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Epistle to the Romans PAUL’S THEOLOGICAL LEGACY. KEYS TO THE GOOD LIFE Good Judgement vs Bad Judgement “No Raisin’” Broken Lives Psychological Help.

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Presentation on theme: "Epistle to the Romans PAUL’S THEOLOGICAL LEGACY. KEYS TO THE GOOD LIFE Good Judgement vs Bad Judgement “No Raisin’” Broken Lives Psychological Help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epistle to the Romans PAUL’S THEOLOGICAL LEGACY

2 KEYS TO THE GOOD LIFE Good Judgement vs Bad Judgement “No Raisin’” Broken Lives Psychological Help

3 SIN LEADS TO DEATH Wednesday Homosexual Racist murders Reporter and Cameraman on live TV and Posts Video online before committing Suicide.

4 HOUSTON DEPUTY MURDERED “Darren Goforth, 47, was fatally shot by a gunman who opened fire on him from behind at a Chevron station at around 8:20 p.m. Friday, police said. Shannon J. Miles, 30, of Houston, was arrested Saturday and charged with capital murder.”

5 “Bill O’Reilly believes that the lack of spirituality is one of the main causes of the rise in murders. He believes all the recent murderers are nihilists, who believe in nothing but their own desires.”

6 THEME The Book of Romans "overwhelms the reader by the density and sublimity of the topic with which it deals, the gospel of the justification and salvation of Jew and Greek alike by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, revealing the uprightness and love of God the Father.“ - Joseph Fitzmyer

7 MOST IMPORTANT OF NT “…Romans is the most important book theologically in the whole New Testament, being as close to a systematic presentation of Christian theology as will be found in God’s word. – Wm MacDonald

8 MOST INFLUENTIAL Augustine converted reading Romans 13:13, 14. Martin Luther understanding meaning of God’s righteousness and that “the just shall live by faith.” Romans 15:17

9 IMPACTED MANY GODLY MEN John Wesley received assurance of salvation hearing preface to Luther’s commentary on Romans. “When anyone understands this Epistle, he has a passage opened to him to the understanding of the whole Scripture.” – John Calvin

10 AUTHORSHIP …Today no responsible criticism disputes its Pauline origin. The evidence of its use in the Apostolic Fathers is clear, and before the end of the second century it is listed and cited as Paul's. Every extant early list of NT books includes it among his letters. – C.E.B. Cranfield

11 MORE EVIDENCE OF PAUL’S AUTHORSHIP The internal evidence for Pauline authorship is very strong as well. The theology, vocabulary, and spirit are all distinctively Paul’s. …What is most convincing, perhaps, is the large number of casual coincidences with the book of Acts… - Wm MacDonald

12 DATE OF WRITING Written after 1 & 2 Corinthians since collection being gathered discussed in those letters is now ready to be taken to Jerusalem. Most scholars think written while Paul was in Corinth about 56 A.D.

13 BACKGROUND Paul had not been to Rome at the time of writing 26 years after Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. Paul reached Rome in 60 A.D. as a prisoner.

14 THEMES To the unsaved it offers clear explanation of sinful & lost condition and God’s righteous plan for their redemption. New Christians learn their ID with Christ and victory through Holy Spirit. Mature Believers delight in Christian truth: doctrinal, prophetic and practical.

15 QUESTIONS ADDRESSED 1. What is subject of letter? 1:1,9,15,16. 2. What is the gospel. 1:1-17 3. Why do men need the gospel? 1:18-3:20 4. How can ungodly sinners be justified by a Holy God? 3:21-31 5. Does gospel agree w OT? 4:1- 25

16 MORE QUESTIONS ADDRESSED 6. What are the benefits of justification in the believer’s life? 5:1-21 7. Does salvation by grace through faith permit or encourage sinful living? 6:1-23 8. What is relationship of the Christian to the law? 7:1-25

17 MORE QUESTIONS 9. How is the Christian enable to live a holy life? 8:1-39 10. Has God broken His promises to the nation of Israel? 9:1-11:36 11. How should those who have been justified by grace respond in everyday life? 12:1-16-27

18 OUTLINE OF THE EPISTLE I Doctrinal: The Gospel of God (Chapters 1-8) A. Introduction to the Gospel (1:1-15) B. Gospel Defined (1:16-17) C. Universal Need for Gospel (1:18-3:20) D. Basis and Terms of Gospel (3:21-31) E. Harmony of Gospel w OT (Chap 4) F. Practical Benefits of Gospel (5:1-11) G Triumph of Christ’s Work over Sin (5:12- 21)

19 OUTLINE CONTINUED H. Gospel’s way to Holy Living (Chap 6) I. The Law in the Christian’s Life (Chap 7) J. Holy Spirit as Power for Holy Living (Chap 8) II Dispensational: The Gospel & Israel (Chap 9-11) Israel’s Past (Chap 9) Israel’s Present (Chap 10) Israel’s Future (Chap 11)

20 OUTLINE CONTINUED III. Dutiful: The Gospel Lived Out (Chaps 12-16) A. In Personal Consecration (12:1,2) B. In Serving through Spiritual Gifts (12: 3- 8) C. In Relation to Society (12:9-21) D. In Relation to Government (13:1-7) E. In Relation to the Future (13:8-14) F. In Relation to Other Christians (14:1- 15:13)

21 OUTLINE CONTINUED G. In Paul’s Plans (15:14-33) H. In Appreciation Recognition of Others (Chap 16)

22 LET’S LEARN FROM PAUL Doctrinal Foundation Theological Foundation Practical Foundation

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