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ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does geography affect society, culture, and trade? Kingdoms and States of Medieval Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does geography affect society, culture, and trade? Kingdoms and States of Medieval Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does geography affect society, culture, and trade? Kingdoms and States of Medieval Africa

2 Early African societies Include Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Home to artisans and farmers Most had no written language Lineage groups: an extended family unit that has combined into a large community Elders had more power Women Subordinate to men Societies were matrilineal or patrilineal Matrilineal: descent is traced through the mother Patrilineal: descent is traced through the father African Society

3 Education Children raised/educated by mothers until 6 Boys learned to hunt, fish, and farm from their fathers Girls learned how to be good wives and mothers Initiation Ceremony Occurred at the time of puberty Slavery Common throughout Africa and the world North African Berber groups raided villages south of the Sahara for captives Sold throughout the Mediterranean region African Society

4 Some communities were polytheistic, some monotheistic Communicated with gods through rituals Diviner: a person who is believed to have the power to foretell events Employed by kings to guarantee plentiful harvests and protect his interests Ancestors important in religion Believed to be closer to gods Islam Much of North Africa converted to Islam Over time, Islamic laws, customs and beliefs were combined with native traditions Christianity Adopted by rulers of Axum (Ethiopia) Religious Beliefs

5 Art Masks and statues made of wood, bronze, and iron Used for religious purposes Music and Dance A way to communicate with the spirits Transmitted folk legends and religious traditions from generation to generation Griot: a special class of African storytellers who helped keep alive a people’s history African Culture

6 Trading state in West Africa farmers in villages with a local ruler Kings of Ghana no written laws; vast wealth Relied on well-trained army Gold-Salt Trade Trade carried out by Muslim merchants Imported metal goods, textiles, horses, and salt Exported slaves, ivory, hides, and gold Facilitated exchange of technology and ideas Camels crucial to trans-Saharan trade The Kingdom of Ghana (A.D. 500)

7 Sundiata Keita Captured Ghana and united people of Mali Rulers served as religious and political leaders Mansa Susa Doubled the size of the kingdom Devout Muslim; made a pilgrimage to Mecca Price of gold declined because of his generosity Timbuktu Center of Islamic learning Attracted religious leaders, scholars, and artists Kingdom of Mali (1240)

8 Sunni Ali and the Sunni Dynasty Conquered Timbuktu Muhammad Ture Military commander and devout Muslim Overthrew son of Sunni Ali creating Askia Dynasty Strong navy and army Askia Dawud Made largest empire in African history The Kingdom of Songhai (1009)

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