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Independent reading task Analysis –learning from our mistakes.

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1 Independent reading task Analysis –learning from our mistakes

2 Exceeds Expectations Clearly Meets Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations (Incomplete) Rather than a traditional writing rubric above, you will be scored on a point system for each of the writing aspects that will follow. It will be a simplistic 5, 3, or 0 value… Awareness of pronoun usage Writes in literary present Enhances examples with well-chosen citations/Properly formatted citations Incorporates sophisticated and subtle techniques to engage the reader/purpose of the writing is clearly evident Paper is virtually error free (conventions beyond spell check –Top Ten)

3 Author’s purpose: The author intends to (what?-verb) for (whom?-audience). Style: The writer’s vocabulary and dialogue use complicates the story because… The writer’s word choice, both in diction and connotation, reveals her attitude toward… Setting: Because the story takes place (describe), it impacts (a character) and otherwise without it, the story may be different. Theme: The repeated motif of _____, develops into the lesson ______.

4 Is your first sentence(s) general? Does your second contain TAG? Do they flow? Quickly scan each sentence for its verb -ran, played, decided (incorrect) -runs, plays, decides (correct) Double check there are no I’s or you’s (1 st or 2 nd person pronouns) in the paragraph. Use correct citations (long/short, character/narrator, in-text/works cited, etc). Do you use story context (and not page number) to intro quote? Edit for the Top Ten

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