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La Touche Legacy Seminar Local Democracy A Vision for the Future. Terry O Niadh.

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2 La Touche Legacy Seminar Local Democracy A Vision for the Future. Terry O Niadh.

3 Democracy A form of Government in which the supreme power is vested in the people collectively and is administered by them or by officers appointed by them. A form of Government in which the supreme power is vested in the people collectively and is administered by them or by officers appointed by them. Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

4 The Case for Local Government Jones and Stewart “ the greatest strength of local government should be that it promotes efficiency by promoting services and a mix of services that better fit local conditions and circumstances than can ever be achieved by more distant decision makers”

5 European Charter of Local Self Government- Article 3 Local self government denotes the right and ability of local authorities, within the limits of the law, to regulate and manage a substantial share of public offices under their own responsibility and in the interests of the local population.

6 Local Authorities What they are What they are What they should be What they should be What they do What they do What they should do What they should do

7 Local Authorities Facilitators of local democracy and community development Facilitators of local democracy and community development Service providers Service providers Law makers Law makers Regulators and implementers of national policy & legislation Regulators and implementers of national policy & legislation

8 Part 9-Local Government Act, 2001 Role of a Local Authority is: 1. To provide a forum for the democratic representation of the local community & to provide civic leadership. 2. To carry out functions conferred on the authority by this or any enactment 3. To carry out ancillary functions 4. To take action to promote the community interest

9 Other elements of Local Government Accords with the principle of subsidiarity Accords with the principle of subsidiarity Allows local people to decide on their priorities, the level of taxation and the level of services Allows local people to decide on their priorities, the level of taxation and the level of services Local Authorities are the only directly elected body outside of Dail Eireann which gives them a very strong political mandate. Local Authorities are the only directly elected body outside of Dail Eireann which gives them a very strong political mandate.

10 Limitations/ Challenges Functions Functions Form (Structure) Form (Structure) Finance Finance

11 Functions Range of functions is quite limited Range of functions is quite limited The system is not the focus of local attention it should be The system is not the focus of local attention it should be LAs in other EU countries deal with broader range of services including Health, Social Welfare, Tourism, Policing, Courts and Justice, Education, Electricity LAs in other EU countries deal with broader range of services including Health, Social Welfare, Tourism, Policing, Courts and Justice, Education, Electricity Irish LAs account for 11 to 15% of typical Danish Local Authorities expenditure Irish LAs account for 11 to 15% of typical Danish Local Authorities expenditure New local bodies set up to undertake functions which are performed by LAs in other EU Countries (Leader Companies, County Enterprise Boards). New local bodies set up to undertake functions which are performed by LAs in other EU Countries (Leader Companies, County Enterprise Boards).

12 Form/ Structure Relatively small number of LAs compared other EU Countries Relatively small number of LAs compared other EU Countries Relatively small number of Councillors Relatively small number of Councillors Imbalance at Town Council level- Templemore V Roscrea/ Greystones v Wicklow Town & Arklow Imbalance at Town Council level- Templemore V Roscrea/ Greystones v Wicklow Town & Arklow Imbalance at County Council level- Leitrim v Cork Imbalance at County Council level- Leitrim v Cork Need for revision of boundaries in many major towns and cities Need for revision of boundaries in many major towns and cities Regional Authorities have very limited role Regional Authorities have very limited role

13 Finance Amount of funding available is inadequate to meet escalating costs of many services e.g. Water Services, Environmental Protection, Waste Management, Energy Amount of funding available is inadequate to meet escalating costs of many services e.g. Water Services, Environmental Protection, Waste Management, Energy Local sources of funding very limited. Most EU LAs raise more of their own revenues locally Local sources of funding very limited. Most EU LAs raise more of their own revenues locally Existing local funding sources under pressure due to economic recession Existing local funding sources under pressure due to economic recession Large percentage of revenue is derived from specific Government grants Large percentage of revenue is derived from specific Government grants LAs have no discretion over vast elements of public expenditure at local level LAs have no discretion over vast elements of public expenditure at local level LAs have little fiscal autonomy (OECD) which acts as a barrier to improved performance and re-enforces a culture of compliance LAs have little fiscal autonomy (OECD) which acts as a barrier to improved performance and re-enforces a culture of compliance

