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Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School Ms. Frazier Language Arts/Social Studies/AVID Room 201.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School Ms. Frazier Language Arts/Social Studies/AVID Room 201."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School Ms. Frazier Language Arts/Social Studies/AVID Room 201

2 A few things about me… This is my 27th year of teaching Taught 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, (7th/8th and high school during summer school.) A blend of strict and fun. Enjoy reading, nature, music, fitness activities and time with family and friends and serving in my church.


4 Class Schedule (Morning group) 1 st Period 8:00-8:58 Language Arts (Ms. Frazier 201) 8:58-9:18 Nutrition/Recess 2 nd Period 9:21-10:10 AVID (Ms. Frazier 201)/Leadership 3 rd Period 10:13-11:02 Social Studies (Ms. Frazier 201) 11:02-11:47 Lunch 4 th Period 11:50-12:39 Math (Mrs. Sprafka 202) 5 th Period 12:42-1:31 Science (Mrs. Kramer 107) 6 th Period 1:34-2:23 P.E. (Mr. Tenchka 103) - Library: Wednesdays (every 2 weeks)

5 Class Schedule ( Afternoon Group) 1 st Period 8:00-8:58 P.E. (Mr. Tenchka 103) 8:58-9:18 Nutrition/Recess 2 nd Period 9:21-10:10Science (Mrs. Kramer 107) 3 rd Period 10:13-11:02 Math (Mrs. Sprafka 202) 11:02-11:47 Lunch 4 th Period 11:50-12:39 Language Arts (Ms. Frazier 201) 5 th Period 12:42-1:31 Social Studies (Ms. Frazier 201) 6 th Period 1:34-2:23 AVID (Ms. Frazier 201) Library: Wednesdays (every 2 weeks)


7 Attendance On time, every day, ready to learn! Please call the office if your child is absent. If you don’t call, send a note when returning. The state asks us to verify all absences. The student is responsible for missed homework and lessons. Email me at, call or text at (714) 813-8861, stop by the school, ask a classmate, or have a nearby friend/relative pick up missing

8 Suggested Supplies 1 three ring binder – hard cover/at least 2 inches thick (They will use this 1 binder for all of their classes) 1 pack of 6-8 tab binder subject dividers (No pocket folders) 1 paper punch (3-hole… the kind that attaches to the binder) 20 sheets of white wide rule 8.5 x 11 notebook paper - 3 hole punched (No spiral notebooks) At least #2 pencils (mechanical are ok, with extra lead) Erasers 1 small pencil sharpener with a cover 2 or more highlighters 1 pencil pouch (3 hole punched) Colored pencils, crayons, markers, rulers, scissors and glue sticks are provided in the supply tubs at their table groups. *These supplies are being requested for your child to use in my class. It is helpful if students bring these supplies to school every day in a backpack. Some of the same items will be used in their other classes; therefore, only one set is suggested. If you encounter any problems supplying these items, please let me know and I will do my best to assist you.

9 Binder and Backpack Organization The binder should be organized and cleaned out each day. All papers are to be 3-hole punched and placed in the appropriate section of the binder; no loose papers should be kept in the inside binder pocket. There is a tab section for notices that go home. Please check there regularly. ONLY school-related items are to be placed in the front binder cover pocket. No stickers, personal pictures, pop stars, or other non- school related materials may be in or on the binder.

10 Language Arts Our students will further their knowledge of the English language through reading, writing, grammar skills, speaking and listening. They will also develop their appreciation for literature.

11 History and Social Studies 6.1 Archeology and Early Man 6.2 Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush 6.3 Ancient Hebrews 6.4 Greece 6.5 India 6.6 China 6.7 Rome We will be on a learning adventure through ancient civilizations! Research project in the spring.

12 AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination CctaaDnKpwfFXP9iDvG2

13 [L. avidus]: eager for knowledge Advancement Via Individual Determination

14 What is the Mission of AVID? AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

15 More AVID Information AVID started in San Diego, California in 1980 As of 2014: – AVID is in 45 states and 16 other countries – in almost 5,000 schools and serving almost 700,000 students 15

16 What will we do in AVID? 16

17 The iPad Mini Mobile devices as a technology resource at Santiago School are provided for the purpose of supporting the educational experience and mission of the school. Santiago School’s goal in providing these technology resources is to promote educational excellence by facilitating the creative thinking, resource sharing, scholarship, research, and communication to prepare our students for success in the 21st century. Use of these technologies is a privilege that carries both responsibilities and behavioral expectations consistent with all school rules and policies. Students at Santiago School are expected to use the mobile devices provided to them, along with all other school technology devices, in a respectful, responsible, and legal manner at all times. NOTE: All students in grades 6-8 who will be participating in a one-to-one mobile device (iPad mini) program at Santiago are required to submit a Mobile Device Authorized Use Policy Agreement Form which needs to be completed and signed by both student and a parent/guardian. Along with the required agreement form, all students must successfully complete the digital citizenship training on the Everfi website in order to receive an iPad. The link can be found on the quicklinks tab on the Santiago homepage.

18 Homework We have new agendas (planners) for writing assignments. All boxes should be filled on a daily basis. Please check the agendas regularly to be aware of what assignments are due. If there is no homework, there should be something written about what was done in class. Assignments are due at the beginning of class, and will be considered late if they are not ready to be turned in at that time. Late work is not accepted beyond the week in which it was assigned. Exceptions made for excused absences. All assignments should be neatly prepared and have the student’s name, date, and period written in the upper right-hand corner. Students will be checking out books based on their Accelerated Reader levels. Students are encouraged to take AR tests on the books they check out. There is a link on the Santiago homepage to take them directly to the AR website where they can sign in with the student ID number on a school computer. They may go to the library before or after school to take the AR test. They will also have access to laptops in the classroom a couple of days per week.

19 Grading Students grades are based on the following: Homework: 20 points Class Work: 50 points Projects: 100 Points Essays & Tests: 100 points Extra credit is strictly for curriculum enrichment, not for the purpose of replacing missing assignments to bring up low grades. * Any assignments not turned in shall receive a score of zero, negatively affecting the student’s overall performance grade in the class. Late work is not accepted beyond the week in which it was assigned. * You may access your student’s grades anytime by going to the Aeries Student Portal through the Santiago homepage resources tab.

20 Class Values  Kindness  Cooperation  Strong Work Ethic  Patience  Tolerance

21 If the class values we agreed upon are not shown in student’s behavior, a note will be sent home to be signed and returned to me. If a problem continues or becomes severe, I will contact you by phone and discuss a way to remedy the situation.

22 Donations White printing paper Red ink pens Highlighters Boxes of tissue Expo markers and erasers for the white boards THANK YOU :)

23 THANK YOU! Thank you very much for being here this evening and for your support. We’re an unbeatable team! You may contact me via email at, call or text message me at (714) 813-8861. You may also send a note with your child or call the school at (714)564-8400 and leave a message for me. I am also available before or after school by appointment. Please let me know when it would be convenient for you.

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