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 Enter in the search  Log-in through a valid Gmail account (or create a Gmail account if you don’t have one)  Then click.

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Presentation on theme: " Enter in the search  Log-in through a valid Gmail account (or create a Gmail account if you don’t have one)  Then click."— Presentation transcript:


2  Enter in the search  Log-in through a valid Gmail account (or create a Gmail account if you don’t have one)  Then click New Blog to create a new blog

3  Now it is time create your blog. First type a title for the blog.  Then create a web address  Finally, choose a template (design) from the ones given to you as choices.  Click “create blog” to start your blog page.

4  To make your first blog post: Click the edit button  Then, type a post title in the box at the top.  Below you can type your blog post about any topic that you choose.

5  Click on the add picture button to choose a picture to add to your page. You may then move the picture above, below, or to the side of your text.

6  After you have finished editing your post and adding any pictures, you can post it by clicking the publish button at the top of the page. Once you have done this, your new post is on the Internet.  Other people can now go on to your page and comment on any of your posts. If you see comments below a post, you should comment back for quality interaction.

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