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Restrictions regarding import to the EU. Import to EU cigarettes 200 cigarettes or 100 small cigarres or 50 cigars or 250 g tobacco.

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Presentation on theme: "Restrictions regarding import to the EU. Import to EU cigarettes 200 cigarettes or 100 small cigarres or 50 cigars or 250 g tobacco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restrictions regarding import to the EU

2 Import to EU cigarettes 200 cigarettes or 100 small cigarres or 50 cigars or 250 g tobacco

3 Import to EU alcohol 1 liter alcohol with more than 22 % vol. or 2 liters of alcoholic drinks with max 22 % vol. or 4 liters of wine and 16 liters of beer

4 Import to EU fuel 10 liter fuel

5 Import to EU animals and plants group A: protection of species – not group B, C, D: only with strong controls

6 Import to EU Medicine Ensure quality, efficiency and harmlessness

7 Import to EU Chemical products –Ban for goods containing mercury, e.g. PCB (Polychlorierte Biphenyle) and PCT (Polycyclohexandimethylenterephthalat )

8 Import to EU Narcotics and drugs –fight illegal import –Official certificate for medically prescribed narcotics

9 Import to EU Food –No toxic substances or pesticides –Danger of bacteria and viruses –No genetically modified products

10 Import to EU Pirated and counterfeit products – importers are running the risk of being fined

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