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Texas InfoSec Academy Education Program Request for Offer DIR-TSO-TMP-235 Vendor Conference Pre-Bid Conference November 12, 2015 2:00 P.M. (CT)

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Presentation on theme: "Texas InfoSec Academy Education Program Request for Offer DIR-TSO-TMP-235 Vendor Conference Pre-Bid Conference November 12, 2015 2:00 P.M. (CT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas InfoSec Academy Education Program Request for Offer DIR-TSO-TMP-235 Vendor Conference Pre-Bid Conference November 12, 2015 2:00 P.M. (CT)

2 Agenda Welcome Welcome Webinar Attendees Written Questions and Answers General Information RFO Timeline HUB Subcontracting Plan RFO Overview Bid Packages Break Questions and Answers Conference Closing 5

3 Welcome Housekeeping Questions All questions must be submitted in writing 2

4 DIR Conference Speakers DIR Office of the Chief Information Security Officer Edward Block, Chief Information Security Officer Claudia Escobar, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer 3 DIR Enterprise Contracts Aiko Neill, Contract Manager, Technology Sourcing Office DIR HUB Department Lynn Sanchez, HUB Department, Technology Sourcing Office DIR Web Host Tequila Jackson, Technology Sourcing Office DIR Purchasing Department Denny Ross, Purchasing Manager Carrie Cooper, Purchaser

5 Webinar 4

6 Written Questions and Official Answers Vendor and Conference participants are encouraged to submit all questions regarding this RFO by e-mail or in writing to the Point of Contact listed in Section 3.1 as stated in the RFO. Although DIR may provide tentative responses to questions submitted during the conference, responses are not official until they are posted as an addendum to this RFO, requisition number DIR-SDD-TMP-235, on the Electronic State Business Daily, Questions will be accepted until 2:00 pm CT on November 13, 2015. 6

7 General Information Point of Contact for all inquiries regarding this RFO All communications regarding the RFO must be addressed in writing to Refer to RFO Section 3.1 regarding observance of this requirement. Carrie Cooper Dept. of Information Resources 300 W. 15th St., Ste. 1300 Austin, TX 78701 Phone: 512-936-2353 Fax: 512-936-6896 Email: 7

8 General Information ……... continued Disqualification of Offers Failure to sign Executed Offer Form or complete Financial Information Failure to complete a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Subcontracting Plan (HSP) Must submit on or before due date and time Contact with DIR Personnel Vendors and all vendor representatives shall not attempt to discuss the contents of this RFO with any employees or representatives of DIR other than designated contacts. Failure to observe this restriction may result in disqualification of any related Response. Packaging of Offers Care must be taken to provide offers as outlined in Section 3.7 (Response Format and Contents) NOTE: DIR is now requiring additional copies to be provided on thumb drives instead of paper. Each drive must be labeled per requirements. 8

9 RFO Schedule Date/TimeActivity November 4, 2015 Publish RFO on Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) November 12, 2015 2:00 p.m. (CT)Vendor Conference (optional) November 13, 2015 2:00 p.m. (CT)Deadline for submitting questions November 20, 2015 5:00 p.m. (CT)Estimated date for answering questions December 9, 2015 2:00 p.m. (CT) Deadline for submitting Responses to RFO December 9, 2015 2:00 p.m. (CT) Deadline for DIR to receive vendor references December 10, 2015Evaluations Commence 10

10 HUB Subcontracting Plan DIR encourages all respondents to seek Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) subcontractors and maximize HUB participation in their bids. Responses submitted without a HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP), will be disqualified All respondents, HUBs and Non-HUBs, are required to submit a completed HSP The HSP form includes specific instructions for meeting the Good Faith Effort requirements Refer to your provided HUB Subcontracting Plan Checklist (provided in Bid Package 1, Appendix C of the RFO). You may contact DIR’s HUB Department for assistance in completing the HSP 11

11 HUB Subcontracting Plan (continued) If you are subcontracting, notification of subcontracting opportunity must be performed. Provide written notification of subcontracting opportunity listed to at least three State of Texas HUBs Provide written notification of subcontracting opportunity to a minority or women’s trade organization or development center Allow no less than seven (7) working days from their receipt of notice for HUBs to respond (keep delivery receipt emails). Note: Attach supporting documentation (letters, fax transmittals, email, etc.) demonstrating evidence of the good faith effort performed 12

