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Ballet principles, positions & journal writing prompts.

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1 Ballet principles, positions & journal writing prompts

2 What is Ballet? An artistic form of theatrical dance, in the tradition of classical technique in conjunction with music, mime and décor.

3 Principles of Ballet French language 2 Parts- Barre & Center Ballet dancers use two elements when dancing to help them look soft & light: * Alignment * Pull up or lift through the legs, stretching upward, engaging abdominals

4 Principles of Ballet cont. Turn out- outward rotation of legs and feet Pointe- pointing of the feet- ALWAYS in classical ballet Squareness- keeping shoulders and the hips on the same plane and parallel to each other and the floor Weight distribution- centering over the feet. “foot triangle,” no rolling over

5 Ballet Positions Positions of the feet 1st 3rd2nd 4th5th

6 Ballet Positions Positions of the arms 3rd 1st2nd 5th4th

7 Writing Prompt #1 – 9/14 & 9/15 In the last 2 weeks we have learned about alignment and posture. What have you learned about your personal alignment and posture in your everyday life? How does proper alignment help you in your daily life? How does proper alignment help you with executing ballet steps?

8 Pretend you are a dance critic writing for the El Paso Times. You have just seen 2 performances: FHS Dance Departments Forte Ballroom Group and Fusion Dance Group dancing at the pep rally. Describe the theme and style of each of the dances. What did you think of the costumes and choreography? Were there any dancers that stood out? How would you evaluate the dancers’ energy and facial expressions? What did the dances have in common? What was different? Which one did you like better? Why? Writing Prompt #2 – 9/21 & 9/22

9 Writing Prompt #3 – 10/2 & 10/9 A)Putting together an entire show is a lot of work & a lot of pressure. Tell me about a time when you had a lot going on & felt pressure because many people were relying on you. How did you handle the pressure? B) Twyla Tharp mentions the habits of writers, medical researchers & musicians when they’re creating their work. What are some of your habits when getting things done? Are there bad habits mixed in with the good habits? How could the bad habits affect the outcome? What could you do differently? C)When Twyla is talking about Mozart, she emphasizes that even though he was naturally gifted & talented, he still had to work hard to get the results he got. What could you do to improve your natural gifts & talents? D) Mozarts dad helped him become the musician & composer that he was. Who in your life pushes & encourages you to do your best? In what ways do they do this? E)Twyla mentions The Karate Kid & the “training” Mr. Miyagi has Daniel do in order to learn karate. How is that similar to dance?

10 We have been learning basic ballet technique for the last six weeks. What is your impression of ballet so far? What has been your favorite thing about ballet? What has been the most challenging thing about ballet at this point? Writing Prompt #4– 10/23 & 10/24

11 Writing Prompt #5– 10/23 & 10/24 A. What kind of daily rituals, routines or “working state” do you do? How do they affect your day or your week, etc? B. What are some of the “rituals” & habits we have in dance class? C. Burton Meyer, the entertainment lawyer Twyla mentions on page 20 asks himself, “What’s in it for you?” when it comes to his job & all the time and effort he puts in to what he does. Some may see that as a selfish question while others may see it as a motivation. How do you see it? When it comes to going to school, what’s in it for you? When taking dance, what’s in it for you? When helping around your home or volunteering for service hours? D. When you dread doing something or are afraid to do something, how do you push through and do it anyway? E. What kind of “superstitions” do you have? Why do you think they work or don’t work? F. What are your thoughts about Twylas reasonings behind cutting out her 4 distractions for a week when she needs to get work done? What are some distractions you have in your life? What do you think would happen if you cut them out of your life for a few hours a day? A few days a week?

12 Writing Prompt # – 11/ & 11/ We have been studying Ballet and Modern/Contemporary at the same time for the past 4 weeks. Pretend you are a writer for Dance Magazine. You are writing an article reviewing & comparing the two styles of dance. Describe each style. What do they have in common? How are they different? Which do you like better? Why? If you had to choose one of them to do for the rest of your life, which one would it be? Why?

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