14 Schedule of Previous Proposals for Local Government Reform 1971 – White Paper on Local Government Re-organisation. 1971 – White Paper on Local Government Re-organisation. 1971 – Strengthening the Local Government Services- The McKinsey Report. 1971 – Strengthening the Local Government Services- The McKinsey Report. 1972 – White Paper on Local Finance and Taxation. 1972 – White Paper on Local Finance and Taxation. 1973 – Local Government Re-organisation – Discussion Document. 1973 – Local Government Re-organisation – Discussion Document. 1977 – Abolition of Domestic Rates (Government decision). 1977 – Abolition of Domestic Rates (Government decision). 1983 – Termination of Agricultural Rates (Supreme Court Decision). 1983 – Termination of Agricultural Rates (Supreme Court Decision). 1985 – The Reform of Local Government – A Policy Statement. 1985 – The Reform of Local Government – A Policy Statement. 1985 – NESC Report. 1985 – NESC Report. 1985 – Commission on Taxation Reports. 1985 – Commission on Taxation Reports. 1991 – Local Government Re-organisation and Reform 1991 – The Barrington Report. 1991 – Local Government Re-organisation and Reform 1991 – The Barrington Report. 1994 – A Government of Renewal. 1994 – A Government of Renewal. 1996 – Toward Cohesive Local Government – Town and County. 1996 – Toward Cohesive Local Government – Town and County.

15 Schedule of Previous Proposals for Local Government Reform 1996 – Study on Local Government Finance (KPMG). 1996 – Study on Local Government Finance (KPMG). 1996 – Interim Report of the Devolution Commission. 1996 – Interim Report of the Devolution Commission. 1996 – Better Local Government: A Program for Change. 1996 – Better Local Government: A Program for Change. 1997 – Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act. 1997 – Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act. 1997 – Second Report of the Devolution Commission. 1997 – Second Report of the Devolution Commission. 1997 – Guidelines for the establishment and operation of Strategic Policy Committees. 1997 – Guidelines for the establishment and operation of Strategic Policy Committees. 1998 – Task Force Report on the Integration of Local Government and Local Development. 1998 – Task Force Report on the Integration of Local Government and Local Development. 1999 – Preparing the Ground: Guidelines for the Progression from County Strategy Groups to County/City Development Boards (Second Task Force Report). 1999 – Preparing the Ground: Guidelines for the Progression from County Strategy Groups to County/City Development Boards (Second Task Force Report). 2000 – A Shared Vision for County/City Development Boards (Third Task Force Report). 2000 – A Shared Vision for County/City Development Boards (Third Task Force Report).

16 Schedule of Previous Proposals for Local Government Reform 2001 – Local Government Act, 2001. 2001 – Local Government Act, 2001. Modernising Government – The Challenges for Local Government Modernising Government – The Challenges for Local Government 2004 – Delivering Value for People Service Indicators in Local Authorities. 2004 – Delivering Value for People Service Indicators in Local Authorities. 2008 – Green Paper – Stronger Local Democracy. 2008 – Green Paper – Stronger Local Democracy. 2008 – OECD Review of the Public Service. 2008 – OECD Review of the Public Service. 2008 – Transforming Public Services: Citizen Centred Performance Focus. 2008 – Transforming Public Services: Citizen Centred Performance Focus. 2009 - Commission on Taxation Report. 2009 - Commission on Taxation Report. 2009 – Local Government (Charges) Act 2009. 2009 – Local Government (Charges) Act 2009. 2010 – Local Government Efficiency Review Group Report. 2010 – Local Government Efficiency Review Group Report. 2011-Programme for Government 2011/16 2011-Programme for Government 2011/16

17 Programme for Government 2011/16 Local Government Reform Will devolve many of the functions currently being performed by agencies back to local government Will devolve many of the functions currently being performed by agencies back to local government Ensure that all property-related revenues are part of the income stream of local government. Ensure that all property-related revenues are part of the income stream of local government. Abolish the position of County Manager and replace it with that of Chief Executive, whose primary function will be to facilitate the implementation of democratically decided policy. Abolish the position of County Manager and replace it with that of Chief Executive, whose primary function will be to facilitate the implementation of democratically decided policy. A democratically-decided Regional or City Plan will replace the present top-down Strategic Planning Guideline model. A democratically-decided Regional or City Plan will replace the present top-down Strategic Planning Guideline model. Will give councillors a legal power to seek reports from, and question in public, all providers of public services in their area. Will give councillors a legal power to seek reports from, and question in public, all providers of public services in their area.

