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GAP Analysis Review What does it mean for the District Or Is it just busy work??

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Presentation on theme: "GAP Analysis Review What does it mean for the District Or Is it just busy work??"— Presentation transcript:

1 GAP Analysis Review What does it mean for the District Or Is it just busy work??

2 GAP Analysis Timelines Steady State – July 2015 [Problems with the response results from most Districts, we need to fix the shortfalls. Steady State is baseline] – 28 February 2016 Backfill to Sector units – 30 March 2016 Surge Operations – 30 April 2016 Targeted Augmentation – 30 May 2016 Final report to NEXCOM and presented at NACON – Aug 2016. 2

3 3 5NR GAP ANALYSIS PLANNING WORKSHEET Watchstanders Faciliti esAUX-FS AUX- CFVEAUC-CI AUX- EUAUX-TI AUX- WM UPV Examin er In Port OOD MAA Quarte rdeck Cont Plannin g Suppor t ICS Instruc tors Admin Suppor t Yoga Instruc torIMT ATON Verifier s Fixed wing aircraftHelos Helo Ops Boat Crew Helo Ops Coxswa in Tour Guides Recruit Instruc tors Physica ns Beach Access Watch MWR Lucky Bag Sales Gradua tion Suppor t 2. DATE PREPARED3. AUXILIARY DISTRICT 10-Jul-155NR 1.INITIAL PLANNING STEADY STATE/BACKFILL 4. DISTRICT ID 5. SECTOR/AIR STATION/UNIT 7. TOTAL SHORTFALLS8. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS MET9. TRAINING REQIREMENTS NOT MET10. COMMENTS 5 Sector DELAWARE BAY Philadelphia, PA REQ 12175152510 201014202 0 30 206 HAVE 10175517141245321 123 154 NEED 20108969816511181 0 27 52 5Air Station Atlantic City, NJ REQ 120 HAVE 91 NEED 30 5 USCGC WILLIAM TATE Philadelphia, PA REQ 2 2 HAVE 2 2 NEED 0 0 5 DIRAUX (5NR) Philadelphia, PA REQ 33 HAVE 33 NEED 00 FORCECOM Norfolk, VA Training Center Cape May, NJ REQ 30 10 2 2033 68 HAVE 39 5 33 2 14301026 NEED 0 5 77 0 6031042 LANTAREA NSFCC Atlantic Strike Team Fort Dix, NJ REQ 77 HAVE 77 NEED 00 Special Missions Training Center Deploymnet Training Detachment Fort Dix, NJ REQ 44 HAVE 44 NEED 00 USCGHQ Recruiting Office Philadelphia, PA REQ 55 HAVE 22 NEED 33 REQ HAVE NEED REQ HAVE NEED 11. TOTAL PERSONNEL REQUIRED 12175472510 20221420229 2032120206 33 68 12. TOTAL PERSONNEL ON HAND 10175461714124123211920259115414301026 13. TOTAL PERSONNEL NEEDED 2028969816101118110 182730526031042

4 What needs to be Accomplished 1.DCO’s and your team need to meet with every Sector Commander and subunits and brief them on the What’s and Why’s of the GAP Analysis – Face to Face Meetings. 2.Work with the ASC’s & AUXLO’s, Sector Staffs and the boat unit commanders to get their input on the wants and desires of the units. 3.Fill out the ICS – 215 form reflecting the REQ (CG Requests for support), HAVE (how many Auxiliarists are ACTUALLY filling the slots at each station), NEED – The GAP or DELTA (what we need to work on to meet the CG needs)

5 AUXLO Support  AUXLO/ASC support will be needed throughout the information gathering times.  Every unit within a Sector from the Headquarters to the smallest unit in that Command needs be included in the GAP Analysis.  DCO’s will need to call on their respective District Commanders and provide them a short briefing on what the Auxiliary is conducting and why.

6 Important Points for the GAP Analysis 1.We are NOT looking for AUXDATA input – We ARE looking for the actual number of Auxiliarists serving in the positions that are identified. 2.We are NOT looking for how many hours any one Auxiliarist is serving in the identified positions. 3.We ARE looking for the desires of each Sector Commander and subunit commanders in all four Op tempo’s. 4.We DO want the entire team to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! – i.e. YOGA INSTRUCTOR EXAMPLE.

7 Important Points for the GAP Analysis 5.Remember ALL THREE mission areas in the Commandant’s Auxiliary Policy Statement when discussing the GAP Analysis with your CG Units. a.To promote and improve RBS b.To provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways and coastal regions c.To support Coast Guard operational, administrative and logistical requirements

8 Important Points for the GAP Analysis 6.Help your unit Commanders to understand the full resouces of your District and their capabilities – each is different. 7.Know the many specialties that your members can provide to your Sectors and their subunits. 8.Assist the ASC’s/AUXLO’s with a point of contact when a special need arises that needs to be filled. 9.DSO-IM’s should be able to assist the ASC’s/AUXLO’s with information from Skills Bank for Targeted Augumentation needs.

9 “What’s in all this for me and my District?” When the GAP Analysis is completed you will be able to do the following: 1.Know the specific needs of each Sector in your District down to the lowest level. 2.You will have an accurate accounting of how many of your members are directly meeting missions in direct support of the CG. 3.You will have an complete display of the actual numbers of positions your District is fulfilling and where there are shortfalls in meeting the needs of the CG Commanders in your District.

10 “What’s in all this for me and my District?” 4.You will be able to use the data gathered to project and predict what training areas you and your staff will need to work on to meet the needs of your Sectors. 5.You will be able to see what areas of your District need to have recruitment and in what areas of interests. 6.It may be that you will have to inform National of your needs and new training programs developed to meet the needs of your Sectors – if that is the case, TELL THEM WHAT YOU NEED. They are here to serve you!!!

11 “What’s in all this for me and my District?” 7.There may be areas that are being requested by your Sector Commanders or your District Commander that will need to be filled by an Auxiliarists specialty skills, i.e., mental health specialty for a CISM team. 8.Remember this GAP Analysis is not just for National to obtain a look into the future – It is also for you and your staffs to gain forward looking information upon which to build your own stragetic plans. 9.THINK BIG – THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!!

12 Q&AQ&A

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