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History of Medicine Review. Rene Laennec Birth Control Pills.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Medicine Review. Rene Laennec Birth Control Pills."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Medicine Review

2 Rene Laennec

3 Birth Control Pills

4 Elizabeth Blackwell

5 Gabriel Farenheit

6 Louis Pasteur


8 Clara Barton

9 Sigmund Freud

10 Sir Alexander Fleming

11 Joseph Lister

12 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

13 Walter Reed

14 Benjamin Franklin

15 Oldest Surgery this done today

16 Wilhelm Roentgen

17 Edward Jenner

18 Hippocrates

19 Invented the stethoscope

20 Were approved by FDA in 1960

21 Invented the mercury Thermometer

22 First Female Physician

23 Virus causing Aids was identified in 1984

24 Father of psychiatry and psychology Studies form basis of psychology and psychiatry

25 Founded the American Red Cross

26 Discovered Penicillin

27 Used antiseptics and disinfectants during surgery to prevent infection

28 Invented the microscope

29 Demonstrated the mosquitoes carried yellow fever

30 Invented bifocals for glasses

31 Trepanation or trephining

32 Known as the modern founder of nursing

33 Discovered X-rays

34 Developed a vaccination for small pox

35 Known at the father of medicine

36 Proved that microorganisms caused disease

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