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5 Themes of Geography  Used as a way to organize what Geographers study 1. Location 2. Place 3. Region 4. Movement 5. Human-Environment Interaction 5.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes of Geography  Used as a way to organize what Geographers study 1. Location 2. Place 3. Region 4. Movement 5. Human-Environment Interaction 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Themes of Geography  Used as a way to organize what Geographers study 1. Location 2. Place 3. Region 4. Movement 5. Human-Environment Interaction 5 Themes Song

2 1. LOCATION  Where some place or someone is A. Absolute location- a latitude and longitude (global location) or a street address (local location) Broken Arrow is 36.0364° N latitude, 95.7836° W longitude SMS is 2701 S Elm Pl Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Kabul Afghanistan is 34.5333° N latitude, 69.1667° E longitude B. Relative location-are described by landmarks, time direction, distance from one place to another - multiple things could possibly be there Ex: next to McDonald’s, on Main St., corner of 61 st & Mingo 5 Themes of Geography

3 refers to the features that define an area and make a place unique A. Physical Characteristics - mountains, rivers, wildlife, soil B. Human characteristics - ideas and actions of people, result in changes to the environment - buildings, roads, clothing and food habits 2. PLACE 5 Themes of Geography

4 3. REGION  areas that share at least one common characteristic  Political-based on actual boundaries set by the government  Example?  Physical-based on physical features  Example?  Cultural-based on culture traits  Example?  Traits = Language, religion, race, holidays, etc. 5 Themes of Geography

5 4. MOVEMENT looks at why and how people, things, and ideas move  Ex. Many American Indians traveled from the southeast United States to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears  Ex. Many Nike shoes are made in Chinese factories & shipped to other countries  Ex. Playing Xbox Live with a kid from Switzerland 5 Themes of Geography

6 5. HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION  how and why people interact with their environment  How we depend on the environment  How we modify the environment  How we adapt to the environment 5 Themes of Geography











17 Map of where French is spoken






23 Right Side Activity  Apply each of the 5 elements to your school by writing a sentence explaining how your example is related to each theme.  Location  1 absolute & 1 relative  Place  1 example  Regions  2 examples  Movement  1 example  HEI  2 examples

24 Activity (Possible Answers)  Location  The absolute location of SMS is 2701 S Elm Pl Broken Arrow, OK 74012  The relative location of the SMS is on Elm Street across from the fire station.  Place  SMS is under construction and has the best teachers in the whole world.  Regions  The SMS students come from ________________________ elementary schools.  Several culture regions can be found at SMS such as Asian Americans, Spanish speakers, Catholics, etc.  Movement  Students at SMS get to school via bus, car, or walking.  Human-Environment Interaction  Land had to be cleared in order to build the U 6/7.  On cold days or whenever they come to Mrs. Neel’s room, students at SMS wear jackets or coats.  Students have to dress out for PE

25 Five Themes Group Project  Write each group member’s name on your construction paper.  Look through a National Geographic magazine & select 5 pictures that you think represents each of the 5 Themes.  Glue these pictures onto your group’s construction paper. Label which picture goes with which theme.  Write a short summary below each picture that explains why you think the picture goes with a particular theme.

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