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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 1a–2c.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 1a–2c."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 1a–2c

2 一、熟练掌握词汇: humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score 二、通过学习,熟练掌握以下句型: 1. A: Mario used to be short, didn’t he? B: Yes, he did. Now he’s tall! 2. A: Did you use to play the piano? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 3. I used to be quiet. 4. I didn’t use to like tests. 三、能用 used to 结构(肯定.否定及疑问句形式)描述人物过去的外貌和性格,并与 现在的外貌和性格做简单的对比。 四、学会谈论人物的发展与变化。

3 Mr. Bean What does he look like ? What is he like ? Appearance Personality

4 short / long straight / curly hair build thin of medium build heavy height tall of medium height short How can we describe people’s appearance? Appearance

5 How can we describe people’s personality? Personality friendly humorous brave outgoing silent quiet serious active helpful funny lovely

6 In the past: He is of medium build. He has long hair. He used to be short. He used to have short hair.

7 She is outgoing. She has long curly hair. In the past: She ___________ be quiet. She ___________ have long straight hair. used to

8 Beckham Beckham used to _______ very playful. He used to _____ blonde hair. be have

9 Harry Potter

10 Can you describe Bob’s friends?

11 Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What are their names? AmyTinaMario

12 Listen again. What did his friends use to look like? 1. Mario used to be _________. He used to wear ___________. 2. Amy used to be __________. She used to have ________ hair. 3. Tina used to have ___________ and _____________ hair. short glasses tall short redcurly

13 Look at the picture in 1a and make conversations. A: Did Mario use to be short? B: Yes, he did. He used to be really short. A: What’s he like now? B: He’s tall now.

14 观察与思考 used to 表示 _____________ ,如果后面跟形容 词,需要在形容词前加 _____ ; 如果后面是实意动词,后面 直接跟动词的 _______ 。 以前,以往 原型 be

15 Listen and check ( ) the words you hear. _____friendly _____humorous _____brave _____outgoing _____silent _____quiet _____serious _____active _____helpful

16 Listen again and complete the chart about how Paula has changed. In the pastNow 1.Paula used to be really ________. She was always silent in class. She wasn’t very __________. She was never brave enough to ask questions. 2. She got good grades in ________. She was also good in ___________. She used to play the _________. 1. Now she’s more interested in _________. She plays __________ almost every day. She’s also on a _______ team. 2. She still plays the ___________ from time to time. quiet outgoing science music class piano sports soccer swim piano

17 Make conversations about Paula using the information in 2a. A: Paula used to be really quiet. B: I know. She was always silent in class.

18 观察与思考: Did you use to play the piano? 你过去常弹钢琴吗? 观察上面句子思考: used to 的一般疑问句是如何构成的? __________________________ 那么否定句呢? ___________________________ 练习: ① Tina used to wear jeans. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定及否定回答) ______Tina _______ _______ wear jeans? Yes, _______ _______. / No, _______ ________. ② I used to like tests. ( 改为否定句 ) I ______ _______ ______ like tests. Did … use to …? didn’t use to … Diduse to she didshe didn’t didn’t use to

19 Group work 同伴之间互相询问过去的相貌、性格和爱好并 记录下来把你伙伴的变化讲给同学们听。


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