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Che cosa fai di mattina? Capitolo sei, verbi riflessivi.

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Presentation on theme: "Che cosa fai di mattina? Capitolo sei, verbi riflessivi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Che cosa fai di mattina? Capitolo sei, verbi riflessivi

2 Che cose sono? Lavarsi: to wash oneself Pettinarsi: to brush one’s hair Arrabbiarsi: oneself feels angry Farsi la doccia: one takes a shower Lavarsi i denti: to brush one’s teeth etc

3 Quando? A reflexive verb (verbi riflessivi) is a verb where the subject and direct object are the same within a sentence or phrase. For example: “I wash myself.” Where is the subject in this sentence? How do we find the direct object? (DO)

4 Direct Object The “who” or “what” of a sentence. ex. “Last week I bought a new shirt.” Where is the subject in this sentence? The direct object?

5 Perche? We can use these reflexive, or –si forms of a verb to describe our day-to-day routines. What are some activities that you do or tasks that you complete on your own throughout the day? Parlate con suo compagno di faccia! (uno minuto)

6 Esempi “Mi rado ogni mattina.” “I shave every morning.” “Noi ci svegliamo alle sei.” “We wake up at 6.” “Ti trucci molto?” “Do you put on makeup a lot?”

7 Le Domande Quando ti lavi? Quando ti metti i vestiti? Quando ti alzi? Come si senti oggi? (how do you feel today?) Perche mi sbaglio? (why am I wrong?)

8 Come? Step 1: Chop off the –arsi, -ersi, -irsi Step 2: add your reflexive pronoun Io-mi Noi-ci Tu-ti Voi-vi Lui/lei-siLoro-si Step 3: Conjugate !

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