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Published byJemimah Dickerson Modified over 8 years ago
ALICE Performance in p+p collisions Possible HI plan at LHC Prospects of ALICE in Pb+Pb collisions ALICE upgrade plan, physics for upgrades and timeline › Completion of EMCAL/TRD(/PHOS) › Trigger Plan › DCAL › VHMPID › ITS-vertex › FoCAL Summary and Outlook 2
ALICE demonstrated wide capabilities to measure soft & hard probes. 3 K p J/
Studying QGP Era (MB) 2010 (official) - s NN = 2.76 TeV Pb + Pb (4 weeks) L~10 25 cm -2 s -1 2011 (anticipated)-√s NN = 2.76 TeV Pb + Pb (4 weeks) L ~ few 10 26 cm -2 s -1 2012 (official) – Shutdown for maintenance, installation & repair 2013 - s NN = 5.5 TeV Pb + Pb, L~10 27 cm -2 s -1 2014 - s NN = 5.5 TeV Pb + Pb, L~10 27 cm -2 s -1 Control experiments 2015 – s NN = 8.8 TeV p + Pb & Pb + p or lighter A + A 2016 – Shutdown – LINAC4 /Collimation/RF & detector upgrade 2017 – s NN = 5.5 TeV lighter A + A or √s NN = 8.8TeV p+Pb/Pb+p Detail Studying Era (rare probes) 2018 – s NN = 5.5 TeV high L Pb + Pb for hard probe physics 2019 – s NN = 5.5 TeV high L Pb + Pb for hard probe physics 2020 – Shutdown – …. upgrades 4
ALICE Potential in (First) Pb+Pb collisions › Collect ~1.5x10 7 (2010) – 10 8 (2011) MB events Global event properties (10 5 Pb+Pb events) Multiplicity, charged particle spectra, elliptic flow, Space-time evolution (10 6 Pb+Pb events) identified spectra/flow, resonances, particle ratio, correlation, high-pT, Jets and heavy favors (10 7 Pb+Pb events) energy loss, color screening 5
Upgrade plans to enrich the physics capabilities › short( 2016) On going upgrades: › Completion of EMCal(2010), TRD(2011-2012), (PHOS) › Di-jet Calorimeter (DCAL) (2011-2012) Future › TPC fast readout upgrade using new gas/electronics › Very high momentum particle identification (VHMPID) › 2 nd generation of vertex detectors (ITS) › Forward Calorimeter (FoCAL) › Backward Tracking vertex detectors before muon arm › DAQ/HLT Upgrade (DDL-SIU interface, new IO bus, etc) 6
Timeline for the upgrades › (of course, the schedule could be changed…) 7 <201220132014201520162017201820192020 EMCAL/TRD DCAL VHMPID ITS upgrade FOCAL TPC DAQ Full installationPartial installation ready
Full installation of EMCal (2010), TRD(2011-2012) 8 ITS TPC TRD TOF EMCAL PHOS/DCAL HMPID L3 Magnet ITS TPC TRD TOF EMCAL PHOS HMPID L3 Magnet Setup for 2011Setup for 2013
Possible Trigger plan for ALICE › Minimum Bias : “V0OR” or “SPD” › Rare Trigger : Centrality trigger: SPD High pT Trigger : TRD, VHMPID Jet Trigger: EMCAL, PHOS, DCAL Electron/Quarkonia Trigger: TRD Ultra-peripheral : TOF, TRD High Level Trigger: High multiplicity High pT particle (two particle), jets Invariant mass High pT J/psi High pT open charm 9 EMCAL L0 trig.
