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Preview Activity Briefly explain the following quotes: --“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” --“Don’t worry.

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Presentation on theme: "Preview Activity Briefly explain the following quotes: --“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” --“Don’t worry."— Presentation transcript:


2 Preview Activity Briefly explain the following quotes: --“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” --“Don’t worry if people do not recognize your merits—worry that you may not recognize theirs.” --“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” --”It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”

3 Objectives: 9/18 and 9/22 1)I will know (knowledge): the basic accomplishments of the Sui, Tang, Sung, Ming and Qing dynasties. 2)I will be able to (skill): Compare and contrast important accomplishments of each of the Chinese dynasties and decide which dynasty made the most significant contributions to World History. I will be able to explain the motivations behind footbinding. Procedures: 1)PowerPoint Notes 2)Bookwork- Finish Cornell Notes over the Ming and Qing dynasties 3)Dynasty comparison chart and reflection 4)Footbinding document

4 Culture During the Tang Dynasty

5 Confucianism Founded by Confucius (he was born in 551 B.C.) He wandered through China giving advice to the rulers It is a system of moral teachings and social ethics The highest virtue is compassion for other human beings There are 6 million Confucians throughout the world (most live in China)

6 Tang Literature Li Bo (poet)-his poems describe his love of life— He drowned while reaching for the moon’s reflection in the water Du Fu (poet)-wrote poems about serious subjects especially human suffering and war The Diamond Sutra—the world’s first known printed book (printed using ink and paper—like stamps) It was a Buddhist religious text

7 Tang Discoveries Gunpowder—Originally used for fireworks—used for warfare in the 900’s New quick ripening rice—could grow 2 crops in a year instead of 1 Tea Printing system

8 Sung Discoveries Division of Labor Typography Paper Currency Compass Improved gunpowder weapons

9 Footbinding Some women no longer had to work (wealthy classes) Girl’s feet are tied tightly with linen with the toes tucked underneath The feet wouldn’t grow and their feet would be crippled It showed that a man was rich because he didn’t need his wife to do housework Small feet were seen as a sign of feminine beauty—helped women find a man



12 Dynasty Comparison Chart On the back of your cornell notes, draw some kind of chart or graphic organizer for the 5 Chinese dynasties discussed in class. Use your notes and your textbook to assist with this. Your chart should have 4 columns and 6 rows. Write Dynasty, Successes, Failures, Rank along the top of the columns and list the 5 Dynasties along the side for the rows. (Sui, Tang, Sung, Ming, Qing) Fill in successes and failures for each Dynasty and rank them with one being the best based on which Dynasty you think was the most important to world history.

13 Individual Paragraph When your chart or organizer is complete, choose one dynasty that you think made the most significant contributions. Imagine that the idiots who write history textbooks want to reduce the size of the book and will only include information about one of the Chinese dynasties. Write a one paragraph pitch convincing the authors why they need to include the dynasty you chose as being the most significant.

14 Exit Ticket What are some things we do here in the United States to impress members of the opposite sex that other cultures might find strange?

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