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Hosted by Mrs. Lockhart. 500 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 100 AztecsIncas Spanish Conquests The Liberators 20 th Century Issues in.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by Mrs. Lockhart. 500 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 100 AztecsIncas Spanish Conquests The Liberators 20 th Century Issues in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted by Mrs. Lockhart

2 500 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 100 AztecsIncas Spanish Conquests The Liberators 20 th Century Issues in Latin America Milestones Wild Card 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500

3 Q: 100 True or False? The Aztec capital was located in present day Peru.


5 Q: 200 Name last ruler of the Aztec Civilization

6 Montezuma II

7 Q: 300 Why did neighboring tribes hate the Aztecs?

8 A: 300 The Aztecs took prisoners from neighboring tribes to use as sacrifices In addition, the Aztecs required conquered tribes to pay tributes (taxes).

9 Q: 400 Terraces: Inca as ________:Aztec

10 Chinampas (floating gardens) A:400

11 Q:500 Who is Quetzalcoatl and why was he significant during the Spanish Conquests?

12 A:500 Quetzalcoatl is a celebrated god in the Aztec Religion. In god form Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent. In human form he had a white face with a beard. According to legend, Quetzalcoatl was to return in his birth year. By coincidence, Hernan Cortes came in the same year. Many Aztecs thought he was this god and therefore welcomed the Spanish instead of treating them as invaders.

13 Q:100 Name the city below

14 A:100

15 Q:200 Circle the term below that does not belong and justify your answer. Quipu Terracing Quechua Hieroglyphs

16 A: 200 Answers may vary Hieroglyphs- It is the only term that does not refer to the Inca civilization

17 Q: 300 On the map below, shade in the location of the Inca Empire. What physical feature dominated the empire? Name three present day countries that were located in the empire.

18 A: 300 Andes Mountains Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile

19 Q: 400 What system of recording information does this image depict?

20 A: 400

21 Q: 500 List six achievements of the Inca Empire

22 A: 500 Answers may include: Roads Bridges Aqueducts Terraces Stone architecture Large empire Quipu Statues and works of art.

23 Q: 100 ________ conquered the capital shown below.

24 A: 100

25 Q: 200 True or False? Coffee, cattle, and peaches, originally came from Europe.

26 A: 200

27 Q: 400 List two lasting impacts of Spanish colonization in Latin America today

28 A: 400

29 Q: 300 Complete the chart below depicting the social structure of New Spain King of Spain

30 A: 300 King of Spain Peninsulares Criollos Mestizos Mulattos Slaves

31 Q: 500 Put the following in chronological order. Place a 1 next to the event that happened first etc. ___ Cortes conquers Aztec Empire __Columbian Exchange begins __ Inca Empire is defeated by Pizarro __ Mexico City is established

32 A: 500 _2_Cortes conquers Aztec Empire _1_Columbian Exchange begins _4_ Inca Empire is defeated by Pizarro _3_ Mexico City is established

33 Q:100 Miguel Hidalgo led the revolution for what country?

34 A:100

35 Q: 200 Toussaint L’Ouverture was in what social class growing up?

36 A: 200

37 Q: 300 Toussaint L’Ouverture led revolts to gain independence from what country?

38 A: 300

39 Q: 400 What was the “Cry of Dolores” and what was its significance?

40 A: 400 The “Cry of Dolores” is a famous speech given by Father Miguel Hidalgo which motivated the people of Dolores to begin a revolution. This is also the day Mexico celebrates its independence day.

41 Q: 500 On the map, identify the countries that Simon Bolivar helped to liberate from Spain.

42 A: 500 Panama Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peru Bolivia Liberated by Simon Bolivar

43 Q:100 The Zapatistas are a group of people fighting for the rights of indigenous people in what country?

44 A: 100

45 Q: 200 It has been reported that the CIA has made 638 assassination attempts on the man in this picture. Who is he and what was his role?

46 A: 200 Fidel Castro established Cuba as a communist country in 1959 after the Cuban Revolution. In 2008, due to illness Fidel Castro transferred power to his brother Raul Castro.

47 Q: 300 Who was the dictator of Cuba before Fidel Castro?

48 A: 300

49 Q: 400 How did the Cuban Revolution impact the United States? How did it impact Cuban citizens?

50 A: 400 -The Cuban Revolution resulted in a communist government led by dictator Fidel Castro. As a result, American businesses were taken over by the Cuban government. The U.S. imposed an embargo on Cuba that is still in affect today. Americans can not travel to or trade with Cuba -Cuban citizens had less political freedom. The government censored the media and imprisoned people who opposed the government. However, healthcare and education did improve. Cuba remains a very poor country (based on its GDP per capita).

51 Q: 500 What is NAFTA? Explain why the Zapatistas are against NAFTA.

52 A: 500 –NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) NAFTA allows free trade between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. –The Zapatistas felt that NAFTA would only benefit the rich and exclude the poor. –They thought NAFTA would allow cheap farm goods into Mexico from the U.S. and the Mexican farmers would not be able to compete with the cheaper food.

53 Q: 100 ___________ is the sharing of goods, ideas, and diseases between the “New World” and the “Old World.”

54 A: 100

55 Q: 200 Name the explorer who never actually sailed himself, but was known for starting the School of Navigation.

56 A: 200 Prince Henry the Navigator

57 Q: 300 What district is Katniss Everdeen from in the Hunger Games?

58 A: 300 12

59 Q: 400 Explain the difference between a parliamentary democracy and a presidential democracy and give an example of each.

60 A: 400 The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada have a parliamentary system. The United States has a presidential system.

61 Q: 500 Explain the three types of government and give an example of each

62 A: 500 1.Autocracy- Rule by one person, no citizen participation Dictatorship (Stalin); Absolute Monarchy (Czar Nicholas II) 2. Oligarchy- Rule by a group, very little citizen participation ex. Bolsheviks and the provisional government after the Russian Revolution 3. Democracy- Rule by everyone (representative democracies include parliamentary and presidential) ex. U.S.

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