12 HUB Subcontracting Plan (continued) If not subcontracting, your response must contain an explanation demonstrating HOW your company will fulfill the entire contract with its own resources Self-Performance Justification Alternative to the Good Faith Effort State of Texas Mentor Protégé Program  Protégé must be a State of Texas HUB  Approval process is no less than two weeks  Contact DIR’s HUB Department 13

13 HUB Contact You may contact DIR’s HUB Department for assistance in completing your HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) at any time during the solicitation. Lisa Maldonado Lynn Sanchez 512-463-5712 or 512-463-9813 Dept. of Information Resources 300 W. 15th St., Suite 1300 Austin, TX 78701 Email: 14

14 RFO Overview Section 1.1 - Purpose The purpose of this Request for Offer (RFO) is to solicit responses from potential Vendors to provide an education program (referred to as “InfoSec Academy”) for the State of Texas Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), Information Security Officers (ISOs) and Cybersecurity personnel across multiple state agencies and institutions of higher education. DIR may award a contract to one (1) firm. This RFO is a specific project for the DIR OCISO. This RFO is not a solicitation for professional or consulting services as defined in Chapter 2254, Texas Government Code. 23

15 RFO Overview Section 2.1 – Scope of Work Vendors responding to this RFO must be able to provide an on-line and instructor-led education program with support services. The OCISO expects the InfoSec Academy to be available and functioning within one month of contract award. The InfoSec Academy education program shall include the following: o Online and Instructor-Led Security Training Courses o Online and Instructor-Led Custom Policy and Assurance Course (previously developed by DIR o Online Soft Skills Courses o Online and Instructor-Led Industry Security Certification Preparation Courses 24

16 RFO Overview Section 2.2 – Related Services The scope of work includes providing Related Services in support of the InfoSec Academy. The Vendor shall:  Provide Account Management  Provide Monthly Reports by the 10 th of each month for the previous months’ trainings reports of new students to the InfoSec Academy, students having completed courses. The reporting system shall have the ability to export raw statistical data in a format agreed upon by DIR.  Conduct bi-weekly status meetings with the DIR Program Manager 26

17 RFO Overview Section 2.3 Deliverables Vendor shall be responsible for providing the following deliverables: LMS or Online Platform – Vendor shall provide online access to the InfoSec Academy education program. Students must be able to access their courses 24/7. The LMS or online platform shall: Provide a reporting tool that can be accessed and utilized by DIR’s security team at all times; Collect basic information about the learners; Deliver the training content; Track progress through the content; and, Collect feedback from learners at completion of the training. 17

18 RFO Overview Section 2.3 Deliverables (con’t) Security Courses – Vendor shall provide online courses on the topics of security. These courses shall be available to at least 200 state employees or 150 state agencies depending on the licensing of each course. Courses shall provide a path of progression for beginner, intermediate, and advance levels; Course content shall include but not be limited to:  Security Operations  Security Technology & Architecture (Network Security)  Application Security  Risk Management and Business Continuity Planning 18

19 RFO Overview Section 2.3 Deliverables (con’t) Soft Skill Courses – Vendor shall provide soft skills courses that add leadership, communication, and other skills necessary for CISOs, ISOs and Security Personnel for the State of Texas. These courses shall be available to at least 200 state employees or 150 state agencies, depending on the licensing of each course. Courses may include but not be limited to: Business writing Effective presentations Communication skills Leadership skills 19

20 RFO Overview Section 2.3 Deliverables (con’t) Hosting Policy and Assurance Course - Vendor shall deliver a customized Texas Policy and Assurance (P&A) Course that DIR previously developed. The P&A course contains rules, regulations and responsibilities that State agencies need to know. Vendor shall work with DIR to become familiar with Texas State Security Framework and Texas regulations in order to support the delivery of the course through the Texas InfoSec Academy education program. 20

