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Materials Handling Knowledge Sharing Session

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1 Materials Handling Knowledge Sharing Session
WM and PP Interface Materials Handling Knowledge Sharing Session

2 Overview Mapping of the Internal Procurement process with WM-PP Interface Customizing settings for using WM-PP Interface Backflushing Control Cycles PSA determination during Production |

3 Staging without the WM-PP interface
When we don’t use the WM-PP interface the Work order or the process order generates a GI posting which in turn generates a TR in an interim storage area i.e. the Goods issue area. The goods are then finally removed when a TO is generated and the confirmation of the TO completes the staging process. IM Movement type 261 occurs in the start which is then mapped to WM movement type 261. A TR is alsp generated for this WM Movement Type The material is then mapped as negative quants in the interim storage area i.e. 914 (“GI Area for production”) which is cleared in the end. |

4 Process Flow with WM-PP Interface
Has to be activated at Warehouse level. Request is through LP10, LP11 or LP12 The WM movement type 319 and 349 (replenishment for production) controls the process. Picked material is put in PSA storage type (100 in Std SAP) IM posting in the end reduces both the Storage Location stocks and the Warehouse stocks. Hence, 2 TRs are required – 1. Warehouse to PSA Storage Type ( WM Movt Type 319/349) and 2. PSA Storage Type to 914.(Movement Type 261) The process flow is reversed in this case. In the first step a request is generated using special transactions (LP10 for order related staging, LP11 for Non order related staging (Crate Parts) and LP12 (Release Order Parts) for cross order) either in a separate step or via the work order itself to create a TR which is converted into a TO. This involves the staging of the material to a separate interim storage type known as the “production supply”. Finally the Goods Issue happens which completes the staging process. In other words when PP-PI is active, 2 TRs are required – one to move the material from the main Warehouse to PSA Storage Type ( WM Movt Type 319/349) and the second tp move the material from PSA Storage Type to 914. |

5 Overdeliveries Allowed Requirement Type P i.e. Production Supply
Movement Type 319 Overdeliveries Allowed Requirement Type P i.e. Production Supply |

6 No Over-Deliveries, hence Exact Quantity
Movement Type 349 No Over-Deliveries, hence Exact Quantity |

7 Movement Type 261 Destination storage type is 914 and Storage Bin is Dynamic i.e. the Process Order No TR is automatically generated from setting in table V_T321 |

8 Customizing Settings for using WM-PP Interface

9 Customizing Settings for using WM-PP Interface

10 Activate at Warehouse Level

11 Movement Type and Storage Type Definition
Storage Type : 142 & 147 are linked to Movement Type 349 which is for exact Qty Staging. Other PSA Storage Types allow overdeliveries |

12 Production Scheduling Profile
We can control staging via the WM-PP interface. |

13 Advantage of using the WM-IM Interface
Backflushing of components is possible Staging of materials can be fine tuned using Control Cycles. Order based staging can be directly done, and changes can be automatically adjusted. Production Declaration Putaway for finished products from production is controlled by WM movement type 103(“GR production order”) and works in the same way as other GRs. |

14 Backflushing - Prerequisites
Each material component is assigned to an operation in the production order. If a material component is backflushed, the system posts the withdrawal only upon confirmation of the operation. The withdrawal is then posted automatically. GI posting only when production process is complete with the confirmation of the work order. 1. Material Master setting 2. Setting in the Work Order 3. Setting in the master recipe |

15 Material Master view |

16 In Process Order |

17 Specifies How and Where the materials are staged from a warehouse
Control Cycles Specifies How and Where the materials are staged from a warehouse Material Staging Indicator – To specify the type of staging Indicator 1 (Pick Part) Indicator 2 (Crate Part) Indicator 3 (Release order part) Indicator 4 (Manual staging) PICK PARTS – Material is staged with relation to an order. The system request the exact amount specified in the work order. Pick parts are staged in dynamic storage bins because of the relation with the order. Hence the document number of the order forms the storage bin coordinates. Control cycles can be created for specific material. Also we can have a material independent control cycle which is valid for all the materials not assigned to a control cycle. CRATE PARTS – staged in consistent quantities independent of the order. It is based on the PP-KANBAN processing. In the control cycles we specify the number of containers that are to be normally removed and the quantity in them. RELEASE ORDER PARTS – Staging is done for multiple orders. The system checks how many release orders require the material and in what quantity and creates the TR for the total quantity. MANUAL STAGING – The TO is created without a TR. The consumption posting reduces the stock of the production storage type given in the Control Cycle. |

18 Control Cycles |

19 Display: Transaction LS41
Control Cycles Material Independent Control Cycle Display: Transaction LS41 |

20 Control Cycle |

21 A Operations B Inputs BOM C 1 2 Work Centre PSA 3 PSA Work Centre
PSA Determination A Operations Inputs B BOM C 1 2 Work Centre PSA 3 Work Centre PSA Basic Data View |

22 Movement Type Determination
Material Control Cycle Plant Storage Type PSA Material Staging Indicator Movement Type TR and TO |

23 Thank You !!!!! |

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