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Training of Trainers Using Climate Information for Decision Making in Rice Farming Medan, 5-7 April 2016 Facilitator: Giri Arnawa.

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Presentation on theme: "Training of Trainers Using Climate Information for Decision Making in Rice Farming Medan, 5-7 April 2016 Facilitator: Giri Arnawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training of Trainers Using Climate Information for Decision Making in Rice Farming Medan, 5-7 April 2016 Facilitator: Giri Arnawa

2 Objectives To increase the resilience to climate change of rice farmers by enabling farmers to make better informed decisions about their crop and management options. To do so, their access to climate information as well as their capacity to use this information and based on this develop response strategies is improved The training of Trainers (ToT) focuses on accessing and using climate information as well as on designing response strategies to mitigate climate risk.

3 Participants The training targets around up to 35 participants, comprising the BRIA Lead Coordinators as well as field facilitators from North Sumatra and East Java. Lead Farmers from BRIA in North Sumatra, Representative from BASF, up to three BTPT staff from North Sumatra Researchers from a University in North Sumatra Province Government of North Sumatera

4 FOR-CC BRIA and RICE This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice

5 RICE Climate change is predicted to pose a serious challenge to agricultural production, food security and the livelihoods of the rural population in Indonesia This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice FOR-CC BRIA and RICE

6 Implementation: GAP-CC (ASEAN-German Partnership-CC) 1. FOR-CC 2. ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Better Rice Initiative Asia - BRIA This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice RICE Climate change is predicted to pose a serious challenge to agricultural production, food security and the livelihoods of the rural population in Indonesia FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE

7 This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice RICE Climate change is predicted to pose a serious challenge to agricultural production, food security and the livelihoods of the rural population in Indonesia The ToT will focus on practical knowledge that can easily be transferred to and applied by rice farmers Implementation: GAP-CC (ASEAN-German Partnership-CC) 1. FOR-CC 2. ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Better Rice Initiative Asia - BRIA

8 Day 1: 16.00 – 17.00 Group Discussion 1 Problems, Constraints and Issues FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE Presentation: Day 1 09.00 – 16.00 1. Relationship between the climate, climate change and rice yields 2. Accessing and interpreting climate information (seasonal forecasts, short-term warnings) Coffee Break 3. Rainfall data and cropping calendar in four (4) target districts 4. The integrated cropping calendar information system (ICCS) Lunch 5. Rainfall measurements and agro- ecological observations – experience from the Rainfall Observers Club Indramayu 6. Using seasonal forecasts, variety information tables to determine cropping calendar Group Presentation 1 Discuss Problems Solution Conclusion Day 1

9 FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice The ToT will focus on practical knowledge that can easily be transferred to and applied by rice farmers RICE Climate change is predicted to pose a serious challenge to agricultural production, food security and the livelihoods of the rural population in Indonesia Implementation: GAP-CC (ASEAN-German Partnership-CC) 1. FOR-CC 2. ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Better Rice Initiative Asia - BRIA Introduction

10 FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice Implementation: 1. FOR-CC 2. Better Rice Initiative Asia - BRIA 3. ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Introduction The ToT will focus on practical knowledge that can easily be transferred to and applied by rice farmers PRESENTATION DAY 1 RICE Climate change is predicted to pose a serious challenge to agricultural production, food security and the livelihoods of the rural population in Indonesia

11 FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE This cooperative activity of BRIA and FOR-CC CC is geared to address this challenge by integrating The use of climate information for decision making in rice The ToT will focus on practical knowledge that can easily be transferred to and applied by rice farmers RICE Climate change is predicted to pose a serious challenge to agricultural production, food security and the livelihoods of the rural population in Indonesia Implementation: GAP-CC (ASEAN-German Partnership-CC) 1. FOR-CC 2. ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Better Rice Initiative Asia - BRIA Introduction

