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CajunBot 2.0 Sponsorship Opportunity. Olympics of Brainiacs (2005) 2005 Grand Challenge 200 teams of the best and brightest Whittled to 23 in final Full-size.

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Presentation on theme: "CajunBot 2.0 Sponsorship Opportunity. Olympics of Brainiacs (2005) 2005 Grand Challenge 200 teams of the best and brightest Whittled to 23 in final Full-size."— Presentation transcript:

1 CajunBot 2.0 Sponsorship Opportunity

2 Olympics of Brainiacs (2005) 2005 Grand Challenge 200 teams of the best and brightest Whittled to 23 in final Full-size robotic vehicles, driving by themselves in Mojave Team CajunBot ranked 13 th in the final Stanford took $2M prize

3 World wide media exposure Event covered live on all major networks CNN, Fox, ESPN Special shows in Discovery, History Channel National and international press WSJ, NYT, Las Vegas Times, SF Journal Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, Car & Driver Articles in in flight magazines


5 National/International Media

6 World-wide online exposure Buzz in YouTube, Chat channels Live webcast of event CajunBot.Com – 70,000 hits on final day

7 Watched by Execs in Multi- nationals Caterpillar, GM, Ford, Honda, Volkswagen Intel, Google, Microsoft, Applanix Continental Double Bull

8 Winner feted

9 2005 CajunBot’s performance Went 18 miles Motor burn out 15 th rank

10 Olympics of Brainiacs (2007) 10 times more difficult than 2005 Vehicles must operate in traffic Sense lane boundaries Obey traffic rules Drive at 30 mph, without human intervention Prize $2M, $1M, $500K

11 Team CajunBot’s potential Upward trajectory in last two challenges Flawless performance in June 2007 inspection by DoD Potential to be amongst the winners

12 Sponsor Team CajunBot

13 Sponsorship Benefits Associate brand to innovation, challenge, and ingenuity Stanford U Carnegie-Mellon U.

14 Sponsorship Benefits World-wide exposure


16 Sponsorship Needs Funds needed $100,000

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