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Social Responsibility Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi~

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Presentation on theme: "Social Responsibility Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi~"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Responsibility Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi~

2 What do you think are today’s most pressing Global Issues? Turn and talk (2 min.) Share with whole group (2 min.) Today…we are going to ask for your help with ONE of these. ▫ (1:05)

3 Did anyone guess this? What exactly is hunger? M (1:35) M Summarize what you just saw in these two video clips. Share.

4 Is hunger just a global issue? (No. It is also an American issue.) Hungry children suffer. And 16 million kids in America aren't getting the food they need. 1 in 5 U.S. kids don't get the food they need. Source: (2016) (2:11) Summarize what you just saw in this video clip. Share.

5 SO… What can we do???? Join us (May 21, 2016) in the Avondale school district to help feed kids in Haiti and at the Baldwin Center, right here in Oakland County, by supporting Kids Against Hunger …

6 Why Haiti? In 2012, Hurricane Sandy devastated southern Haiti, leaving over 18,000 families homeless. “This is a disaster of major proportions,” Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe told the Associated Press. “The whole south is under water.”

7 Avondale knows Haiti: Mr. Henderson/Mission of Hope Since Hurricane Sandy struck, Teams of AHS students, led by AHS teacher Mr. Todd Henderson (along with Mission of Hope), began working in Haiti over breaks and summers.

8 We want you! Avondale Helps Feed Kids Kids Against Hunger Join us on May 21 st, as the we, the Avondale community, help fight hunger. Not just across the globe, but also in our backyard. AFmPhw AFmPhw (3:05) Take home a flier with the info. Sign up online. Your $5.00 can help feed our neighbors here and across the globe. Your time helping assemble the food packages is priceless.

9 Remember, take home the flier, and if you can help on May 21 st at Avondale High School, register on-line at the AHS website or at address given on flier. ~You will sign up for a one hour shift; why not get your friends to work alongside you?~ What do you think? What questions do you still have? Fill out the I Used to Think/Now I Think page and share with a partner, small group, and your Round-up class.

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