60% extension of EMCal acceptance Incorporate PHOS and DCAL modules to produce a single, large EM calorimeter patch back-to-back with EMCAL. › x = 1.4 x 0.7 10 Project Institution Catania, CERN, Franscati, Grenoble, INFN, Jyväskylä Nantes, Stranbourg, Tsukuba, ORNL, LBNL, Yale, Huston,LANL Wuhan PHOS DCAL VHMPID
Study of the parton energy loss by taking the correlation with EMCAL › -jets : quark jets › di-jets, 0 -jets: mostly gluon jets › controllable variable: “Path length” 11 M. Ploskon, QM09
Improve jet energy balance › Balance = (E1-E2)/0.5*(E1+E2) Annual yield › Up to 100 GeV in pi0-jets and di-jets › Up to 30 GeV in -jets 10 3 Qhat=0 GeV 2 /fm Qhat=20 Qhat=50 E th > 20 GeV E th > 40 GeV 12
13 1 SM in Tsukuba Infra preparation is on going. Beamtest of EMCAL-Tower at CERN (PS/SPS on Aug. 2011) Assembled in Japan/Italy Assembled in Grenoble/Nantes
Study of flavor dependence of particle production in A+A › Energy loss for quark/gluon jets › Modification of hadronization › PID tagged jet tomography Extension of PID capability › Upgrade based on HMPID › Installation in ~2015 14 Project Institution CERN, Chicago, Yale, Pusan, Eotvos Univ., KFKI, INFN Bari, Puebla, ICN(Mexico), Univ. Mexico MEX VHMPID PHOS DCAL
Focusing RICH with spherical (or parabolic) mirrors C 4 F 10 gas radiator L=80 cm, th ~19 Photon detector baseline option: MWPC with CsI photocathode Thick-GEM with CsI photo-converter High pT trigger development 15 ~ 3 separation ! K p cut on no. of photons 16 GeV 30 GeV
x2 Improve the impact parameter resolution › x100 increase in charm sensitivity › access to charmed baryons › exclusive B decays and total B production cross section down to P T ~0 › Improve flavor tagging. Thinner/smaller beam pipe › r=2.9cm -> 2-2.5cm, r=800um -> 500-600um New pixel technology › 6-> 7 layers, replace SDD -> SPD › Thinner (<200um + 150um) › Higher granularity (<150um x 450um) › “Hybrid active pixel detectors” or › “Monolithic active pixel detectors (MAPS/MIMOSA/LePIX)“ TPC SSD SDD SPD 16
Forward Physics at LHC › Parton PDF in proton/nuclei at small –x Gluon Shadowing Gluon Saturation, CGC › Elliptic Flow in A+A › Long-Range rapidity correlation: Ridge phenomena Important information for the initial stage of collisions/thermalization. › Initial state/Glasma formation Fully exploit the opportunity offered by the LHC to access the small-x region & large saturation scale by going to forward rapidity. 17 arXiv:0802.0139 From K.Itakura
Some hints from RHIC for CGC › Forward hadron production in d+Au › De-correlation of recoil jets in d+Au › Suppression of away side of e-mu correlation in d+Au (mu@small-x) › Suppression of forward J/psi in d+Au Important to measure photon/pi0 from hard process at forward rapidity 18 BRAHMS, NPA757(2005)1 PHENIX, T. Engelmore, APS2010
(x, Q 2 ) map covered by FoCAL Measurement items › 0, prompt at =2.5~4.5 in p+p/p+A › 0 -jets or dijets in p+p/p+A › Inclusive photons/ 0 (in A+A) Stage 1 (z=3.5m, 2.5< <4.5) in 2016 Stage 2 (4.5< <6) in 2020. 19 Project Institution CNS Tokyo, Yonsei, Kolkata, Mumbai, Jammu, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Prague Jyväskylä, Copenhagen, Bergen, Oak Ridge, Nantes, Jaipur
Segmented EM (W+Si) Calorimeter › 21 layers (~21X 0 ) of W(~3.5mm) +Si pad (~1x1cm 2 ) › Si strip for / 0 separation › Fine pixel readout and digital readout (MAPS, MIMOSA) › <~300 towers in total Simulation/R&D are on going. 20 One tower config. (9cm x 9cm x ~10cm) Size: 9x9 cm 2 Thickness: 535 m Pad size: 1.1x1.1 cm 2 Number of pads : 64 Pi0 in p+Pb by HIJING
ALICE has a powerful potential for the study of QGP in heavy ion collisions. › Successfully commissioned and excellent performance in p+p collisions. Ready to explore “a new QGP world”!! ALICE started working for detector upgrades to enrich the physics capabilities. › Short term plan Completion of TRD/EMCAL/(PHOS) Di-jet calorimeter › Mid/Long term plan Very High Momentum Particle ID Inner Vertex Tracker Forward Calorimeter Stay tuned the outcomes from LHC-ALICE!! 21
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