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Space Weather and Space Situational Awareness : UK’s national assets Mike Hapgood STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

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Presentation on theme: "Space Weather and Space Situational Awareness : UK’s national assets Mike Hapgood STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Weather and Space Situational Awareness : UK’s national assets Mike Hapgood STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (

2 Context Asked to do this by BNSC, but is personal view –Will feedback to BNSC –Note that BNSC is coordinating body –Does not (yet?) provide space leadership/agency Snapshot based on personal knowledge and survey of contacts –Will be incomplete –UK assets are diverse – spread across university, government bodies and industry –Limited overlap with SSA inputs

3 UK space weather expertise BGS ICL + UCL BAS BAE Systems Aberystwyth Lancaster Nottingham Leicester Sheffield Bath Southampton Met Office QinetiQ (space) MSSL Surrey Sussex QinetiQ (iono) RAL UCLan Bradford

4 Modelling assets These include: Thermospheric GCMs (UCL, also Met Office) Assimilative ionospheric model (QinetiQ) MIDAS ionospheric tomography/data assimilation model (Bath) Atmospheric radiation model, spacecraft internal charging, modelling radiation shielding (QinetiQ) Automated Solar Activity Prediction Tool ( Bradford) International Geomagnetic Reference Field (led by BGS) Kinetic modelling of coronal mass ejections (RAL) Image: courtesy UCL

5 Space weather monitoring (typically 24/7) These include: Magnetometer networks (BGS, Lancaster, BAS) Ionosondes (RAL, QQ, BAS) GPS TEC & scintillation (Nottingham, Bath, QQ) SuperDARN (BAS, Leicester) Riometers (Lancaster) Ground station (RAL) Image: courtesy U. Leicester All are UK inputs to international data exchange

6 Why international data exchange matters: an example US civil data centre (NOAA) UK data centre (RAL) Operator UK ionosonde measurements Other data providers SeesDoes not see US military data centre (AFWA) Service provider (Ionospheric modelling) Operational products e.g. space surveillance, tactical comms,

7 Space sensor technology This includes: High-res space cameras (RAL) –STEREO (HI, EUVI, COR) –SDO (AIA, HMI) –SMEI and GOES? Energetic particles (MSSL, RAL) –Cluster, Cosmic Visions Radiation dose (QinetiQ, Surrey) –Shuttle, Concorde, Giove, … Magnetic field (ICL) –Cluster, Cosmic Visions, cubesat Image: ESA Image: STFC/RAL

8 Data assets UK Solar System Data Centre (RAL) –data & models for solar and STP studies –World Data Centre C1 for STP CSDSweb (RAL) –Magnetospheric near-realtime conditions using Cluster World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (BGS) AuroraWatch UK (Lancaster)

9 Campaign assets Solar spectroscopy (RAL, MSSL, Cambridge, …) –Instruments: SOHO/CDS, Hinode/EIS –Atomic databases: ADAS and CHIANTI Interplanetary scintillation Aberystwyth) –EISCAT+Merlin Magnetosphere (ICL, MSSL, Sheffield, RAL) –Cluster Thermospheric winds (UCL) Ionospheric tomography (Aberystwyth, Bath) Aurora precipitation ASK (Southampton) Oblique sounding (Leicester, QQ) + others

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