12 Day 1: 16.00 – 17.00 Group Discussion 1 Problems, Constraints and Issues FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE Presentation: Day 1 09.00 – 16.00 1. Relationship between the climate,Relationship between the climate, climate change and rice yields 2. Accessing and interpreting climate information (seasonal forecasts, short-term warnings) Coffee Break 3. Rainfall data and cropping calendar in four (4) target districts 4. The integrated cropping calendar information system (ICCS) Lunch 5. Rainfall measurements and agro- ecological observations – experience from the Rainfall Observers Club Indramayu 6. Using seasonal forecasts, variety information tables to determine cropping calendar Group Presentation 1 Discuss Problems Solution Conclusion Day 1

13 Day 1: 14.30 – 17.00 Group Discussion I Intervention Approaches: - Training Content - Structure and Strategies FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE Presentation: Day 2 09.00 – 14.30 1 Overview of risk adaptation strategies/Overview CSA practices promoted by the MoA2. 2. Soil and nutrient management to increaseSoil and nutrient resilience to climate change. 3. Climate information for integratedClimate pest managementmanagement Coffee Break 4. Crop options – stress tolerant varieties andCrop options other crops to respond to climate stress 5. Using seasonal forecasts, variety informationUsing seasonal tables to determine cropping calendarcropping calendar Lunch 6. Training approach and curriculum development Group Presentation Consensus and Follow Up Conclusion Closing Day 2

14 Telah dilakukan 3 kajian Awal 1. Kondisi dan Masalah Industri Markisa ACIAR 2. Peluang Pasar dan Permintaan Markisa Morelink Asia Pacific 3. Potensi Produksi & Kekuatan Supply UNHAS Discussion DAY 2 FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE Presentations

15 Day 1: 16.00 – 17.00 Group Discussion I Problems, Constraints and Issues FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE Presentation: Day 1 09.00 – 16.00 1. Relationship between the climate, climate change and rice yields 2. Accessing and interpreting climate information (seasonal forecasts, short-term warnings) Coffee Break 3. Rainfall data and cropping calendar in four (4) target districts 4. The integrated cropping calendar information system (ICCS) Lunch 5. Rainfall measurements and agro- ecological observations – experience from the Rainfall Observers Club Indramayu 6. Using seasonal forecasts, variety information tables to determine cropping calendar Group Presentation Discuss Problems Solution Conclusion Day 1 Presentations DAY 1 FINISH

16 Group Discussion Group 1 : Group 2 : Group 3 :

17 Session Discussion: Discuss the PROBLEMS, constraints or atau ISSUES AGREE on 5 (five) of PROBLEMS/ISSUES to be PRIORITIZED Rank the PROBLEMS

18 Session Presentation Representative of each Group will PRESENT the PROBLEMS, then FORUM will AGREED the ISSUES to adjusted the RANK of PROBELEM. Based the Rank of PROBLEMS the Group will DISCUSSING the STRATEGIES to overcome and the STAGES to do it, into Group Discussion 2 The STRATEGIES will be PRESENTING into Group Presentation 2 before CONLUSION DAY 1

19 Telah dilakukan 3 kajian Awal 1. Kondisi dan Masalah Industri Markisa ACIAR 2. Peluang Pasar dan Permintaan Markisa Morelink Asia Pacific 3. Potensi Produksi & Kekuatan Supply UNHAS Presentations DAY 2 FOR-CC - BRIA and RICE Introduction


21 Session III : Group Discussion 2 14.15 – 15.15 Kelompok dibagi tiga Anggota setiap kelompok bersal dari semua unsur stakeholder Masalah/Issu yang telah didentifikasi dibagi sesuai jumlah kelompok. Kelompok mendiskusikan SOLUSI atau STRATEGI penyelesaian masalah termasuk langkah-langkahnya.

22 Sesi IV : Presentasi Kelompok (Solusi) 15.45 – 16.45 Wakil setiap Kelompok mempresentasikan strategi penyelesaian masalah dan langkah-langkah yang telah dirumuskan



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