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A personality for every occasion. High Level Actions  Flee  Follow  Attack  Find Light/Roam  Sit and Wait  Hibernate.

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Presentation on theme: "A personality for every occasion. High Level Actions  Flee  Follow  Attack  Find Light/Roam  Sit and Wait  Hibernate."— Presentation transcript:

1 A personality for every occasion

2 High Level Actions  Flee  Follow  Attack  Find Light/Roam  Sit and Wait  Hibernate

3 Flee  If a fast motion is sensed, run away Detects a drastic change in the colors read in a short time Starts playing the warning siren and flashing the light Turns 180 degrees and goes fast for 5 seconds (still avoiding obstacles) Resets the Flee counter

4 Follow  Follow the color blob it “likes” Senses a blob in the color it “likes” Turns and moves toward the blob as it needs to Keeps a short distance away from the blob Play soothing following sounds After 10 seconds of following, reset the Follow counter and resume roaming

5 Attack  Attacks the color blob it doesn’t “like” Senses a color blob it doesn’t “like” Plays an attack sound Moves toward the color blob, not keeping the distance Once at a close range/hitting the target, start timing After 5 seconds of attacking, reset the counter and resume roaming

6 Find Light  Finds a light place in the room for the plant Has a constant ISR for checking the max light seen If the light is bright enough and there are no registered color stimuli, move to Sit and Wait If not bright enough, roam until it is. Plays the environmental sounds

7 Sit and Wait  A high light area has been found and no other stimuli are noticed The plant is deemed to be happy Plays techno and lights up LEDs in a fun manner If a stimulus approaches, it gains priority

8 Hibernate  If the lights are completely out, it sleeps Plays the shutdown sound Turns off all onboard lights Waits until the lights come back on Plays the startup sound Returns to the main loop

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