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VSTOP AND V ICTIM F UND D ATA AND R EPORTS VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System.

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Presentation on theme: "VSTOP AND V ICTIM F UND D ATA AND R EPORTS VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System."— Presentation transcript:

1 VSTOP AND V ICTIM F UND D ATA AND R EPORTS VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System

2 In 2011, new data elements were added to the Advocacy, Hotline, and Community Engagement Forms so that local Sexual and Domestic Violence Agencies (SDVAs) have the capacity to collect data for their VSTOP and/or Victim Fund reports, both DCJS grant programs.

3 Advocates will continue to complete Advocacy, Hotline, and Community Engagement forms as they always have for the purposes of statewide data collection. For those that want to use VAdata to collect data for VSTOP and/or Victim Fund reports, some additional information will need to be entered into VAdata.

4 I MPORTANT NOTE : The new VSTOP and Victim Fund features are optional. We added them so that SDVAs will be able to enter data specific to their VSTOP and/or Victim Fund reporting needs. If used, SDVAs will be able to run a report that will provide the victim services and training data needed for their VSTOP and/or Victim Fund reports.


6 A DVOCACY F ORM  We added two new tabs/sections to the Advocacy Form: VSTOP Supplement and VFUND Supplement.  For persons receiving advocacy services funded by the VSTOP and/or Victim Fund grant program, please complete the information on the VSTOP and/or Victim Fund supplement.  The information on the supplement(s) only needs to be entered one time – it is retained in the system.

7 D OCUMENTING VSTOP AND V ICTIM F UND SERVICES  Advocates will continue to complete Services and Referral Sheets to document service contacts.  In order to document services provided by VSTOP and/or Victim Fund staff, advocates will need to select VSTOP and/or Victim Fund at the bottom of the Services and Referral Sheet, in the field Service Contact Funded By.

8 I MPORTANT N OTE : In order to make sure that your VSTOP and/or Victim Fund report ONLY includes services that were funded by VSTOP and/or Victim Fund, advocates will need to make sure that those services are documented separately (on their own Services and Referral sheet).

9 H OTLINE F ORM Advocates will continue to complete a Hotline Form to document hotline calls. In order to document hotline calls answered by VSTOP and/or Victim Fund staff, indicate at the bottom of the hotline form how the services were funded— VSTOP and/or Victim Fund in the field Service Contact Funded By.

10 C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT F ORM We added two new sections/tabs to the Community Engagement Form: VSTOP Supplement and VFUND Supplement. If VSTOP or Victim Fund is selected as a funding source for the activity, a VSTOP or Victim Fund supplement will be provided to document information required by the funder. These supplements allow you to collect information on the content of the training and the number and types of professionals trained.


12 The VSTOP and Victim Fund reports were added to VAdata in 2011. These reports provide the data needed to complete the “Victim Services” and “Training” sections of the DCJS VSTOP and Victim Fund grant reports. SDVAs will continue to need to enter the data into the forms provided by DCJS.

13 I MPORTANT N OTE : VSTOP and Victim Fund reports only include data on the new clients who received VSTOP and/or Victim Fund services during the report period (indicated by selecting ‘VSTOP’ and/or ‘Victim Fund’ in the Service Contact Funded By or Funding Source field). For each reporting period, you will get an unduplicated count of new victims receiving services.

14 Q UESTIONS ? If you have any questions or concerns about how to collect data or how to interpret reports, please contact your designated SDVA liaison at 804-377-0335.

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