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Earth Systems 3209 Unit 2: Historical Geography (14 classes)

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Systems 3209 Unit 2: Historical Geography (14 classes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Systems 3209 Unit 2: Historical Geography (14 classes)

2 Unit 2 Outline Uniformatarianism Vs. Catastrophism Relative Vs. Absolute time Core Lab 1: Interpreting geologic events Absolute Dating Unit 2 STSE: Absolute Dating CBC Doc: Canadian shield Unit 2 Quiz Fossils Core Lab 2: Estimating Dinosaur size Geologic time scale Unit 2 Test


4 Question! Where these mountains (Himalayan) formed quickly or slowly? Why?

5 Question! Did the dinosaurs mass extinction happen quickly or slowly? Why?

6 So do Geologic events happen Quickly? or Slowly?

7 Catastrophism Is a concept popular in the 1700-1800’s which states that earth’s landscapes had been shaped primarily by great disasters or catastrophes (floods, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc.) James Ussher: Anglican Arch Bishop and scholar attempted to fit the rate of change of Earth processes into a relatively young aged Earth. ** Unknown causes which were fast

8 James Hutton Scottish Geologist after years of studying landforms and rocks “ the present is the key to the past” and “that, the physical, chemical, biological laws that operate today to shape Earth also operated in the past.”

9 Uniformitarianism two key concepts; 1) the geologic processes at work today were also active in the past. 2) the present physical features of Earth were formed by these same processes, at work over long periods of time.

10 So is one right and one wrong? Not necessarily, some geologic events can be explained by catastrophes, wile other through uniformitarianism

11 Question! How would the ideas of Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism explain the formation of the Hymalayas?

12 Dating geologic events

13 how old are you? Quantitative measurements: describing something using numbers how old are you? (use quantitative) Example: He is 14.5 years old

14 how old are you? Qualitative measurments: Describing something using words. Can you describe your age without using any numbers at all? How?

15 Absolute time Identifies the actual date of an event, & pinpoints the exact time in history when something took place. For example, the extinction of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago and the age of Earth is approximately 4.6 Billion years.


17 . Relative time Attempts to place events in a sequence of formation, but does not identify their actual date of occurrence. Comparing events to each other often does this. Can’t tell us how long ago something happened; only that it followed one event and preceded another.


19 Work in groups answer questions on Handout

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