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Extension: What ‘nature’ factors may influence gender behaviour? Discuss whether gender behaviour is a result of nature or nurture. Explain your answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Extension: What ‘nature’ factors may influence gender behaviour? Discuss whether gender behaviour is a result of nature or nurture. Explain your answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension: What ‘nature’ factors may influence gender behaviour? Discuss whether gender behaviour is a result of nature or nurture. Explain your answer.

2 Biological influences on gender The role of hormones and genes in gender development Pages 196-200

3 Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able; To be able to describe the role of genes and hormones in developing gender behaviour. To apply this understanding.

4 What makes a baby a girl or a boy? GenesHormonesBrain function

5 Genes Extension: How would this difference influence hormones? What effect might these hormones have on behaviour? What is the main genetic difference between males and females? Put this in your notes It is important to note that the development of biological sex is determined by the Y chromosome which, if present, is responsible for the interruption of natural female development

6 The developing foetus Male Female Genes – XY chromosomes Genes – XX chromosomes Androgens No androgens Male sex organs Female sex organs TestosteroneOestrogen Brain development Masculine gender behaviourFemale gender behaviour Put this in your notes

7 Note taking (AO1) Use page 197-199 to make notes on: 1) ‘Biological differences to gendered behaviour’. 2) Influence of hormones – Young (1966) - Deady et al (2006) - Rommsayer and Troche (2007) Extension: What influences might hormones have on the brain that can influence gender behaviour?

8 Influence of hormones on the brain (AO1) Males tend to have a thicker right hemisphere in the brain, which is likely to be because of the role of testosterone. The right side of the brain controls visual-spatial skills (Geshwind and Galaburda, 1987). The connection between the left and right hemisphere of the brain is better in females, which is likely to be because of the action of pre-natal hormones. This can influence verbal- reasoning skills (Driesen and Raz, 1995). What examples of these types of behaviours can you think of?

9 Influence of hormones on risk taking (AO1) Another gender difference between males and females that can be explained by hormones is risk taking behaviour. The influence of testosterone on the males brain can explain why males are found to be more willing to engage in risky behaviour than females. In serious head on collisions, where one driver was going too fast or overtaking inappropriately, the statistics show that the driver is more likely to be a man. Accidents involving women are less impactful as they drive more slowly and are less likely to take risks (Twisk & Stacey 2007)

10 Apply your understanding Create a case study for a fictional individual which uses some of the information from today’s lesson. Your case study should show how the individual’s gender behaviour is being influenced by their genes and hormones. Extension: Extend your case study to include some environmental influences and whether these counteract the biological influences.

11 Learning objectives : You are now able; To be able to describe the role of genes and hormones in developing gender behaviour. To apply this understanding.

12 Homework Due in next lesson: 1)Use the 8 steps for evaluation to write out the following AO2/3 points: Research evidence – using Money and Erhardt, (1972) and Hines (1994). Nature vs. nurture 2) If you have time complete the BBC ‘brain sex’ quiz /add_user.shtml /add_user.shtml Preparation for next lesson: Think about what other AID your AO2 point/s would be relevant.

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