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How To Study the Bible The Christian and Bible Study (3)

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Presentation on theme: "How To Study the Bible The Christian and Bible Study (3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Study the Bible The Christian and Bible Study (3)

2 The Bible – the Word of God The Bible is how God communicates to us. We have noted why study the Bible We have addressed attitudes necessary to properly study the Bible. Today, some practical suggestions to help us optimize our time and understanding as we study

3 Preparing to Study Set aside time and establish a consistent pattern as you study the Bible One reason for spiritual ignorance is busy lives that fail to allocate personal time to study His word (and pray) Ephesians 5:16 Colossians 4:6 Find a place where distractions are minimized and resources available

4 Preparing to Study Systematic study Seek to understand “the whole counsel of God” 2 Timothy 2:15, “rightly dividing the word of truth” Flawed plans – hit and miss, favorite book, irregular or infrequent study IN TIME, one should have studied through the Bible

5 Preparing to Study Determine what you will study Expository study – studying a book of the Bible Topical study – studying a subject or particular word – i.e. baptism, the church, prayer, attitudes.

6 Preparing to Study Begin with prayer James 1:5-6, if you lack wisdom, ask of God

7 Preparing to Study Seek purity in your life Matthew 5:8, the pure in heart will see God. Could this include seeing Him as we study His word? John 3:18-21 Hosea 4:6, destroyed for lack of knowledge If you are impure: His word won’t be important to you:

8 Preparing to Study Be diligent 2 Timothy 2:15 Genuine study takes diligent effort Like anything worthwhile, you will get out of it what you put into it. Do not let obstacles keep you from studying His word.

9 Mining the Scriptures Read your Bible Not the same as study, but key to effective study. Reading gives you the big picture you need as you dig into specifics 1 Timothy 4:13 Ephesians 3:4

10 Mining the Scriptures Consider background and context 2 Timothy 2:15, a part of rightly dividing the word of truth We must make sure that we are using a text in its proper context.

11 Mining the Scriptures Why is context important? Luke 4:9-10, Satan took Psalm 91:11-12 out of its context Galatians 6:10, addressing individuals (includes spiritual matters) Matthew 18:20, what is the context? 1 John 2:15, John 3:16 – do these contradict each other?

12 Mining the Scriptures Consider background and context Context – immediate context, section (or chapter), message of the book, message of the Bible (does not contradict itself Background – who is speaking, who is being addressed, what is the circumstance of the text. Example: Does Genesis 6-8 command us to build an ark?

13 Mining the Scriptures Be objective Objective means not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. Accept the word for what it says (unless there is reason to think differently (i.e. background and context)

14 Mining the Scriptures Be objective Respect how authority is established – Command, example, necessary inference Respect the silence of scripture, 1 Corinthians 4:6 Avoid letting emotions dictate how you perceive a text

15 Mining the Scriptures Use common sense and reason Mental industry – logic is needed Example: Hebrews 7:14, Jesus arose from Judah Jesus used logic – John 10:37-38, Matthew 22:40 Paul reasoned – Acts 18:4

16 Mining the Scriptures Acquire reliable resources to aid in your studies Dictionaries – to define words – both English AND original language dictionaries (lexicons) Bible encyclopedias (called dictionaries) give details of persons, places and things Concordance – helps you look up a particular word

17 Mining the Scriptures Acquire reliable resources to aid in your studies Commentaries – can be helpful, but always use with caution! (A man’s interpretation) Today, Bible software is available that can help you put many of these resources together (range from free to very expensive) CONSIDER these resources an investment and your “tools”

18 Mining the Scriptures Consult various translations A simple way to help understand a word or phrase in your Bible that is not easy to comprehend is to compare that with what other versions say. Sometimes an alternate version will give you a reading of a text that clears it up.

19 Mining the Scriptures Consult various translations For example: 1 Corinthians 16:13 KJV, “Quit ye like men” NKJV, “Be brave, be strong” NASB, “Act like men, be strong” This can also help you understand if additional resources need to be consulted. NOTE: Seek translations that respect the wording of the original text (i.e. word for word translations).

20 Mining the Scriptures Record your studies Secure a notebook or way to document your research. This can be helpful later when you revisit a particular text or subject. Also, by writing something down you have added a different sense to your research – both reading and writing. That facilitates remembering it.

21 Mining the Scriptures Be Bible minded Spend time in the word and with those who share the word Read resources that strengthen your faith – magazines, books, bulletins, etc. during your casual time.

22 Do you study as you ought to?

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