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AI5.1 700 MHz 694-790 MHz ECC DEC (15)01 + CEPT report 53 ECC-FCC-IC Liaison Meeting Maisons Alfort, 28-29 May 2015 Didier Chauveau ECC PT1 Chairman.

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Presentation on theme: "AI5.1 700 MHz 694-790 MHz ECC DEC (15)01 + CEPT report 53 ECC-FCC-IC Liaison Meeting Maisons Alfort, 28-29 May 2015 Didier Chauveau ECC PT1 Chairman."— Presentation transcript:

1 AI5.1 700 MHz 694-790 MHz ECC DEC (15)01 + CEPT report 53 ECC-FCC-IC Liaison Meeting Maisons Alfort, 28-29 May 2015 Didier Chauveau ECC PT1 Chairman

2 Footer - add copy here1 700 MHz – ECC Decision(15)01 Draft ECC Decision(15)01 Harmonised technical conditions for MFCN in the band 694-790 MHz (based on CEPT Report 53 (EC mandate 700 MHz)) This framework includes 1.A paired frequency arrangement (FDD 2x30 MHz) and optional element to allow administrations to implement zero up to four blocks for Supplemental Downlink (SDL) The optional element within the MFCN frequency arrangement provides flexibility for administrations to choose between different options such as PPDR, PMSE, M2M, for the use of the duplex gap of the MFCN FDD 2x 30 MHz 2. Least restrictive technical conditions for MFCN (BEM)

3 700 MHz 2x 30 MHz + 20 MHz (SDL optional) Footer - add copy here2 The block sizes shall be in multiples of 5 MHz, which does not preclude smaller channel bandwidths within a block A paired frequency arrangement (FDD) compatible with the 800 MHz plan (ECC DEC (09)03) and also with the APT 700 MHz plan terminal station transmitter: 703-733 MHz; base station transmitter: 758-788 MHz; An unpaired frequency arrangement (SDL) on optional basis SDL using ‘zero or up to four’ of the following frequency blocks: 738-743 MHz, 743-748 MHz, 748-753 MHz and 753-758 MHz. The decision on the number of contiguous blocks would be taken at national level. The optional element “Zero up to 4 blocks” within the MFCN frequency arrangement provides flexibility for administrations to choose between different “non MFCN” options such as PPDR, PMSE, M2M, for the use of the duplex gap of the MFCN FDD 2x 30 MHz

4 700 MHz – Technical conditions for MFCN Footer - add copy here3 Block-Edge Mask for BS and TS Power requirements for BS for the coexistence between MFCN, covering also MFCN in the 800 MHz plan. Power requirements for duplex gap and guard bands (BS and TS) Conditions for the coexistence with broadcasting below 694 MHz -23 dBm/8 MHz per cell for BS -42 dBm/8 MHz for TS guidance on mitigation techniques for interference on a case-by-case basis In-block limit: not mandatory for BS (64 dBm/5 MHz per antenna suggested), 23 dBm for TS. Additional requirements for TS (MFCN coexistence) to be considered in ETSI harmonised standards BEM for BS applicable for SDL in the duplex gap. SDL could be combined with other options BEM (BS and TS) applicable for commercial mobile networks and also for PPDR operating in the paired FDD arrangement with similar assumptions

5 BEM for BS applicable for SDL in the duplex gap SDL could be combined with other options Footer - add copy here4 Base Stations These requirements applicable to BS, among others, do not preempt other possible usages than MFCN in the duplex gap of the 2 X 30 MHz band plan (PPDR or M2M 2 X 3MHz for example) Frequency range Bandwidth of protected block Maximum mean e.i.r.p. Measurement bandwidth Uplink frequencies in the range 698-743 MHz (2) ≥ 5 MHz -50 dBm per cell (1) 5 MHz 3 MHz -52 dBm per cell (1) 3 MHz (2) ≤ 3 MHz -64 dBm per cell (1) 200 kHz (2) Uplink frequencies in the range 832-862 MHz ≥ 5 MHz -49 dBm per cell (1) 5 MHz Downlink frequencies in the range 738-791 MHz ≥ 5 MHz 16 dBm per antenna5 MHz 3 MHz 14 dBm per antenna3 MHz < 3 MHz 2 dBm per antenna200 kHz Downlink frequencies in the range 791-821 MHz ≥ 5 MHz 16 dBm per antenna5 MHz Table 3 (ECC DEC (15) 01)

