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Famous Mathematician by: your name here Name of your mathematician here and picture of your person (Your project must be at least 6 slides and include.

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Presentation on theme: "Famous Mathematician by: your name here Name of your mathematician here and picture of your person (Your project must be at least 6 slides and include."— Presentation transcript:

1 Famous Mathematician by: your name here Name of your mathematician here and picture of your person (Your project must be at least 6 slides and include the following information)

2 Background information  Date born  Where was he/she born  Parents name  Schooling  When did he/she die  What was he/she famous for

3 Famous for: name here  Explain what your person was famous for on one or two slides  (Include pictures at any time)

4 How we use your persons information today.  Explain here

5 Any other interesting information about your person.  List here

6 Famous Mathematician to pick from  Ada Lovelace  Benjamin Bahneker  Archimedes  Charles Babbage  Rene Descartes  Leonardo of Pisa (Pisano)  Blaise Pascal  Pythagoras  Augustin Louis Cauchy Augustin Louis Cauchy

7 More names  Augustin Louis Cauchy Augustin Louis Cauchy  Albert Einstein Albert Einstein  Jean Baptiste Jean Baptiste  Joseph Fourier Joseph Fourier  Carl Friedrich Gauss Carl Friedrich Gauss  David Hilbert David Hilbert  Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi  Pierre-Simon Laplace Pierre-Simon Laplace

8 More  Andrei Andreyevich Markov Andrei Andreyevich Markov  Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton  Carle David Tolm Runge Carle David Tolm Runge  George Gabriel Stokes Alan Mathison Turing George Gabriel StokesAlan Mathison Turing  Or one of your choice

9 Get started…  Google your persons name or  Google: famous mathematicians  Enjoy learning about your person  You will present your information in class.

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