to appear. 2. Right-click the mouse. A menu will appear. 3. Select Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right. A new column appears. To delete a row or column –select delete cells instead of insert

9 Inserting images Inserting Images Insert tab Clip art or Picture Inserting Clip Art Select image Select clip art

10 Borders and page colour Borders can be added to word documents to improve the ‘look’ of a document or selected text.

11 Creating tables and inserting images Task : Open a new word document and using the information that you collected in the starter task, create a table, add a page border and change the page colour. Ensure that you have used column headings and the information has been arranged in a suitable way. Include a column with an image and the web address that you obtained the information from. Extension task – once you have completed the table attempt to format the style of the table. 15 mins 15 mins

12 Session and Homework Complete Module 6 – Working with Word handbook and demonstrate them to me.


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