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MATH TEST 60 Minutes – 60 Questions Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra  Pre-Algebra14 Multiple Choice  Elementary Algebra 10 Multiple Choice Intermediate.

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Presentation on theme: "MATH TEST 60 Minutes – 60 Questions Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra  Pre-Algebra14 Multiple Choice  Elementary Algebra 10 Multiple Choice Intermediate."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH TEST 60 Minutes – 60 Questions Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra  Pre-Algebra14 Multiple Choice  Elementary Algebra 10 Multiple Choice Intermediate Algebra/Coordinate Geometry  Intermediate Algebra9 Multiple Choice  Coordinate Geometry9 Multiple Choice Plane Geometry/Trigonometry  Plane Geometry14 Multiple Choice  Trigonometry 4 Multiple Choice

2 CONTENT COVERED BY THE MATH ACT TEST Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra: (24 Questions) Whole Numbers Decimals Integers Fractions Linear Equations Algebraic Equations Ability to solve Quadratic Equations

3 Intermediate Algebra/Coordinate Geometry (18 Questions) Graphing in the Coordinate Plane Operations with Integer Exponents Radical and Rational Expressions Quadratic Formula Linear Inequalities in One Variable Systems of two Linear Equations in Two Variables CONTENT COVERED BY THE MATH ACT TEST (continued)

4 Plane Geometry/Trigonometry (18 Questions) Properties and Relations of figures on the Geometric Plane Right Triangle Trigonometry Graphing Trigonometric Functions Basic Trigonometric Identities

5 CONTENT COVERED BY THE MATH ACT TEST (continued) Knowledge of basic formulas and computational skills are assumed Recall of complex formulas and extensive computation is not required Emphasizes the major content areas that are prerequisites to successful performance in entry-level courses in college mathematics

6 MATH TEST FORMAT Multiple Choice Format Asks a question Five possible answer choices Not ordered in terms of difficulty Questions drawn from elementary school or junior high tend to come earlier in the section Questions from high school math curricula tend to come later

7 CALCULATORS Are allowed Permitted calculators: four-function, scientific, or graphing calculators Prohibited calculators: Calculators with built-in computer algebra systems. – TI-89, TI-92, TI Nspire CAS (non-CAS is permitted); – HP 48GII and all model numbers that begin with HP 40G, HP 49 G,HP 50 G; – Casio Algebra fx 2.0, Class Pad 300, Class Pad 330 all model numbers that begin with CFX-9970G – handheld, tablet, or laptop computers, including PDAs – electronic writing pads or pen-input devices—Note: The Sharp EL 9600 is permitted. – calculators built into cell phones or any other electronic communication devices – calculators with a typewriter keypad (letter keys in QWERTY format)—Note: Letter keys not in QWERTY format are permitted.

8 CALCULATORS (continued) All problems can be solved without a calculator Some problems are best solved without a calculator Do scratch work before using a calculator Determine if taking time to punch in the numbers will save you time or if working the calculations out in the margin of your test booklet is faster Be sure you punched in the proper numbers Double check your display before hitting the function key Hit the clear key when completed Avoid the memory functions Pay attention to the order of operations when using your calculator Practice with your calculator before the ACT exam

9 STRATEGY 1 DIRECTIONS Golden Rule: DON’T READ THE DIRECTIONS ON TEST DAY! You need the extra time to complete the exam Of the 4 special notes at the end of the instructions, numbers 2-4 go without saying Note 1 – Vast majority of ACT figures are drawn to scale (See hand out for directions for Math ACT)

10 STRATEGY 2 PACE YOURSELF You have an average of 1 minute per question Answer the easiest questions first – Look at each question quickly to determine if you know how to solve the problem – If yes, solve it – If no, mark the problem in your test booklet, skip it and move on

11 STRATEGY 3 QUESTIONS 1/3 are Reading and Drawing Diagrams – Let the diagram tell you what you need to know 1/3 are Story Problems - Think of a real situation just like the one in the story 1/3 are Math Concept Problems

12 STRATEGY 4 SOLVE THE PROBLEM 1. What is the Question? – Focus on the question stem – What kind of problem is this? – What am I looking for?

13 STRATEGY 4 (continued) 2.What information am I given? – Are there additional computations you need to make in order to get to the answer? – Note to yourself what information you have and what you still need – In what format do the answers appear? – Some questions will be clear on what information you have and what you may need to do to find the answer – Others will require additional computation to find the answer

14 STRATEGY 4 (continued) 3.What Can I Do with the Information? - Think and decide on a plan of attack - Use your math skills - If you know what to do, go for it - Picking numbers – are there variables in the answer choices that you can pick numbers for? -Back-solving

15 STRATEGY 5 BACK-SOLVING Uses the given answers to solve the problem 1. Start in the middle of the answer choices 2. Plug answer choice (C) into the problem and solve 3. If answer choice (C) does not give you a correct solution, move on to the next answer choice 4. Eliminate smaller/larger choices depending on the answer (C) gives you 5. If you eliminate (C) and aren’t sure which direction to move, select an answer that looks easiest

16 STRATEGY 5 (continued) Back-solve when: All answer choices are numbers You are confused on how to solve a problem When you have complex word problems When you have confusing diagrams When it is quicker than the standard approach of solving the problem Note: In some situations, back-solving may not be effective

17 STRATEGY 6 Am I Finished? Once you get an answer, check the question again Have you fully answered the question: Test makers offer tempting answer choices for student who don’t recheck the question

18 STRATEGY 7 Use 2 “passes” through the Math test – First Pass: Examine each question in order – do every question you understand. Never spend more than a minute on any question in the first pass – Second Pass: Use the last 15 minutes to go back to the questions that stumped you the first time. Sometimes a fresh second look is all you need. If you are still stumped, work by process of elimination and guess Don’t plan on visiting the question a third time

19 STRATEGY 8 GUESSTIMATING If you understand a question but can’t figure out how to solve it, you can generally get an idea of how big the answer is, so guesstimate EYBALLING When in doubt, use your eyes Trust common sense and careful thinking Eyeball a geometry question if you don’t have the time or knowledge to solve it

20 MATH TIPS If your answer is not included among the choices, carefully reread the problem Pay careful attention to the question being asked Never dive headlong, wildly crunching numbers or manipulating equations without first giving the problem some thought Math questions are not always what they seem at first glance. Sometimes you need a new perspective to break through the disguise. Restate the problem. Frequently, questions include answer choices that are based on incomplete solutions Make sure your answer is reasonable Check your work if there is time left at the end of the test

21 SUMMARY Spend about 45 minutes on your first pass Do the easier questions first Guess on questions you know you’ll never get Mark the tough ones that you’ll want to come back to Read the entire question – Make sure you understand EXACTLY what you are solving – Record important information in the margins of your test booklet Choose best approach to problem – Make sure to think about shortcuts and strategies if the problem looks complicated or confusing Solve the problem, eliminate answers which are unrealistic

22 SUMMARY (continued) If you can’t solve the problem, make an educated guess – Use logic to eliminate unreasonable answer choices – On roman numeral problems, try to eliminate choices which appear in more than one answer – Try to estimate the final answer and eliminate those far from it Circle the correct answer in the test booklet, then Grid your answers at the end of every page or two

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