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Inspector Al Dickie Area Tactical Response Manager: Dunedin CPNZ Conference June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Inspector Al Dickie Area Tactical Response Manager: Dunedin CPNZ Conference June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspector Al Dickie Area Tactical Response Manager: Dunedin CPNZ Conference June 2011

2 Contents:  Forecasts  Southern games  Operational requirements  Specialist squads  Risks  Planning

3 Forecasts  September 9 th to October 23 rd 2011 (45 days).  Third largest sporting event in the world.  4 billion plus viewers.  12000 plus overseas visitors to Southern.  The NZ ‘experience”.  $610 million to NZ economy.  A ‘shop window’ for tourism.


5 Southern Games DateDayLocationGame 10/09/2011SaturdayInvercargillScotland V Playoff 1300 10/09/2011SaturdayDunedinEngland V Argentina 2030 14/09/2011WednesdayInvercargillScotland V Europe 1 17/09/2011SaturdayInvercargillArgentina V Playoff 18/09/2011SundayDunedinEngland V Georgia 24/09/2011SaturdayDunedinEngland V Playoff 2/10/2011SundayDunedinIreland V Italy

6 Operational Requirements  Provide safety for RWC teams and general public for duration of RWC tournament  To provide sufficient staff at all games  Use CIMS and T & C for all operations  Provide security for any IPP visits  Plans to include pre game, game and post game, fan zones  Policing style crucial  Leave Ban


8 Specialist Squads  PPO: District, National, training  TPU: District, National, training  AOS, STG  SSG: team at every game  IPPs  TAG, HWP  Team Liaison Officers

9 Risks  Terrorism: Risk Assessment, NIC, Intel  Operations not coordinated with key partners  Policing style  Alcohol Management: controlled purchases  Disaffected persons  Protest action  High ranking IPP visit

10 Risk Mitigation  NIC and JIG tasked with managing Intel  DMI tasked with producing Consequential Profiles on key sites (air-port, rugby stadium, large hotels)  Commanders and Team Leaders will be briefed on ensuring Community Policing style is used  District RWC011 Alcohol Strategy has been developed, incorporated in Operation Orders  Disaffected persons and potential protection action will be incorporated in Operation Orders  High-ranking IPP visit is incorporated in District Plan.

11 Planning  DOM: District over-view, responsibilities (TP, IPP, PPO, Police rep Region Committee, coordinate Operation Orders/Plans, PNHQ Liaison)  Operation Commanders  “Pass it Wide” Regional Plan  Fan zones  Budget  Intel  Major Events Management Act (2007)



14  Large numbers of campervans could be targets for thieves at suburban sites  Many vehicles in the environs of the game that could become targets of thieves  After match disorder and damage on the streets of the city Local issues

15  Disorder at suburban establishments and environs  Student Area nonsense  Congestion in central city leading to assaults and fights around the CBD

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