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1.  ALICE Performance in p+p collisions  Possible HI plan at LHC  Prospects of ALICE in Pb+Pb collisions  ALICE upgrade plan, physics for upgrades.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  ALICE Performance in p+p collisions  Possible HI plan at LHC  Prospects of ALICE in Pb+Pb collisions  ALICE upgrade plan, physics for upgrades."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  ALICE Performance in p+p collisions  Possible HI plan at LHC  Prospects of ALICE in Pb+Pb collisions  ALICE upgrade plan, physics for upgrades and timeline › Completion of EMCAL/TRD(/PHOS) › Trigger Plan › DCAL › VHMPID › ITS-vertex › FoCAL  Summary and Outlook 2

3  ALICE demonstrated wide capabilities to measure soft & hard probes. 3  K p  J/ 

4 Studying QGP Era (MB) 2010 (official) -  s NN = 2.76 TeV Pb + Pb (4 weeks) L~10 25 cm -2 s -1 2011 (anticipated)-√s NN = 2.76 TeV Pb + Pb (4 weeks) L ~ few 10 26 cm -2 s -1 2012 (official) – Shutdown for maintenance, installation & repair 2013 -  s NN = 5.5 TeV Pb + Pb, L~10 27 cm -2 s -1 2014 -  s NN = 5.5 TeV Pb + Pb, L~10 27 cm -2 s -1 Control experiments 2015 –  s NN = 8.8 TeV p + Pb & Pb + p or lighter A + A 2016 – Shutdown – LINAC4 /Collimation/RF & detector upgrade 2017 –  s NN = 5.5 TeV lighter A + A or √s NN = 8.8TeV p+Pb/Pb+p Detail Studying Era (rare probes) 2018 –  s NN = 5.5 TeV high L Pb + Pb for hard probe physics 2019 –  s NN = 5.5 TeV high L Pb + Pb for hard probe physics 2020 – Shutdown – …. upgrades 4

5  ALICE Potential in (First) Pb+Pb collisions › Collect ~1.5x10 7 (2010) – 10 8 (2011) MB events  Global event properties (10 5 Pb+Pb events)  Multiplicity, charged particle spectra, elliptic flow,  Space-time evolution (10 6 Pb+Pb events)  identified spectra/flow, resonances, particle ratio, correlation,  high-pT, Jets and heavy favors (10 7 Pb+Pb events)  energy loss, color screening 5

6  Upgrade plans to enrich the physics capabilities › short( 2016)  On going upgrades: › Completion of EMCal(2010), TRD(2011-2012), (PHOS) › Di-jet Calorimeter (DCAL) (2011-2012)  Future › TPC fast readout upgrade using new gas/electronics › Very high momentum particle identification (VHMPID) › 2 nd generation of vertex detectors (ITS) › Forward Calorimeter (FoCAL) › Backward Tracking vertex detectors before muon arm › DAQ/HLT Upgrade (DDL-SIU interface, new IO bus, etc) 6

7  Timeline for the upgrades › (of course, the schedule could be changed…) 7 <201220132014201520162017201820192020 EMCAL/TRD DCAL VHMPID ITS upgrade FOCAL TPC DAQ Full installationPartial installation ready

8  Full installation of EMCal (2010), TRD(2011-2012) 8 ITS TPC TRD TOF EMCAL PHOS/DCAL HMPID L3 Magnet ITS TPC TRD TOF EMCAL PHOS HMPID L3 Magnet Setup for 2011Setup for 2013

9  Possible Trigger plan for ALICE › Minimum Bias : “V0OR” or “SPD” › Rare Trigger :  Centrality trigger: SPD  High pT Trigger : TRD, VHMPID  Jet Trigger: EMCAL, PHOS, DCAL  Electron/Quarkonia Trigger: TRD  Ultra-peripheral : TOF, TRD  High Level Trigger:  High multiplicity  High pT particle (two particle), jets  Invariant mass  High pT J/psi  High pT open charm 9 EMCAL L0 trig.

