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Ch 13 sec 3  Northern Europe consists of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.  As people groups moved into Northern.

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2 Ch 13 sec 3

3  Northern Europe consists of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.  As people groups moved into Northern Europe, they pushed the original inhabitants to the edges of the area.

4  The Romans came and pushed the Celts out of the region, and then Germanic tribes continued pushing them northward.  Starting in about 795, the Norsemen, or Vikings, began to raid coastal villages and to conquer areas from Russia to Canada.

5  They also settled in Normandy, and in 1066 William the Conqueror left there and took over England.  Nordic countries never built empires, but England built a huge empire that influenced much of the world. They started with the British Isles and spread out from there.

6  The fact that it was an island helped protect Britain from invasion, and it built a strong navy to protect its empire.  British culture and language spread because of its empire, which was said that “the sun never set on the British empire.”

7  The two major effects the British had on the world were ideas on government and the industrial revolution.  The British were the first to put a limit on the power of a king with the Magna Carta. They later added the English Bill of Rights that put further limits on the king.

8  The Bill of Rights also gave power to the British Parliament, which allowed for representative government. Representatives were elected by the people to run the government for them.  Other countries also developed parliaments, with Iceland having the oldest parliament in the world.

9  The British also have abundant natural resources that allowed for the industrial revolution to start there.  They tried to keep other countries from industrializing, but eventually others in Europe and the United States would develop industries as well.

10  Britain has been involved in world affairs, including both world wars. Other countries in Northern Europe have mostly stayed out of international affairs.  After WW2, many of Britain’s colonies became independent, and conflicts arose in Ireland, which split into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

11  There are many industries and technologies in Northern Europe. There are also abundant natural resources that are exploited by the countries.  The high-tech industry is centered in Northern Europe, as well as auto and aerospace industries.  Many of the countries are a part of the European Union, but Norway is not.

12  The countries are not very diverse in their populations. Britain is due to its empire and being an economic center.  Most of the countries are Protestant, with only Ireland remaining Catholic.

13  The nations in Northern Europe are socialist, where the government provides services for the people. As a result, these countries also have high taxes.  Winter sports are very popular, as well as hunting and equestrian sports. Many of the activities that the British participate in have spread because of its empire.

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