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Welcome to English 12 Ms. Gallo and Mr. Gupton AKA G2.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English 12 Ms. Gallo and Mr. Gupton AKA G2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English 12 Ms. Gallo and Mr. Gupton AKA G2

2 Agenda Tuesday 9/8/2015 Welcome! Code of Conduct Expectations for ELA 12 Rules and consequences Our year at a glance Essential Statements What is the Gemini Program? KWL 12 th Grade ELA

3 Some Expectations… Rules help to guide us and keep things running smoothly. As long as we can all follow our classroom rules and expectations are we can move forward as a unit and in step with each other.

4 BE RESPECTFUL Respect not only yourself but others around you. Respect is something that is earned not given freely; treat others how you wish to be treated. Respect others and their possessions. If you wish to borrow something, ask nicely and then make sure to return that which you borrowed. Respect yourself as an individual and a person. Advocate for yourself and do not be afraid to consol an adult in the building you feel comfortable with if needs be. In life, respect is a huge asset to obtain and endure. Our hope is to help you see the importance of this trait and to use it daily. Referrals will follow those who cannot follow this rule.

5 BE PRODUCTIVE Come to class prepared with all your materials. Be honest if you need something: extra help, supplies, anything. Come to class with a willingness to work and strive for your best with everything you do. Stay on task; do not disrupt learning of others with outburst, inappropriate comments, and actions that would take away from someone’s learning. In order to be productive We need all of your attention during class, not just part way though. Referrals will follow those who cannot follow this rule.

6 Be Responsible You are responsible for you and you alone! Do not put yourself into a situation where you are responsible for someone else’s materials or work. It is great if you wish to help out a friend with note taking or homework, but DO NOT fall into that too deep where you are doing double the work. It is up to you to pass this course for YOU and YOU alone. Come to class with your homework done and ready to learn. Come to class with YOUR agenda. You will not be permitted to leave without one. Referrals will follow those who cannot follow this rule.

7 Cell phone use Cell phone use is NOT allowed in class. Consider this your first warning. If you have a cell phone out, if you are caught texting, if you are taking a photo or video in class, etc… you will be asked to put it away. If you are caught with your phone out after that one warning, it will be taken until the end of class and placed on one of our desks. There will be times when you can use your phone in class and we will let you know when that is. If you refuse to give up the phone you will be escorted to your V.P.’s office and a referral will follow.

8 Our Goal Our goal is to make this last year of high school for you successful. In order to accomplish this we must create a safe and comfortable environment and this happens with a structured classroom. These rules are to help Me not just you. we understand respect works both ways and we will put our best foot forward as long as you do the same.

9 MATERIALS NEEDED FOR CLASS A folder to put in your 3 ring binder Pen and pencils A flash drive. This is very important for to have, remember everything you write is something you can put into your Sr. Portfolio! A valid email!! You need to create a new one if you do not have one or if you can’t recall how to get into yours.

10 OUR YEAR AT A GLACE Your 12 th grade year will consist of a variety of themes and ideas which I hope will perpetuate your thinking and questioning of the world around you. Everything we read and decode will unearth these themes. We will work on making connections to our own lives, the world around us, and to other pieces of literature. We will also spend a great deal of time working on your Senor Portfolio and public speaking skills.

11 Essential Statements Who I am Where I have been Where I am going How I am going to get there

12 The Gemini Program Refer to yellow handout and course syllabus

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