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Quiz By: Tabitha Ginger. How to play! *multiple choice *pick your answer, if wrong you can pick till your right.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz By: Tabitha Ginger. How to play! *multiple choice *pick your answer, if wrong you can pick till your right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz By: Tabitha Ginger

2 How to play! *multiple choice *pick your answer, if wrong you can pick till your right

3 What is Hot Topic? A.a restauranta restaurant B.a storea store C.a pie shopa pie shop D.nothing in existencenothing in existence

4 Wrong

5 Right

6 When was it established? A.19901990 B.19881988 C.19601960 D.19951995

7 Wrong

8 Right

9 Do they play music in all there stores? A. YesYes B. NoNo C. MaybeMaybe D. None of the aboveNone of the above

10 Wrong

11 Right

12 What are they known for? A.What they sellWhat they sell B.The people that work thereThe people that work there C.Their musicTheir music D.None of the aboveNone of the above

13 Wrong

14 Right

15 What do they sell? A.Make-upMake-up B.ClothesClothes C.ShoesShoes D.All of the above and moreAll of the above and more

16 Wrong

17 Right

18 Do they sell food? A. YesYes B. NoNo C. MaybeMaybe D. None of the aboveNone of the above

19 Wrong

20 Right

21 Do they have CDs there? A. YesYes B. NoNo C. MaybeMaybe D. None of the aboveNone of the above

22 Wrong

23 Right

24 Can you get bows and other accessories? A. Yes Yes B. NoNo C. MaybeMaybe D. None of the aboveNone of the above

25 Wrong

26 Right

27 Do they have piercings? A. YesYes B. NoNo C. MaybeMaybe D. None of the aboveNone of the above

28 Wrong

29 Right

30 Where is it? A.All over the worldAll over the world B.AmericaAmerica C.America to Puerto RicoAmerica to Puerto Rico D.EuropeEurope

31 Wrong

32 Right

33 How many stores are there? A.1010 B.1,0001,000 C.70,00070,000 D. Over 60,000Over 60,000

34 Wrong

35 Right

36 Why was it made? A.a new hot topic was neededa new hot topic was needed B. just because…just because… C. made for a certain type of peoplemade for a certain type of people

37 Wrong

38 Right

39 What type of people go to Hot Topic? A.EmosEmos B. gothsgoths C. wanna-beswanna-bes D. all of the aboveall of the above

40 Wrong

41 Right

42 What kind of person goes to Hot Topic? A.BoysBoys B. girlsgirls C. bothboth

43 Wrong

44 Right

45 What age group goes? A.1-51-5 B. 6-106-10 C. 11-1811-18 D. 19-3019-30

46 Wrong

47 Right

48 Where can you find it? A.EverywhereEverywhere B. at the mallat the mall C. as a normal (on its own) storeas a normal (on its own) store

49 Wrong

50 Right

51 Congratulations you finally finished !!!!

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