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Mr. Kelly Room 2204 General + Pre-AP Biology. Explain how the classroom will run Most efficient use of time.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Kelly Room 2204 General + Pre-AP Biology. Explain how the classroom will run Most efficient use of time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Kelly Room 2204 General + Pre-AP Biology

2 Explain how the classroom will run Most efficient use of time.

3 Because I know you want to know…

4 It’s something I always wanted to be. People encouraged me to be a teacher. I really wish to do something with my life where I know I can make a difference. I love what I do!

5 I arrive in the morning around 7 AM (see me or send an email) My email: (you can find this on syllabus)

6 Faraway (?) places I’ve gone to: Phoenix, Arizona Los Angeles, California Niagara Falls, Canada Denver, Colorado

7 Some movies I think are worth watching: The Imitation Game The Help The Blind Side Selma

8 ~author unknown Welcome to Biology! You can all succeed in this class, and I will help you, because you are an important part of my life!

9 This will be a more interesting way to learn even more about me!

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