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Navigating the World of eLearning. Topics The Basics Buzz Words The Tools LMS Authoring tools Creating e-Learning Learning Theories Getting Started Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating the World of eLearning. Topics The Basics Buzz Words The Tools LMS Authoring tools Creating e-Learning Learning Theories Getting Started Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating the World of eLearning

2 Topics The Basics Buzz Words The Tools LMS Authoring tools Creating e-Learning Learning Theories Getting Started Q&A

3 eLearning: The Basics

4 What is E-Learning? (and how to spell it?) The process of human learning occurring via technology-assisted means

5 The Basics Where does e-Learning happen? SynchronousAsynchronous

6 The Basics What does it look like?

7 How might a nonprofit use eLearning? New hire training (internal) Program-specific training (internal) Community partner training (external) Volunteer training (external),

8 E-Learning Benefits Reduce travel costs Reduce the time in training (vs. classroom-based) 24x7 access Consistent delivery every time Global/multi-language deployment though an LMS Ability to access on mobile devices such as laptops or tablets Access to a wider audience

9 E-Learning Challenges Isolation Poor design Lack of access/accessibility Health related concerns Doesn’t work for all types of training

10 Buzz Words

11 Blended Learning + =

12 SCORM & AICC SCORM: “Sharable Content Object Reference Model” Established by US DoD ADL in 1997 Accessibility, durability, interoperability and reusability AICC: “Aviation Industry CBT Committee” Started in 1988, and has evolved since Two standards still exist today because different organizations had different needs

13 SCORM & AICC  Communicates with LMS Tracking a user’s performance in a course Bookmarking (resume where you left off) Tracks time in course, completion, etc.  Vendor independence  Reusability of content What are the benefits?

14 Hot Topics Mobile Learning / Wearable Learning Micro-Learning Personalization Video Gamification / badging Training for Profit MOOCs Travel with your training record

15 Formal vs. Informal Learning Learning happens all the time…

16 Non-formal Learning Various structured situations swimming lessons community-based programs professional conferences & continuing education

17 eLearning Technology

18 eLearning Ecosystem Learning management (LMS) server eLearning course delivered to learner Learner takes course Status, score, time and answers to individual questions is sent back to the LMS

19 Creating eLearning Getting from......

20 Creating eLearning An Authoring Tool: Integrates an array of media to create professional, engaging and interactive training content Is separate software than the LMS Its output (courses) communicates with the LMS using AICC/SCORM

21 Creating Virtual Webinar content Webinar Tools: Video and audio (phone or VOIP) Shared screens and presentations Interactions and chat Access to recordings

22 Common Tools Authoring Systems: Articulate Storyline Camtasia Lectora Online Adobe Captivate Webinar Tools: Webex Adobe Connect GoTo Meetings

23 Learning Management Systems (LMS) Content ‘agnostic’ Allows for: Distribution of courses (internal and external) Manage and group users Tracking & Reporting Normally priced per user. Prices vary greatly Often includes ‘informal learning’ features Sometimes integrated with Talent and Performance management systems DO NOT BUILD YOUR OWN

24 LMSs You May Know Moodle Blackboard SumTotal Docebo Edmodo Cornerstone OnDemand

25 Are You Ready?

26 Learning Theory

27 Theories to consider Humanistic Cognitive Constructivist Multimedia

28 Are You Ready?

29 Are you ready?: Considerations Who is your audience? Who is doing the work? Internal creation External creation What is your budget: Media Cost for software (Authoring Tool) Cost for Learning Management System Who will care and feed the system? Administration How will you communicate/market your courses?

30 Getting Started Make E-learning an organizational priority Identify an internal champion Catalog your existing assets-you may have more than you think! Start Small Fully understand your audience, their needs, capabilities and tech access Start small – pilot and get feedback Know what content is disposable, what is not Set metrics and targets Start with the content- LMS can wait Explore free resources

31 31

32 eLearning In Action

33 Organization: Based in Chicago, IL Operating Budget: $50M ~300 FTEs Pre-eLearning… Runs several early education-focused programs Spent several years developing a robust strategic plan to scale programs nationally – Home Visiting program to be first Developed a well-respected training facility in Illinois. Training 95% of local HV market MISSION: Providing all children with quality early childhood experiences in the first 5 years of life The Ounce of Prevention

34 Now… Offer a bundled curriculum of self-paced e-learning, webinars, ILT, communities Offer training payment in a variety of ways 2-Year Target: 2500 Home Visitors trained 5-Year Target: 6000 trained (21% of market) Spotlight: The Ounce of Prevention Dramatically expand the reach of their programs Maintain the high-touch nature of their training Using as a model to scale other programs nationally

35 Spotlight: The Ounce of Prevention

36 Organization: Based in Charleston, SC Operating Expenses: $1.7M 12 FTEs Pre-eLearning… Developed training proven to be effective o Primarily instructor-led, train-the-trainer o Developed a very basic e-learning course Had a rapidly expanding partner base Used an LMS that was expensive and buggy, couldn’t support growing demand MISSION: End child sexual abuse Spotlight: Darkness to Light

37 Now… Launch brand-new online child sexual abuse prevention and response training program Offer course at no cost, or large discount, through 2015 2-Year Impact: 200,000 professionals trained 5-Year Impact: 1 Million trained Manage registrations, credit card processing & reporting via one system Allow for group administrators to manage their own students

38 Spotlight: Darkness to Light

39 http://www.csodfoundation.org Evaluation Survey: Collaboration Notes:

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