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LEADERSHIP; IS IT YOUR POSITION OR YOUR DISPOSITION? Presented by Gigi Chinisci Assistant Director of Admission Albuquerque Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "LEADERSHIP; IS IT YOUR POSITION OR YOUR DISPOSITION? Presented by Gigi Chinisci Assistant Director of Admission Albuquerque Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEADERSHIP; IS IT YOUR POSITION OR YOUR DISPOSITION? Presented by Gigi Chinisci Assistant Director of Admission Albuquerque Academy

2 Learning Objectives Understanding how dispositions have outcomes Being aware that perceptions are our reality Capitalizing on your strengths for better performance


4 What Is My Disposition?

5 Scoring Did you participate and did you choose to answer all of the questions? Did you have fun with this activity? Did you really go with your first response to each question? Are you totally satisfied with your responses to each of the questions?

6 Dealing with Negative People Avoid Participating Let Others Hear Your Optimism Avoid Arguing with the Negativist Listen Objectively to the Negativist’s Message Pose Alternative Solutions


8 What we focus on and put our mental energies into, affect our disposition Ask yourself… When you improve your outlook on life, your life improves in general Look for the positive angle by changing your focus

9 Values


11 Strengths List Able Affectionate Amiable Appreciative Articulate Artistic Athletic Brave Bright Calm Candid Caring Clean Common sense Communicates well Community-minded Compassionate Confident Considerate Cooperative Courteous Creative Curious Daring Dedicated Dependable Determined Diligent Disciplined Eager Effective Efficient Elegant Encouraging Energetic Ethical Excited about life Fair Faithful Family oriented Focused Forgiving Frank Friendly Funny Fun-loving Generous Gentle Giving Global perspective Good cook Good friend Good listener Good parent Good people skills Graceful Grateful Happy Hard worker Healthy Helpful Honest Humorous Inclusive Independent Inspiring Intelligent Joyful Kind Lighthearted Leader Lovable Loving Loyal Mathematical Mature Mechanical Motivating Musical Natural Observant Orderly Organized Open Patient Peaceful Physically fit Positive Professional Prompt Quick learner Quick to smile Reliable Resilient Respectful Responsible Risk-taker Self-reliant Sensitive Spiritual Spontaneous Straightforward Strong Team player Tenacious Tolerant Trusting Truthful Understanding Unselfish Visionary Warm Welcoming

12 Leading Through Adversity

13 Explanatory Style Predicts how you will react to future adversity Your beliefs directly affect your actions

14 Science Behind Positive Psychology The brain has plasticity Happiness gives us a chemical edge 10% genetics, 90% choice

15 Happiness Basics Happiness = Pleasure + Engagement + Purpose

16 Key Disposition Lesson You alone are in charge of, and responsible for, your responses to life


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