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The Publish-It- Yourself Workshop Mike McCandless, Instructor Harper College Continuing Education, Course LLA 0104 Spring 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Publish-It- Yourself Workshop Mike McCandless, Instructor Harper College Continuing Education, Course LLA 0104 Spring 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Publish-It- Yourself Workshop Mike McCandless, Instructor Harper College Continuing Education, Course LLA 0104 Spring 2016 1

2 The PIY Workshop or Six Weeks to Self-Publishing Session 1: To Publish, or Not to Publish Session 2: Author I – Writing Session 3: Author II – Editing Session 4: Publisher I: Production Session 5: Publisher II: Marketing Session 6: Entrepreneur – Publishing in the Digital Age LLA 01042 Our text: APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur–How to Publish a Book, by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch

3 Session 6: Entrepreneur Publishing in the Digital Age LLA 0104, 2015603 Last Chance for Qs & As PIY in Review Project Interviews The Road Ahead

4 CreateSpace Resources 4

5 We said to start with the end in mind. What’s your end? Something I’ve written. You love to write. To be a published author. To be the author of a successful series of books loved by millions. To be able to say, “You know, some day, I’m going to write a book about ….” You’re sure you would love to have written. To run a publishing business. You’re not sure at all. Author? Publisher? Entrepreneur? LLA 0104, 2015605

6 The “Description” 750 words or less Inverted pyramid Embedded key words Third person Tell a story. Becomes the basis for your blurb, press release, interviews, etc. Connect with the ideal reader Let GoodReads help you Participate in LinkedIn groups 6

7 The Divine Storyteller For fans worldwide of author Nevil Shute, The Divine Storyteller offers a new viewpoint on the novelist's life during the years 1944 to 1955 and the ideas that shaped his widely popular books. Written as a series of imagined, present-tense conversations between Nevil Shute Norway and his friends and associates, The Divine Storyteller puts you in the same room, yacht, automobile, or airplane as the author and his companions. Shute's approaches to theme, plot and character development are portrayed against the backdrop of his active life as a war correspondent, a pilot adventurer, and an Australian immigrant after World War II. Written with the greatest admiration for Shute, The Divine Storyteller is a must for long-time devotees or quick introduction to the sources of the author's work and thought. Shute helped a generation process the changing face of English society before and after World War II and the post-war specter of the nuclear threat in his novel On the Beach. The Divine Storyteller is a fast read written with gratitude and respect for the man and his contributions to popular 20th century literature globally. It will entertain and enlighten a new generation to Shute's body of work. 7

8 MountainVision Join Jeff Evans on outdoor adventures to the world's highest mountains and as he unpacks how to conquer the fears and perils that life's challenges bring. In this updated and expanded edition of MountainVision, Jeff's exciting and inspiring memoir teaches new lessons in leadership and life from beyond the summit. 8

9 Categories You can only pick two! (or maybe three) 9

10 10 BISAC Category Book Industry Standards and Communications (BISAC) categories are used by the book-selling industry to help identify and group books by their subject matter. Choose the BISAC category that best fits your book. Step 16

11 Categories are important! 11 A friend’s recently published historical novel has achieved “best seller” status, a great boost to sales. Note the reviews, price, and category.

12 Search Keywords Search keywords can help your title show up on both and search engines. Pick phrases that you think customers are likely to use when either searching for your title specifically, or when shopping for products that may be similar in subject matter. You can add up to five keyword phrases separated by commas. On KDP, it advises not to duplicate words in your title, description or author bio. 12

13 Author Biography Tell potential customers about your book's author. You can include information about the author's background and qualifications, previous works, or personal interests. The author biography displays in your eStore and on your book's detail page. The author biography can have up to 2,500 characters, including spaces, which is about 475 words. 13

14 DRM Digital Rights Management, APE, page 234. “DRM” is more realistically, “delusions of rights management.” It’s the concept that large companies can create systems that hackers cannot break. If this is a race, our money is on the hackers. Most online ebook resellers have their own DRM features built into their systems. Amazon and Apple, however, offer the choice of adding more DRM for your books. Our advice is to decline these offers and err on the side of too little DRM: DRM inconveniences honest people. DRM doesn’t stop dishonest people. Even if you could stop the dishonest people, they won’t buy your book. Even dishonest people, if they like your book, may tell other people to buy and read your book. You should focus on writing a book that’s worth stealing and marketing it so that the world knows about it. 14

