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Georgia Mavrodi James Madison University & RSCAS, EUI Greeks are Coming to Town: The new Greek migration to Turkey Migration Working.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Mavrodi James Madison University & RSCAS, EUI Greeks are Coming to Town: The new Greek migration to Turkey Migration Working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Mavrodi James Madison University & RSCAS, EUI Greeks are Coming to Town: The new Greek migration to Turkey Migration Working Group RSCAS, European University Institute 12 January 2011

2 Outline  Greece, Turkey, and the study of contemporary European migration  Mapping out the phenomenon: some preliminary data  Contemporary migration developments in a wider historical context  Concluding remarks

3 Greece, Turkey, and the study of contemporary European migration Emigration from the EU in the 2000s High-skilled European emigration: theoretical frameworks High-skilled Greek emigration (Lambrianidis et al 2010)

4 Greece, Turkey, and the study of contemporary European migration Turkey as a country of emigration, transit, and immigration Migratory systems and motives for migration Migration, international relations, European integration and identity

5 Mapping out the phenomenon  What do we know?  Greek new migrant presence in Istanbul  Profile  Categories of occupation  Migration tendencies & factors  Latest coverage

6 Some preliminary data CARIM TURKSTAT Central Bank of Turkey

7 Table I: Greek citizens arriving in & departing from Turkey, 2000-2006 Source: CARIM, (Data on this table compiled by the author) Year2000200120022003200420052006 Entries218092189028279751393399491300584784412819 Departur es 225123169203245484382990473559566194407167 Net Total-703119825342671040917741185905652

8 Table II: Residence permits issued to Greek citizens in Turkey (2005) Source: CARIM 2005/ Central Bank of Turkey Permits for workin g purpos es Tourism Private schools - Langua ge instruct ors Private sector Public sector Academ ics Journali sm OtherTotal 361391632622791 Permits for studyin g purpos es Primary, Junior & Highsch ool Undergr aduate Graduat e (MA, PhD) Langua ge classes Other courses 1520123732462799 Other categor ies of residen ce permits Marriag e to Turkish citizen Relative s with residen ce permits Relative s of Turkish nationali ty TouristClergyOther 8429042132909462934 All categor ies 6524

9 Historical legacies of Greek migrations in the eastern Mediterranean: a framework  Late 18 th to early 20 th Centuries: goods, communications, people  The network of Greek diaspora communities in eastern Mediterranean: mobility, economic activity, social characteristics  Changing economic, political and social dynamics

10 Historical legacies of Greek migrations in the eastern Mediterranean: a framework  The 20 th Century: shrinking of the Greek diaspora in eastern Mediterranean & new worldwide geographical expansion  Refugee movements, memory and identity  Is there a link between historical legacies and new (e)migrations?

11 Concluding remarks  Contemporary (e)migration movements in context  Alternative frameworks of understanding and analysing the new Greek migration to Turkey  The need for accessible, reliable & comparable data  History, migration, identity

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