21 RFO Overview Section 2.3 Deliverables (con’t) Industry Certification Preparation Courses – Vendor shall provide the following exam preparation courses for industry certifications, including but not limited to: Certified Information Systems Security Professional CISSP® Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certified n Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) CompTIA Security+ Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification preparation courses that are offered through the InfoSec Academy shall be agreed upon by DIR. The list of certification preparation courses may be subject to change during the course of this agreement. Vendor may provide exams bundled in the certification preparation courses. 21

22 RFO Overview Section 2.4 – Form of Contract Item 15 in Appendix A of the RFO allows Vendors to note any exceptions they take to the contract and the standard terms and conditions HOWEVER: The number and significance of exceptions requested may negatively impact your overall vendor evaluation score Acceptance of standard terms and conditions are fifteen percent (15%) of the total evaluation score 29

23 RFO Overview Section 3.7.4 – References/Bid Package 4 Vendor must complete the top half of the form. The vendor must provide the vendor reference questionnaire directly to three companies/government agencies, excluding DIR. The Vendor Reference must complete the remainder of the form as required and return the form directly to DIR via email per instructions. Forms submitted directly by the Vendor to DIR will receive a score of zero. References should rate services that are/were provided within the past two years. References due to DIR by December 9, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (CT) 30

24 RFO Overview - Evaluation Criteria Section 4.1 – Evaluation of Responses The financial review is a pass/fail determination that is final. The financial review requires the submission of a DUNs number. Failure to provide this information will result in your response being disqualified. Only proposals which pass the financial review will continue to the evaluation phase. Section 4.2 Evaluation Criteria: 40% - Pricing 35% - Vendor Experience and Qualifications 15% - Acceptance of standard contract terms and conditions (refer to Section 2.4) 10% - Vendor’s Customer references. 31 The criteria and weight to be used in determining the best value for the State are as follows:

25 Appendix A of the RFO Detailed history of your company Questions 10-13 request specific information for “services requested in this RFO”  If you do not provide this information for whatever reason, it may negatively impact your score. Do not assume that we know ANYTHING about your organization. Your evaluation score may be given by someone that is not familiar with you and your submission is the only way that they can evaluate your company. Appendix B of the RFO Compensation, Invoicing and Payment  Vendor must complete the information stating its maximum not to exceed amount for the proposed work detailed in the RFO. RFO Overview 32

26 Bid Packages Bid Package 1 – Request for Offer Bid Package 2 – HUB Subcontracting Plan Bid Package 3 – Sample Contract Services Bid Package 4 – Appendix A Standard Terms and Conditions for Services Contracts Bid Package 5 – Vendor References 33

27 Packaging The Response Send the Response to: Department of Information Resources 300 W. 15th Street, Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701 Attn: Carrie Cooper Make sure that external packaging references “RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-235” Check that the package contains one (1) signed original (clearly marked) of the complete response with one (1) signed original HUB Subcontracting Plan Ensure that the package contains one (1) additional signed original HUB Subcontracting Plan in a separate envelope Include Four (4) thumb drives containing a Complete Vendor Response that shall contain the entire Vendor’s response. Include One (1) thumb drive containing all response materials, which Vendor asserts are confidential or proprietary*; and folder containing all non-proprietary/confidential and non- copyrighted materials in the Vendor’s response* (redacted copy for public release). The response should be bound in a 3-ring binder and the cover of the binder references “DIR-TSO-TMP-235” and includes the name and address of the responding Vendor. 27

28 Mandatory Response Contents Vendor Information - Appendix A Compensation, Invoicing and Payment – Appendix B HUB Subcontracting Plan Forms – Appendix C 28

29 Questions and Answers After a brief recess, we will reconvene and answer your questions. Reference the Section Number and the Section Title in your written question. Answers we provide today are unofficial until posted on the ESBD. 44

30 Conference Recap/Closing All questions, inquiries, etc. should only be directed to Carrie Cooper Answers to the questions are not final until posted Deadline for submitting questions: November 13, 2015, 2:00 p.m. (CT) Frequently visit the ESBD References are due by December 9, 2015 2:00 p.m. (CT) Responses are due December 9, 2015 2:00 p.m. (CT) Contact Information: Carrie Cooper Phone:512-936-2353 Fax: 512-936-6896 Email: 45

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