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Quest Atlantis 1 Hour Review. Students complete consent forms. Teachers will need to check off the Teacher-Consent box in the Teacher Toolkit so the student.

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1 Quest Atlantis 1 Hour Review

2 Students complete consent forms. Teachers will need to check off the Teacher-Consent box in the Teacher Toolkit so the student account is activated. Students can begin using the program as soon as teachers have a complete consent form from their students. However, teachers need to send the original forms to QA within 60 days or the accounts will be temporarily deactivated. Teachers can send them directly to: Stephanie Scharf Quest Atlantis Indiana University 1900 East 10th Street Eigenmann Hall, room 534 Bloomington, IN 47406 Send me an email and I will create a class for you. Teachers will need to register new students or enter existing questers in their class. Teachers should review the I-BURST rules with their students. Talk about classroom and QA expectations and behaviors when chatting in the 3D world. This will save you time and trouble later on!

3 There are two new introductory missions called “Light the Arch, Wake the World” and “Unlocking (a particular Social Commitment)”, which are automatically assigned. The students must complete these missions before they can start any quest you assign them. When students start, they will start off in a red transparent mode. They will see a sign that says “Click Here If You See This Sign” This is QA’s way of checking if they have the latest version of Active World downloaded. If students don’t see the blue sign, it means that they have the older version. The latest version will need to be uploaded. They can get this from the QA website, The students will then create their avatar. They do this prior to actually beginning the program. Once they do, the walls come down and they can move around. Students will meet Maq in their first mission and learn about the backstory of QA through a new comic embedded in game. Students will also take a short interactive quiz to learn which Social Commitment best suits them, and they’ll be directed to complete this mission in a land called Aegea. They will meet the emissary and teen council member associated with the commitment and will do some activities in Aegea to help in that commitment.

4 After the Social Commitment mission, they will meet OTAK first in the cave, and then, on the top of the mountain where they will get their Shardflower. After this, they meet the monkeys in the I-BURST cave, and lastly, return to Maq to complete the intro. This intro takes approximately 1-2 class periods, but be sure to discuss the “Light The Arch, Wake The World” guide with your students about the experiences. That’s the best way that you can get kids to make the important connections. Use the “Light The Arch, Wake The World” guide and the “Social Commitment Emissaries” to help you make these connections.“Light The Arch, Wake The World” guide“Social Commitment Emissaries” Returning classes that did not complete the old intro missions will be redirected to complete the entire new trajectory, essentially resetting their accounts. This goes for the old Epic missions as well. If your students have not completed all of them, they will be reset and they can do these new Epic missions. If students have completed the old intro in its entirety, then they will be sent to Maq to learn about the new comic and meet the teen emissaries, but they will not have to go through the entire intro. They can, however, redo any of the Social Commitment missions that they like, helping them to earn more lumins.

5 Students, teachers and principals only need to sign one consent form, if that form was signed after January 2009. Repeating students and veteran teachers and principals do not have to sign the consent forms year after year. Informed Consent Package for Students (in English) Informed Consent Package for Students (in Spanish) Informed Consent Form for Teachers Principal Consent Form Student Intro Guide How To Use The Teacher Toolkit 2010 – 11 QA Comic “Light The Arch, Wake The World” guide Social Commitment Emissaries

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