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Dr Deepak Shikarpur District Governor 2013-14.  District governor provides leadership, motivation, and guidance to Rotary clubs in specified RI District.

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1 Dr Deepak Shikarpur District Governor 2013-14

2  District governor provides leadership, motivation, and guidance to Rotary clubs in specified RI District under the general supervision of the RI President and the RI Board of Directors.  Governors act as officers of RI, fostering achievement in their district at the club level.

3  Analyze the district's strengths and weaknesses  Review the existing district's organization and club administrative framework  Attend district meetings and effectively participate in district committees  Select a site for the district conference to be held in 2014

4  Discuss and Set annual district goals  Conduct district meetings, including the district team training seminar, presidents- elect training seminar, and district assembly  Plan the District Conference with the help of his CLUB

5  Strengthen existing Rotary clubs, organize new clubs, and promote membership growth  Issue a monthly letter to each club president and secretary in the district (GML)  Visit all the Rotary Clubs in the District and promote Rotary Programs to clubs  Support The Rotary Foundation and serve as a district and RI spokesperson, when appropriate  Hold a district conference and other district meetings  Ensure that district nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with the RI Constitution and Bylaws and established policies of RI

6  Improve Visibility of Rotary in all sections of the society.  Bring in Corporate sector with resources (funds, expertise and membership). Promote Corporate memberships.  Involve NGO’s for making community service more effective.  Involve Family of Rotary in Youth counseling/mentorship.  Transparent District Administration with use of technology  Create a bridge between Strong and weak clubs

7  DG Installation (Sunday June 30, 2013)  District Conference (Friday-Sunday February 7-9, 2014)  District Awards (Sunday June 15,2014)

8  Joint Installation of club board and DG.  Grand success of this event will boost image of the club at a grandeur scale.  Date Sunday June 30, 2013.  Expected audience 300-400.  Chief Guest (RI officer or a celebrity) ???  Suggestions  90-120 minute event ending with Lunch  Venue : SIMS, PYC, Bal Shikshan Mandir. IMED or any auditorium with comfortable seating and lunch thereafter

9  Reception  Stage/floral arrangement  Catering (tea/coffee/lunch)  Invitation  Computer LCD and Audio/visual  VIP guests hosting  Mementoes/gifts  PR/Photography/video  Security/Volunteers  Publication ( Bulletin PUSH)


11  3 day weekend event in February 2014. (February 7-9) Friday late noon inauguration followed by dinner until Lunch Sunday.  Location : Pune  Delegates : 1500-2000 (for inauguration, fellowships, entertainment programs and meals) Meeting audience 500-600.  Venues : A open land (like Gharkul lawns) or Hotel + open land (Hotel VITS, Pancard club) or ganesh krida (fellowship/dinner at a nearby lawn)  A five star hotel (Marriot) provided budgets and infrastructure is within our reach  Delegate fee appx Rs 4000 per delegate. Rs 7000 per couple. (District Conference 2011 fees are Rs 3000 per head and Rs 5800 per couple).  District Conference venues  2011 Mahableshwar  2012 Laxmi lawns magarpatta  2013 Panvel/vashi/khandala (assumed)

12  Rotary Leaders  Motivational speakers  Corporate leaders who can inspire all  Eminent social workers  Film personalities  Religious/spiritual orators  Sports personalities who can motivate and speak well  Cultural events (normally in the evenings)

13  Venue  Registration  Reception  Accommodation  Transport  Publication  Audio Visual  Sponsorships  Exhibition  Stage  Inauguration program  Statutory Permissions  Program  Catering  Cultural events  VIPS, Faculty/Guest Relations  Fellowship  Mementos  PR  Security/Volunteers  Health/first aid  Finance  Conference promotion

14  Appointment of Conference leadership team  CounselorPDG Dr Mukund Abhyankar  ChairmanPP Shirish Kshirsagar  SecretaryPP Ujwal Marathe

15  Last District event of the DG year hosted by RCPS funded by District General Fund.  Date Sunday June 15,2014  3 hour event ending with lunch  Expected audience 300-400. Venue : SIMS, PYC or Bal Shikshan Mandir Mayur Colony  District awards team will do the selection for awards.

16  Reception  Stage/floral arrangement  Catering (tea/coffee/lunch)  Invitation  Computer LCD and Audio/visual  VIP guests hosting  Mementoes/gifts/awards/trophies  PR/Photography  Security/Volunteers  Publication ( Bulletin PUSH)


18  Regular club programs will continue as it is.  Service projects, ekankika, bulletin competition, Cultural event fund raisers etc will continue.  We need to focus all our energies and resources to make District Conference a grand success.  Club can do fund raising at the district conference by publishing a souvenir, booking exhibition stalls etc.  Surplus from District Conference will be transferred to District General Fund. Club can specify a particular program for which it can use the surplus (awards/trophies, rotary foundation, polio, disaster management etc).

19  Start taking interest in district activities  Visit other clubs as RCPS ambassadors  Address smaller clubs as speakers in your area of interest.  Build friendships and goodwill for the club  Plan to spend more time and resources in the Rotary year 2013-14.  Suggest new ideas to DG (conference speakers, projects etc)  Participate wholeheartedly in your area of interest  This opportunity has come to RCPS after 23 years.  Let us make it a year to be remembered forever.


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