15 goodreads 15

16 The IBPA 16

17 Association of Independent Authors The Association of Independent Authors was established in 2009 in response to a constant anti self-published commentary on blogs, forums, etc. by those who had an interest in ensuring this 'fad' would soon be over. Association of Independent Authors 17 Executive Director Leigh Cunningham

18 Alliance of Independent Authors 18 The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) is the professional association for authors who self-publish.Alliance of Independent Authors We foster ethics and excellence in self-publishing -- and run many campaigns and collaborations that benefit our members. Pronouced (sic!) “Ally” not “Allee” we are a global organisation, organised across eight territories: AfricaIndia AustralasiaSouth America CanadaUK EuropeUS We offer connection and collaboration, advice and education, advocacy and representation to writers who want to self-publish well.

19 Author Marketing Experts 19

20 BookBaby 20

21 BookDaily 21

22 Archway Publishing 22

23 Your motivation to take this class You carefully read the course description and this is exactly what you are looking for. You read the course description but you’re not quite sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for. If you knew what you wanted, you wouldn’t have signed up for a class like this. You had nothing else going this evening. LLA 0104, 20156023

24 About Self-Publishing An esteemed tradition The result of a revolution o Esoteric to ubiquitous o Analog to digital o Incredibly slow to incredibly fast o Who you know to Who knows you What this means for you o Control o Ownership o More earnings…maybe…some day. o Not enduring the slings and arrows…as much. o A happier you! LLA 0104, 20156024

25 Self-Publishing Tools Computer Word processing software: Word, Scrivener Blog: WordPress is much preferred for general use. Gmail account: I’m neutral on this. Amazon account: At least all the free bits. CreateSpace/Kindle Direct Publishing accounts. LLA 0104, 20156025

26 Self-Publisher’s Checklist 126 Reprinted from Let’s Get Digital by David Gaughran, a book well worth your investment!

27 Promoting Your Book Level I marketing: what comes with the deal. o Title, description, categories and key words o Channels o Kindle Select, DRM, Amazon store, Author Central, etc. Level II marketing: o Your author platform Website, blog, other people’s blogs Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Web advertising: SEM and digital ads. o Your other author platform Level III marketing o Getting help from professional marketeers o Getting on board the publisher train 27

28 10 Ways to Promote Your Book 1.Tell people and get them talking. 2.Do a press release. 3.Mix it up on LinkedIn. 4.Do a book tour. 5.Flog your blog. Make friends with bloggers. 6.Build a Facebook page. 7.Twitter, G+, Tumblr, other social media. 8.Get your friends to write reviews. 9.Test some ads. 10.Get interviewed by a podcaster. 28

29 The Long Tail is Where We Live 29 Adapted from The Long Tail by Chris Anderson (2008)

30 Marketing Tools Title Description Author bio Your pitch Cover art Categories Key Words Trailers Social and other media Website and blog Reviews Publicity: get people talking Interviews Amazon fine tuning Advertising Blurbs Mail Search Get engaged. Cross-promotion 30

31 Where to Lurk on LinkedIn IBPA Self-Publishing and Book Marketing Book Publishing Professionals Digital Publishing Network Authors, Writers, etc. Publishing Today Ebooks, Ebook Readers, Digital Books, etc. Books and Writers LLA 0104, 20156031 Publishing Executive Magazine Publishing Business B2B Publishers Book Marketing The Writer’s Network etc.

32 Use Social Media Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest Instagram LinkedIn 32

33 Questions & Answers My only question: Where are you going from here? 33

34 Wrapping It Up 1.Who do you want to be? Author? Publisher? Entrepreneur? 2.What kind of an author do you want to be? o A published author? o A self-sustaining author? o A famous author? 3.What do you need to know and do next to achieve 1 and 2? 34

35 It’s Been a Pleasure …and a privilege to pass along some information and perspective that will maybe help you become self-published. Let me know when your book is ready to buy! Let’s stay in touch. o o o 757.287.8821 35

36 The Publish-It- Yourself Workshop Mike McCandless, Instructor Harper College Continuing Education, Course LLA 0104 Spring 2016 36

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