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ECE 445 Electronic Shoe Sizing Device Group 43: Robert McDonald, Eric Ayala, Siyan Guo May 3 rd, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 445 Electronic Shoe Sizing Device Group 43: Robert McDonald, Eric Ayala, Siyan Guo May 3 rd, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 445 Electronic Shoe Sizing Device Group 43: Robert McDonald, Eric Ayala, Siyan Guo May 3 rd, 2016

2 Introduction: About our Project Goal: Design an automated foot sizing device to get more accurate and consistent results than the Brannock device (standard device used in shoe stores)

3 Electronic Shoe Sizing Device

4 Objectives  Obtain accurate foot measurements  Create a simple user interface for customer to control the device  Safety features will be implemented

5 Block Diagram

6 Micro-Controller  16 Analog Inputs  54 Digital Inputs among which 15 can be used as PWM Inputs Arduino Mega 2560

7 Force Sensors  5 force sensors adhere to padding on the walls to halt wall movement 2 square sensors for length walls 2 circular for ball of foot object 1 strip sensor for width wall FSR 406 FSR 400 FSR 408

8 Distance Sensors  3 distance sensors embedded to the walls  Accuracy within 3 mm error at a range of 8 cm to 40 cm HC-SR04

9 Sensors and Limit Switches Length Force SensorLimit SwitchesWidth Force Sensor

10 Sensor Data Distance sensor data Force sensor data for 20 g weight

11 Initial Mechanical Design

12 Final Mechanical Design

13 Motor Controller  Motor Operations:  Starting and stopping the DC motor  Selecting forward and reverse operation  Regulating speed  Protection against faults that include overlap (shoot through)

14 Motor Controller Schematic

15 Final PCB Boards

16 Motors  Utilizes (4) 12 V DC gear motors  Uses PWM for speed control  Average wait time around 10 seconds  Approximately 5 A stall current

17 Motor RPM Calculation  Get RPM for 10 second wait time  Average foot length: 22 cm, 40 cm - 22 cm = 18 cm  (18 cm)/(10 s) = 1.8 cm/s speed of wall  Screw spacing on lead screw is about 3 mm  (1.8 cm/s) / (.3 cm/rotation)=6 RPS =360 RPM

18 Comparison of Torque Original motors: Final motors:

19 Choice of Motors Lynxmotion PGHM-01: ●Less than 5 A stall current ●1120 g-cm nominal torque ●300 RPM with no load

20 Wi-Fi Module  Access Point  3.3 V  115200 baud rate  Accept command in Serial interface ESP8266

21 Software  Data Collection  Data Analysis  Display

22 Data Collection  PuTTY terminal for user input  MCU gather sensor data

23 Data Analysis

24 Display  PuTTY terminal on Cellphone

25 Conclusion and Further Work  Fail to integrate as a whole  Arduino input buffer not being cleared - caused unexpected movement  Future work - get around input buffer  Future work - modify walls and modify padding  Future work – create app

26 Thank you to: Professor Jonathan Makela Mr. Dave Switzer (Machine Shop) TA: Benjamin Eng Zitao Liao Jackson Lenz Braedon Salz

27 Citations  "WiFi Module - ESP8266." - WRL-13678. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.  "12VDC, 300rpm Planetary Gear Motor PGHM-01." Robotshop. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2016.  "Interlink Electronics." Interlink Electronics. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.  "HC-SR04 Datasheet." HC-SR04 Datasheet. Elec Freaks, n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.

28 Thank You!

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