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Protecting Yourself From Bloodborne Pathogens By Frank Taylor, CSP.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Yourself From Bloodborne Pathogens By Frank Taylor, CSP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Yourself From Bloodborne Pathogens By Frank Taylor, CSP

2 AGENDA Bloodborne Pathogens What & Where are they? Viruses = Hepatitis, HIV & Ebola Routes of entry Protecting yourself Ebola Update

3 Pathogens 4 major types (humans) (1) bacteria (cellular) (2) viruses (sub-cellular) (3) protozoa (cellular animals) (4) helminths (parasitic worms) Protozoa Bacteria Helminths

4 Bacteria or Virus? Bacteria cellular organisms, most not pathogenic Mathematical Viruses genetic entities enter host cells infect to reproduce.

5 Viruses Cause a number of diseases in humans: Airborne –Common colds/flu, –Small/chickenpox, polio, –Shingles, herpes, rabies, –Hanta fever, some types of cancer Bloodborne Hepatitis (A thru E), AIDS & Ebola

6 What Are Bloodborne Pathogens? Bloodborne in blood or OPIM primarily attack the liver Pathogens disease causing microorganisms

7 Where Are They Found? Body fluids Blood or OPIM = fluids w/Blood products: Vomit Semen/Vaginal Secretions Fluids: Cerebrospinal Synovial Amniotic Mucus

8 HIV Primarily by Sexual Xmission Occupational Xmission Total cases to 1999= 57 After 1999 = 1

9 Ebola - What/Outbreaks ? RNA Viral infection = Liver inflammation Origen: W. Africa Death w/in 6-16 days Only 4 cases in US

10 What Is Hepatitis? Liver inflammation Primarily by viral infection Because the liver filters out the blood toxins

11 Hepatitis A & E Hepatitis A = Vaccine Exists Hepatitis E = No vaccine Transmitted via food/water contaminated w/fecal matter Poor sanitation/hygiene Flu-like symptoms Shot infection cycle (1-4wks)

12 Hepatitis B Transmission Contact w/HBV in body fluids Most often contaminated needles/syringes Sometimes blood transfusions STD

13 Hepatitis B Vaccination Recommended for Foreign Travel Provided at no cost to affected employees

14 Hepatitis D One of the newer types. Transmitted primarily as STD. Co-infection w/Hep B Single RNA Strand B and D is BaD

15 Hepatitis C Transmission Blood/body fluids –Needles/tattooing –Razor, tooth brush No vaccination exists

16 HIV Virus Causes AIDS STD Attacks the immune system + vulnerable to other No effective vaccine Since 1981 –Infected = 1,051,875 –Deaths = 583,298 Infected = 3 men to every woman

17 How Can A Bloodborne Disease Be Transmitted?

18 Work/ Public Contamination Infected person’s blood could contaminate –Sharp Objects Surfaces (handles, railings, knobs) Broken glass Tools

19 Routes Of Entry Contaminated Hand to Mouth/nose/eyes Mucus membranes Skin Contact Punctures W/cuts/sores

20 Protecting Yourself As Easy as A B C Attitude –Universal Precautions Behavior –Avoidance, –Hand Washing, Disinfection Controls – PPE, CPR Masks, Sharps Containers

21 Ebola Facts Ebola = (EVD) Victims bleed from anywhere in body Usually, victims bleed to death No Cure, Treat symptoms only Origin – 1976 (S. Sudan & Congo)

22 Ebola Update Current outbreak = March 2014 Most widespread since 1976 Named after Ebola River Source animal undiscovered –Fruit bat? –Monkey?


24 Summary Blood Borne Pathogens What – Viruses = Hepatitus/AIDS/Ebola Where – Body fluids on surfaces, sharps Prevention Attitude – Universal Precautions Behavior – Avoid contact, Wash, Disinfect Controls – Cover up Ebola Update

25 ??Questions??

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