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Welcome to Mr. Szakal’s Class 1. You may sit where you like. 2. To begin class, pick up from the table in the back of the room….. 1. a 3 x 5 file card.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Szakal’s Class 1. You may sit where you like. 2. To begin class, pick up from the table in the back of the room….. 1. a 3 x 5 file card."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Mr. Szakal’s Class 1. You may sit where you like. 2. To begin class, pick up from the table in the back of the room….. 1. a 3 x 5 file card (any color) 2. a manilla file folder 3. and a box of colored pencils from the gray tub

3 On the Blank side of the 3 x 5 index card Write your full name and decorate the side with colored pencils.

4 On the lined side…tell me…(skip a line between each) 1. Who are your best friends at this school? 2. What is your favorite sports team(s)? 3. What is your hobby? 4. What is your favorite TV show? 5. What is the coolest place you have ever been outside of Kannapolis? 6. Where would you like to go if you could? 7. Who were your core teachers last year?

5 On the Manilla File Folder … Write your full name at the top and really big in the middle, and decorate the side with colored pencils.

6 CPS/Computer Assignments They will be posted on the whiteboard in the back of the room near the Remote Controls.

7 Mr. Szakal’s Expectations of YOU 1. Class Rules 2. Class Procedures 3. Class Materials

8 Class Rules 1. Be prepared and focused when class begins.

9 2. Raise your hand to be recognized.

10 3. Ask permission to leave your seat.

11 4. No picking or playing at school

12 5. Respect yourself, teachers, and others

13 Class Procedures 1. All work to be turned in should have a proper heading; including first and last name, and class period. All of these should be located in the top right corner of the paper.

14 Class Materials Students are expected to have the following materials for every class; 1. Social Studies Binder (a three ring binder). 2. Paper 3. Pencil

15 2. Late work will not be accepted

16 3. Make up work is due as per student handbook, the make-up work will be posted on my website daily, under “Daily Class/Homework Assignments” PowerPoints with notes will be posted on my website under “Class Files”

17 4. No bookbags are permitted in the classroom, they must stay in students’ lockers or in the cabinet under the class telephone.

18 The Szakal Question of the Day A couple of times each week I will post a question of the day on my website, your job is to go to my website and answer this question. This is homework but it is counted like extra credit.

19 Eagle Talons Eagle Talons may be earned for; 1. politeness to others 2. taking initiative to help others 3. answering questions and participating in class 4. multiple talons may be earned with exceptionally good answers in class 5. Being a cool person

20 Eagle Talons (cont.) Eagle Talons may be used for school sponsored rewards (like catered lunches, etc. place the talons in the library) Eagle Talons may be used to enter the Osprey Friday Draw. Eagle Talons may be used for extra credit, once you receive 5 Eagle Talons from me, you may turn them in to me to receive a free 100 averaged into your grades. Each additional 5 Talons turned in adds 25 points to that free 100. ex. 5 talons = 100 10 talons = 125 15 talons = 150

21 Mr. Szakal’s Grading Scale A90-100 B80-89 C70-79 D60-69 F59 and below

22 Homework Homework will be graded like extra credit. 1 st homework received = 100 2 nd homework received = 120 3 rd homework received = 140 And so on…. No points will be given for incomplete or substandard homework.

23 Reading Comprehension Quizzes Approximately 2x per week, you will be asked to read a “selection,” similar to an EOG reading passage. When this happens, it will almost always be at the beginning of class. You will be allowed to read the passage 3x to yourself, then you will turn in the reading and take a quiz…..You will not be able to look back as you are taking the quiz….be prepared.

24 Current Events Each day we will watch a 10 minute CNN student news, during that time, you will have a chance to earn Eagle Talons. At the end of the week, I will ask questions from a Quiz and you will have a chance to earn more talons for the Szakal Friday Draw.

25 Szakal Class Government President Secretary of Technology Secretary of Energy

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