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CERN Cryolab CO 2 cooling for pixel detectors Investigation of heat transfer Christopher Franke, Torsten Köttig, Jihao Wu, Friedrich Haug TE-CRG-CI.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN Cryolab CO 2 cooling for pixel detectors Investigation of heat transfer Christopher Franke, Torsten Köttig, Jihao Wu, Friedrich Haug TE-CRG-CI."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN Cryolab CO 2 cooling for pixel detectors Investigation of heat transfer Christopher Franke, Torsten Köttig, Jihao Wu, Friedrich Haug TE-CRG-CI

2 2 Content: Objectives of the study Objectives of the study Test setup Test setup Measurement conditions Measurement conditions Investigation tube diameter Investigation tube diameter Summary Summary

3 Objectives of the study Experimental verification of 2-phase CO 2 flow regimes and stability criteria of CO 2 flow in minichannels suitable for cooling of the upgraded pixel detector of CMS. Establish a rather comprehensive experimental database in the range of relevant mass flux and heat flux α = f(x,q,G,T sat ). Validation of existing correlations for heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. If necessary, adapt exisiting correlations to the database at the range of interest.

4 4 Test setup 8 Cooling cycle schematic and log(p)-h diagram

5 5 Test setup Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

6 Operating temperatures -40°C to -5°C Mass flow up to 1.5 g/s Heat flux at test section up to 30 kW/m² Tube diameter (test section) up to 2.0 mm Design pressure of the setup 100 bar Cooling power Pulse Tube Cryocooler 150W@225K Insulation vacuum 5 ⋅ 10 -5 mbar Test setup

7 7 flow direction Stainless steel Stainless steel Length of the actual test section (heated part) Length of the actual test section (heated part) l = 0.15 m Inner diameter d i = 1.4 mm Inner diameter d i = 1.4 mm Wall thickness s = 120 μm Wall thickness s = 120 μm Max. heat flow Q TS = 30 W Max. heat flow Q TS = 30 W

8 8 Test setup

9 9

10 10 Measurement conditions 1. Saturation Temperatures: Change in saturation temperature causes a change of the fluid properties which on the other hand influence the flow pattern and heat transfer coefficient respectively! Following fluid properties are used for calculation: Desity ρ (liquid and gas phase) Desity ρ (liquid and gas phase) Dynamic viscosity η (liquid and gas phase) Dynamic viscosity η (liquid and gas phase) Surface tension σ (liquid phase) Surface tension σ (liquid phase) Latent heat of vaporisation h LV Latent heat of vaporisation h LV Proposed temperature levels for measurement: ϑ Sat [°C] -5-10-12-15-20-25-30 T Sat [K] 268,15263,15261,15258,15253,15248,15243,15

11 11 Measurement conditions 1. Saturation Temperature: temperature in °C surface tension in N/m ΔT = 25 K Δσ = 5,4E-3 N/m

12 12 Measurement conditions 2. Mass flow (density): Change in mass flow m and mass flow density G respectively influences the flow pattern which on the other hand determine the heat transfer coeffincient! Proposed mass flow (density) steps for measurement: G [kg/m²s] m [mg/s] 75132,5 150265,1 300530,1 450795,2 6001060,3 7501325,4 9001590,4

13 13 Measurement conditions 2. Mass flow (density):

14 14 Measurement conditions 3. Heat flux test section: Change in heat flux and influences the quality factor where dryout occure. Proposed heat flux levels for measurement: Q TS [W] q TS [kW/m²] 0,50,66 0,751,00 1,01,33 1,251,99 2,03,89 4,15,44 There are 2 theoretical heat flux thresholds: 1. Onset of nucleate boiling q ONB = 1 kW/m² (VDI Wärmeatlas) 2. Critical heat flux q crit = 794 kW/m² (S.S. Kutateladze) Q TS [W] q TS [kW/m²] 7,09,28 10,013,26 20,026,53

15 15 Measurement conditions 3. Heat flux test section:

16 16 Measurement conditions Due to CMS requirements of 150W@5.5m (4.1W@0.15m) at - 12°C, tube diameter 1.4 mm the following measuring plan is proposed. 7x 9x 4 (7) 0,05 ≤ x ≤ 1 Δx ≈ 0,025 = 252 (441) cases T Sat [K] 268,15 -263,15 261,15 -258,15 253,15 -248,15 243,15 Q TS [W] 0,5 0,75 1,0 1,25 2 4,1 7,0 10,0 20,0 G [kg/m²s] 75 150 300 450 600 750 900

17 17 Investigation tube diameter

18 18 Investigation tube diameter

19 19 Investigation tube diameter Inner diameter (average)lowhigh Sample 1 1,4201,3971,442mm Sample 2 1,4331,4101,455mm Sample 3 1,4211,3971,445mm Average (1,2 & 3) 1,424mm Wall thickness (average)lowhigh Sample 1 119,9118,4121,3μm Sample 2 115,4114,3116,4μm Sample 3 117,8117,2118,4μm Average (1,2 & 3) 117,7μm Inner diameter Wall thickness

20 20 Summary ➡ Test session for 1.4 mm inner diameter tube in horizontal orientation (according to CMS requirements) ➡ This results an outcome of 252 (441) cases α = f(x) ➡ Good database for comparison with existing flow maps ➡ Good database for comparison with existing calculation models for heat transfer coefficient ➡ Extensive commissioning and validation of the setup

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