18 Programme for Government 2011/16 Local Government Reform Programme for Government 2011/16 Local Government Reform Will also empower them to question private sector service providers such as internet and digital TV providers, local banks or private schools, on their public service remit. Will also empower them to question private sector service providers such as internet and digital TV providers, local banks or private schools, on their public service remit. The Local Government Director of Audit will be required to publish an annual report covering all his functions to the Oireachtas Committee on Environment. The Report will assist in determining where local government can produce greater efficiencies. The Local Government Director of Audit will be required to publish an annual report covering all his functions to the Oireachtas Committee on Environment. The Report will assist in determining where local government can produce greater efficiencies. Will examine what services could be converged between two or more local authorities, such as technology support, human resources and fire services. Will examine what services could be converged between two or more local authorities, such as technology support, human resources and fire services..

19 Programme for Government 2011/16 Local Government Reform Will introduce a single national building inspectorate service Will introduce a single national building inspectorate service Local authorities that deliver efficiencies, either alone or through sharing services, over and above what is required will be allowed re-invest a proportion of those savings in local initiatives. Local authorities that deliver efficiencies, either alone or through sharing services, over and above what is required will be allowed re-invest a proportion of those savings in local initiatives. We are committed to a fundamental reorganisation of local governance structures to allow for devolution of much greater decision-making to local people. We will give local communities more control over transport and traffic, economic development, educational infrastructure, and local responses to crime and local healthcare needs. We are committed to a fundamental reorganisation of local governance structures to allow for devolution of much greater decision-making to local people. We will give local communities more control over transport and traffic, economic development, educational infrastructure, and local responses to crime and local healthcare needs.

20 Programme for Government 2011/16 Local Government Reform In local services, we will establish a website to assist residents in reporting problems with street lighting, drainage, graffiti, waste collection and road and path maintenance in their neighbourhoods, with a guarantee that local officials will respond within two working days. In local services, we will establish a website to assist residents in reporting problems with street lighting, drainage, graffiti, waste collection and road and path maintenance in their neighbourhoods, with a guarantee that local officials will respond within two working days. We will merge local enterprise and job support functions of local, regional and national agencies into a single business and enterprise unit within Local Authorities. This will allow streamlining of local job creation and support functions, increased shared knowledge capability and resources while saving on administration costs. We will merge local enterprise and job support functions of local, regional and national agencies into a single business and enterprise unit within Local Authorities. This will allow streamlining of local job creation and support functions, increased shared knowledge capability and resources while saving on administration costs.

21 Recommendations-Functions Central controls on Local Authorities should be significantly relaxed Central controls on Local Authorities should be significantly relaxed Substantial devolution of functions commensurate with the principle of subsidiarity (Service level agreements could be used) Substantial devolution of functions commensurate with the principle of subsidiarity (Service level agreements could be used) All public services should be delivered at County level or Groups of Counties to ensure greater coherence and consistency across the entire public services at local level (TPS :2008) All public services should be delivered at County level or Groups of Counties to ensure greater coherence and consistency across the entire public services at local level (TPS :2008) An executive group should be set up to co-ordinate public services at local level. The activities should be monitored by local County Councillors. An executive group should be set up to co-ordinate public services at local level. The activities should be monitored by local County Councillors. Water services should be delivered (or controlled) by a national agency (An Bord Snip) Water services should be delivered (or controlled) by a national agency (An Bord Snip)

22 Recommendations-Form Structure Dissolve all Town Councils and hand their functions over to County Councils (WP 1971) Dissolve all Town Councils and hand their functions over to County Councils (WP 1971) Delegate functions to County Council Area Committees Delegate functions to County Council Area Committees Area Committees should consist of elected area councillors & social/community pillar representatives Area Committees should consist of elected area councillors & social/community pillar representatives Reduce number of County /City Councils Reduce number of County /City Councils Synchronise the regions and expand the functions of the Regional Authorities Synchronise the regions and expand the functions of the Regional Authorities Integrate the Local Government and Local Development Systems Integrate the Local Government and Local Development Systems

23 Recommendations- Finance Charge the economic cost for local authority services Charge the economic cost for local authority services Introduce a local property tax Introduce a local property tax Recoup the full cost of providing national public services to Local Authorities Recoup the full cost of providing national public services to Local Authorities

24 Conclusion Sin e Sin e Go raibh mhaith agaibh Go raibh mhaith agaibh

25 La Touche Legacy Seminar Local Democracy A Vision for the Future. Terry O Niadh.

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