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Best Practices Developing Online General Studies Curriculum @SHERRIRESTAURI MARCH 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices Developing Online General Studies Curriculum @SHERRIRESTAURI MARCH 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices Developing Online General Studies Curriculum SHERRI.RESTAURI@UAH.EDU SHERRI.RESTAURI@UAH.EDU @SHERRIRESTAURI MARCH 2016

2 Differentiating  UG 100-200 Level OL Courses  Age  Lifestyle/responsibilities  Educational & Work Experiences  Students’ expectations within course  Content  Teaching styles 300-Grad Level OL Courses  Grad  Older  Preparations for experience varied  Familiarity with online trainings  Comfort level with tech  Faculty objectives and expectations w/ older/experienced pop.

3 Moving content online Schrum and Hong (2002) 7 dimensions of online student success :  1. Access to tools  2. Technology experience  3. Learning preferences  4. Study habits and skills  5. Goals/purposes  6. Lifestyle factors  7. Personal traits and characteristics Difficulties entailed at the 100-200 levels with UG students 

4 What’s Unique about Gen Ed?  Content is the foundation of the University  Relationship with other courses within departments and Colleges critical  Interdisciplinary relationships between courses (i.e., English & Bio)  Make or break: Student course, program, and even micro-retention concerns  Level of support necessary in these courses is extraordinary  Conditional admit considerations for low-scoring students  Population who enroll is unique  FtF  Adult Deg Comp

5 Studies to consider:  OL Orientation, Credit-based, at cost: Rooij & Zirkle (2015): Balancing pedagogy, student readiness and accessibility: A case study in collaborative online course development  Dixson (2010)—Student engagement, Instructor presence, RAIQDC & other measures. Engagement vs. Social presence  Studies regarding use of self-assessments and frequent checkpoints. Ex: Students’ characteristics, self-regulated learning, technology self-efficacy, and course outcomes in online learning; Wang, Shannon, & Ross (2013)  ASU: example of the admit requirements noted from ASU with their BIS/GS degree designations, in which they label students by their pursuit paths (BIS/GS/PS, etc.). Here is the link to the site: null/ONLINE/2015?init=false&nopassive=true null/ONLINE/2015?init=false&nopassive=true

6 Critical Players  UG Admissions  UG Curriculum Committee  OL IDs  College- or Dept-Level Program Managers  DSS & SSC  Acad Tech/Inst Tech

7 Developing the Plan for Roll Out—Models to Consider  Jigsaw/Piece-by-piece  Targeted by student demand  Targeted by classroom space needs  Targeted by faculty interest or incentives provided  Top down  Bottom up

8 Checklist: Gen Ed Instructional Toolbox  LMS native tools for student tracking & performance, reporting  Collaborative assignment & Reminder Tools (Blogs, Wikis, Group projects):  Google apps/Dropbox  Voicethread/Apprenet/Collaj/Zaption  Passive LC does NOT work with this population.  Social Synch/Asynch Software  Collaborate  Connect  BBB  Socnets—FB/Li, etc.  Online Study Tools & Self-Check Options Throughout Courses (graded & ungraded) Online Study Tools  Quizlet/Studyblue, etc.  LMS PQs  Use a template for developing these courses—standardized info on student support services.  Student orientation, syllabus & LMS quiz, etc.

9 Questions?

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