10  60% extension of EMCal acceptance  Incorporate PHOS and DCAL modules to produce a single, large EM calorimeter patch back-to-back with EMCAL. ›  x  = 1.4 x 0.7 10 Project Institution Catania, CERN, Franscati, Grenoble, INFN, Jyväskylä Nantes, Stranbourg, Tsukuba, ORNL, LBNL, Yale, Huston,LANL Wuhan PHOS DCAL VHMPID

11  Study of the parton energy loss by taking the correlation with EMCAL ›  -jets : quark jets › di-jets,  0 -jets: mostly gluon jets › controllable variable: “Path length” 11 M. Ploskon, QM09

12  Improve jet energy balance › Balance = (E1-E2)/0.5*(E1+E2)  Annual yield › Up to 100 GeV in pi0-jets and di-jets › Up to 30 GeV in  -jets 10 3 Qhat=0 GeV 2 /fm Qhat=20 Qhat=50 E  th > 20 GeV E  th > 40 GeV 12

13 13 1 SM in Tsukuba Infra preparation is on going. Beamtest of EMCAL-Tower at CERN (PS/SPS on Aug. 2011) Assembled in Japan/Italy Assembled in Grenoble/Nantes

14  Study of flavor dependence of particle production in A+A › Energy loss for quark/gluon jets › Modification of hadronization › PID tagged jet tomography  Extension of PID capability › Upgrade based on HMPID › Installation in ~2015 14 Project Institution CERN, Chicago, Yale, Pusan, Eotvos Univ., KFKI, INFN Bari, Puebla, ICN(Mexico), Univ. Mexico MEX VHMPID PHOS DCAL

15  Focusing RICH with spherical (or parabolic) mirrors  C 4 F 10 gas radiator L=80 cm,  th ~19  Photon detector baseline option:  MWPC with CsI photocathode  Thick-GEM with CsI photo-converter  High pT trigger development 15 ~ 3  separation ! K  p cut on no. of photons 16 GeV 30 GeV

16  x2 Improve the impact parameter resolution › x100 increase in charm sensitivity › access to charmed baryons › exclusive B decays and total B production cross section down to P T ~0 › Improve flavor tagging.  Thinner/smaller beam pipe › r=2.9cm -> 2-2.5cm,  r=800um -> 500-600um  New pixel technology › 6-> 7 layers, replace SDD -> SPD › Thinner (<200um + 150um) › Higher granularity (<150um x 450um) › “Hybrid active pixel detectors” or › “Monolithic active pixel detectors (MAPS/MIMOSA/LePIX)“ TPC SSD SDD SPD 16

17  Forward Physics at LHC › Parton PDF in proton/nuclei at small –x  Gluon Shadowing  Gluon Saturation, CGC › Elliptic Flow in A+A › Long-Range rapidity correlation:  Ridge phenomena  Important information for the initial stage of collisions/thermalization. › Initial state/Glasma formation  Fully exploit the opportunity offered by the LHC to access the small-x region & large saturation scale by going to forward rapidity. 17 arXiv:0802.0139 From K.Itakura

18  Some hints from RHIC for CGC › Forward hadron production in d+Au › De-correlation of recoil jets in d+Au › Suppression of away side of e-mu correlation in d+Au (mu@small-x) › Suppression of forward J/psi in d+Au  Important to measure photon/pi0 from hard process at forward rapidity 18 BRAHMS, NPA757(2005)1 PHENIX, T. Engelmore, APS2010

19  (x, Q 2 ) map covered by FoCAL  Measurement items ›  0, prompt  at  =2.5~4.5 in p+p/p+A ›  0 -jets or dijets in p+p/p+A › Inclusive photons/  0 (in A+A)  Stage 1 (z=3.5m, 2.5<  <4.5) in 2016  Stage 2 (4.5<  <6) in 2020. 19 Project Institution CNS Tokyo, Yonsei, Kolkata, Mumbai, Jammu, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Prague Jyväskylä, Copenhagen, Bergen, Oak Ridge, Nantes, Jaipur

20  Segmented EM (W+Si) Calorimeter › 21 layers (~21X 0 ) of W(~3.5mm) +Si pad (~1x1cm 2 ) › Si strip for  /  0 separation › Fine pixel readout and digital readout (MAPS, MIMOSA) › <~300 towers in total  Simulation/R&D are on going. 20 One tower config. (9cm x 9cm x ~10cm) Size: 9x9 cm 2 Thickness: 535  m Pad size: 1.1x1.1 cm 2 Number of pads : 64 Pi0 in p+Pb by HIJING

21  ALICE has a powerful potential for the study of QGP in heavy ion collisions. › Successfully commissioned and excellent performance in p+p collisions. Ready to explore “a new QGP world”!!  ALICE started working for detector upgrades to enrich the physics capabilities. › Short term plan  Completion of TRD/EMCAL/(PHOS)  Di-jet calorimeter › Mid/Long term plan  Very High Momentum Particle ID  Inner Vertex Tracker  Forward Calorimeter  Stay tuned the outcomes from LHC-ALICE!! 21

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