6 Unwanted emissions limit for Terminal equipment - 42dBm/8MHz Footer - add copy here5 TS (terminal equipment) unwanted emission limit Frequency range of unwanted emissions Maximum mean unwanted emission power Measurement Bandwidth 470-694 MHz-42 dBm8 MHz If administrations wish to allow the deployment of MFCN on a national basis with a bandwidth greater than 10 MHz and in case an out-of-band power higher than -42 dBm/8MHz is generated in the band below 694 MHz, they should consider: either implementing the greater MFCN bandwidth starting at a frequency higher than 703 MHz so that the required limit of out-of-band power is still met; and/or applying mitigation techniques 3GPP confirmed to CEPT that the limit of -42dBm/8MHz for 10MHz IMT channel bandwidth is reflected in the Rel-12 version of the UE specifications, TS 36.101 to accommodate the need from Europe when UEs operate within the lowest 30MHz of the 3GPP Band 28 Table 12 (ECC DEC (15) 01)

7 700 MHz – EC mandate 700 MHz Footer - add copy here6 CEPT Report 53 (published 28/11/2014) in response to EC Mandate (task1 and 2): harmonised technical conditions for the 694 -790 MHz in the EU for the provision of wireless broadband and other uses Channelling arrangement MFCN (2 x 30 MHz + SDL Option ‘Zero to 4 blocks of 5 MHz) Technical conditions for MFCN (draft) Technical conditions for PMSE Alternative options Impact to non-radio systems not studied. ECC informs ETSI and CENELEC about new spectrum use in the band To be refined after WRC-15 (task 3 of the EC mandate) This report served as the initial basis to draft ECC DEC (15) 01

8 Footer - add copy here7 Alternative options as mentioned in CEPT report 53 Broadband PPDR Subject to national decision Set of options currently under study for the use of guard band and duplex gap at 700 MHz (on going studies in CEPT) Set of options : 2 x 5 MHz (698-703 / 753-758 MHz); 2x 3 MHz (733-736 / 788-791 MHz); 2 X 10 MHz (733-743 / 748-758 MHz); 2 X 2 X 5 MHz (733- 738 / 748-753 MHz and 738-743/ 753-758 MHz) Machine-to-Machine communications under consideration in 733-736 MHz and 788-791 MHz. (Compatibility studies are on going in CEPT) Further to publication of CEPT report 53 CEPT is progressing on the BB PPDR band plans and relevant technical conditions ( ECC report 2018) (see PPDR presentation) M2M under studies in ECC PT1 – finalisation in March16

9 700 Alternative ”non MFCN”options outside the 2 x 30 MHz Footer - add copy here8 Alternative options Options might be combined with each other and/or with the usage of a number of MFCN SDL blocks in order to provide flexibility for administrations depending on their needs.

10 700 MHz – Technical conditions for PMSE Footer - add copy here9 Conditions for the use of the duplex gap 733-758 MHz for PMSE – wireless microphones (also applicable below 703 MHz) Detailed studies in ECC Report 221, summarised in CEPT Report 53 Block-Edge Masks for PMSE for the coexistence with MFCN (including SDL) in adjacent bands: In-block and Out-of-block power limits Body worn and hand held microphones Possible refinement with different body loss assumptions Mitigation techniques (PMSE set up) to address interference from MFCN into wireless microphones (in particular from Terminals in close vicinity).

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