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Thornhill School News Issue 15 Fri 13 th January CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Next Week 16-20 th Jan We have been really busy this week.

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Presentation on theme: "Thornhill School News Issue 15 Fri 13 th January CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Next Week 16-20 th Jan We have been really busy this week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thornhill School News Issue 15 Fri 13 th January CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Next Week 16-20 th Jan We have been really busy this week researching the conditions which cause different types of weather. We have discovered some really interesting information. In numeracy we have been collecting data and using it to make frequency charts and bar graphs. Our text this term is Skellig.. Our Pupils have Community Spirit It was with great pride that I received information about a good deed that was carried out by our pupils on Wednesday night. A group of our students playing in the park witnessed an old lady having a fall, they went to her aid and went to get assistance. Our helpful students were: Keighton Hewer, Robbie Kirkbride, Chloe and Morgan Moynes, Stephen Jones, Stephen Rogers and Ben Park. Well done all of you, we are so proud of you! Nail Polish It has come to our attention that an increasing number of pupils are coming to school wearing nail polish. Our school policy states that nail varnish should not be worn. Accordingly can it be removed over the weekend. Many thanks. Tues- KS2 Gym 3-4pm Wed-Knitting/ Sewing 3-4pm Thurs- Recorders 3-4pm Fri- Vanessa Rae visit Youth Club 3.30-5pm £1 entry. This Week 9-13th Mon- KS2 Athletics event pm Governors Meeting 6pm Tues- Friends Meeting 5pm KS2 Gym 3-4pm Wed- Knitting/Sewing 3-4pm Thurs- Recorders 3-4pm Fri- Mobile Library visit Youth Club 3.30-5.00 Please ensure your new phone number has been given to the office. Another busy week at Thornhill. We have started our novel- There’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom. It is set in an American school and deals with issues of isolation, friendship and growing up. The children have been introduced to the character of Bradley Chalkers, seemingly a failure and a bully. They have also met new pupil, Jeff, who tries, despite everyone’s warnings, to make Bradley his friend. The children are keen to find out how the story develops. This week we have re-told our focus text, putting the main events in the correct order. The Year 1s have drawn some very detailed pictures showing these. Next week we will be focussing on the characters in the story. On Thursday we found out what a sculpture is. We looked at a variety of sculptures made from different materials.

2 Your child is a published poet! In the Autumn Term a poet came to work with the children of the school, helping them to craft poems to be published. Key Stage One’s book is called Favourite Toys. Key Stage Two’s book is called Light and Sound. The school have copies of these for you to view. If you would like to order a copy/ copies please order them at the office by the end of January at a price of £5 each. Friends of School The Friends of school is an voluntary organisation made up of parents, family members and people in the community who support the school in a variety of ways. They are a small but committed group, vital to the well being of every child. They raise funds for particular projects and decide how money is spent. They assist with school improvement and repairs and they help to run clubs and other activities. If you are interested in becoming a friend of the school please come along to the meeting on Tuesday night a 5pm or contact Mr Figes or Mrs Claire Morfoot. You do not have to commit lots of time, but whatever you can do will help the children of Thornhill. Behaviour in school The vast majority of children in school are exceptionally well-behaved. Visitors to the school are often complimentary about the manners and behaviour of our children. However there are a number of pupils who are repeatedly getting into trouble for actions of a disruptive or violent nature. The source of the majority of these is name-calling or teasing. At Thornhill we believe that these behaviours are bullying. What might be regarded as ‘a bit of fun’ is often not the case. Behaviours that might be acceptable outside school, might be viewed differently inside. Please be aware that Mrs Figes will be punishing children who are deliberately trying to upset others in this way during school time. Please bring your parental survey forms back in- your views are important!

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